Brandon Mastriona
@TrumpDawg2020Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

right!!! my results still remain the same! fuck you and fuck off!! i will never i repeat never comply!!!!


off with thier heads

let the evil demons fall to their demise! may God have mercy on their souls!

i guess they love the meat?! lol

talj about being racist much!

never supported them and im glad! fuck Chipotle

absolutely 💯. 💯 💯.!!!


Looks like they will be catching hot lead!

Agreed! the demoncrats and rinos have been committing tyranny for decades! they are all trying to cover up their crimes of treason

absolutely 💯!

absolutely 💯. 💯 💯. 💯

Agreed! they will catcy hot lead from everyone i know

Amen! well said!🙏❤🙏

got you patriot

their problem is is they did repea?

oh and go military! we the people win! lol!😂🤣😂🤣

well i believe this super bowl will be eye opening for thevworld! only the wealthy will be there and we will see then demons get arrested?

super bowl sunday will be the shock too the world!!!!

he was in the Hollywood pedo ring! he didn't die from cancer he was executed!

absolutely 💯. 💯 💯.

totally insane! it'll all be okay soon ! God Always Wins 🙏🙏🙏

its happening! 💣🔥💣🔥🙏❤🙏

whoever is playing biden is way younger?

may God put his healing hsnds upon you and work mercifully and swiftly! in Jesus name Amen!🙏❤🙏

i believe the White zhats have taken over all media and social media! actually i believe it's more our military has taken over !