C S Van
2 hours ago

C S Van

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Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

Maybe the most powerful thing I have heard.

Listen until the end.

Trust me it’s worth it.


Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

Well hello everyone. I got banned from#twitter CAn't say I didn't see that one coming. I got banned when Trump did.
Now, I got banned from#EBAY -- that's a little weird
Same day, I got banned from#PayPal
Now, I see I have visited#etsy too often
Talk about#carbonfootprint . It's here already.

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

So, now I'm canned by Ebay and PayPal
Are you freaking serious?😎

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

#desantis is a great governor for#Florida . I don't contest that, but you others, who are saying 'he' should be leading instead of#Trump ---YOU need to leave--YOU are no longer one of us. Signed by a#QPATRIOT --#AmericaFirst#MakeAmericaGreatAgain

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

Okay, been with my kids. Why are there Q ALERTS and they're not posted on Q.pub? inquiring minds wonder...and...I've been watching q.pub. My phone has a 'thing' about Q alerts πŸ€ͺ

I like the way he explains it

God has already won. βœ¨πŸ™πŸΌβœ¨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

The hammer is about to drop on the elected officials that didn’t fight to fix 2020.


Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

If you're thinking about taking the jab, in order to keep your job, muse over this, if, and I say IF the WORST comes to fruition & you are one of the many that 'fall' fata lly to the maladies that this VaX is producing, what good will your job do you? Meanwhile, two part-time jobs is much better than a plot six feet deep.
*Just a thought I believe you should be thinking*

Only followers of this user (@Trumpsara45) can see their posts

expose msm for all there propaganda do your own research and the truth is alway's there, the truth is the only way that we can get anywhere

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

So we are at that perilous point in time where being a Christian, and, or, owning a gun, makes you a threat & coincidentally they want to force, and document, a vaccine? Who wagers that it will become difficult to buy, sell, or even been seen in public#Unvaccinated ?
Anyone else see what I see? Does this not resemble what the#BIBLE warned about? And that alone would make this vaccine#TheMark

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

If you are feeling like everything you ever knew WAS a huge lie
You have just awakened and you are NOT alone
Step by step we will do this
The first step is the hardest: You Recognized The Lies
We cannot 'undo' thousands of years BUT we can make the next thousand BE DIFFERENT because WE ARE AWAKE , and yes, it was a nightmare, but now, you are no longer a slave

Crimes Against Humanity . βš”οΈ
Bill Gates is pure evil...
LOCK HIM UP . βš–οΈ

#902 at 2018-03-10 00:25:15 (UTC+1)
Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT.
Sea to shining sea.

Patriots in control πŸ”₯
πŸ”₯Always were.

God bless. Godspeed brave SEALs πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸΎπŸΎ

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

Lying Lying Lying
Astra Zenca Caught One More Time
'none of these vaccines are actually approved. They are under Emergency Use Authorization, and never went through even the most rudimentary efficacy and safety trials. They didn’t even test the things on animals.'

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

Dear God we're down on our knees, feeling cut, bruised and bent completely out of shape, not knowing which way the next blow is coming, but, all the same, we know it will come.
We're down.
We would be out..............but...........our hand is reaching up, please Father, hear our prayers & as we reach up, please reach down and pull us to our feet so we can be cleansed and whole. Purge our land of the evil ones. Purge our land from the protectors of those that would do evil. Bring justice where there is none. Let our voices be recieved.
Father God, heal this land. Help us to soothe and protect the children. Give us the insight and the mindfulness to love and revere as well as protect our elders. Father God, we've been mortally wounded and we are asking that you grab our hand. Give us aid so we can be the children you would have us be.
All praises be to Thee

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

If you're dry coughing and your throat is irritated
You're killing yourself
the rise in bacterial pneumonia will skyrocket soon along with other goodies such as throat cancer-i don't say this because i want it to be this way-i say it because it Will Be That Way---#FollowTheScience#FollowYourGutInstinct

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

If anyone else has a google phone, when your screen turns green, it does NOT mean your phone is on its last leg. It was an update that did this. Turn your notifications off so your screen doesn't stay on all of the time. It will sting 'ding' but it won't be green-it will be normal again.
Normal? You know? How we want the world to be....#ThankGodForSonsWhoHelpTheirMothers

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

Think.....stock market crash, suIciDes, already have the gun shooting sprees, I see we're one jump from a#GunEO . They're going to try to punish the unvaccinated by stopping the grocery store visits, thus, bringing the#BIBLE to fruition..........They will be neither able to buy nor sell
#TheOnlyWayForwardIsTheMilitary The#GunGrabWillBeTheFinalSlap
#PandamoniumAtTheGrocerySTore and trust me, people you never thought would get the vaccine, WILL. Some...........can't go 48 hours without a grocery store visit. They were told. Everyone was told. Soon..........it will be soon........hold on and buckle up; I see turbulance coming our way It will get worse before it gets better, but, when this is said and done, it, will be glorious.........just hang on.#GodsGotThis#GodsGotYou

Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

I'm not a patient woman. I've never claimed to be. I've raised six children and now have two more...I believe that does qualify me as having some type of patience, but, God help us all, we need some RESOLUTION to this madness. We need JUSTICE. We Need TRUMP back @ wherever he wants his 'house' to be, and most of all, we need God to send His Son to claim His Kingdom.#TheTimeIsAtHand#TheSaintsBeneathTheThrownScream#HowLongMyLordHowLong
WE are THOSE saints
we never thought we'd see this day come, but, there's no denying it, evil has run amuck and is seeking to rule.............#ThisIsTheWarOfArmegeddon & we are surrounded

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

All of [you] that have laughed at us.

All of [you] that have mocked us.

All of [you] that were the first ones to proudly wear a mask.

All of [you] that are the first to line up for the vaccine.

All of [you] that allowed America to robbed and were ok with it.

All of [you] that hate Donald Trump.

All of [you] that hate America.

All of [you] that hate God and the Savior, Jesus Christ.

[Your] time is coming.

Our world begins when [yours] ends. [You're] the thorn in our side that God will finally remove as He has heard the prayers from the righteous.

In Christ's holy name, Amen.

Wife/Mom/Patriot/Here for TRUTH #WWG1WGA #GODWINS

This guy explains EXACTLY what the government did to DESTROY the black family.

Proud widow of Navy Vet 12-15-2020. RIP my Luv!❀ Let his service not be in vain! Health & Life Coach Redpilled since 9/11! #wwg1wga πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Christian Constitutionalist Firm Believer in Guns, God, and Guts MADE America #KAG #AmericaFirst #WWG1WGA_Worldwide

IF you think you can vote Trump IN OFFICE in 2024
AND he was Cheated out of this last election with Voter Fraud
You have to wonder who, or what, is doing your thinking
If you Can't Have a Fair Election in 2020 there will be NO 2024