Shawnee Feather
2 years ago

Shawnee Feather

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

OMG YES!! I remember this perfectly! Argued with my Dad about it. It was in the 90s when St Patricks day fell on a Friday in lent. New Jersey Priests said Catholics could eat corn beef! NY Priests said no! Told him you can still get to heaven if you take a taxi to NJ. He didnt like it. Great awakening for me that this religion is nothing more than a Man Made scam! Thought of it again this year as St Patricks again fell on a Friday in lent!

In response Shawnee Feather to his Publication

Hellooooooooo?? Anyone?

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

He looks like he is posing. Who stands with their jacket open like that giving an unobstructed view of a tie that looks like a barcode?

In response Joyce Williams to her Publication

Thats what I thought... but didnt know if he'd changed his name or something. No explanations?? just poof gone??

In response Phoenix Rizing to her Publication

So you've spoken to him then?

Cause it looks more to me like he got tired of gaming us and left

In response ana coelho to her Publication

I shared this only to comment that this is utter bullshit! Trump ALWAYS had the power to block this BS vaccine and stop thousands from dying or being seriously injured by taking it. He KEEPS spouting on that we should take it. He lost a good many supporters with this entire response to the plandemic. We can want Trump back and still be against some things he does.... so dont bother coming at me over being a fake Trumper. He's got some serious explaining to do on this subject! Still on the Trump train... but moving towards the caboose every time he mentions the vaccine...

In response Shawnee Feather to his Publication

I can spell ... fat fingers!!

In response Jlight 1111 to her Publication

Nothing personal against the poster........ but this video is crap. I I dont need to listen to head banging background music. If people have evidence and facts to back up their claims, they should state those in a clear concise way..Not blast their favorite song in the background. I got thru about 3 minutes.. FF a few times and the music was still blaring. Turned it off. Sucks if the message was important. But Im not into the theatrics.

In response TheBob WhoKnew to his Publication

😡hmmm... all I heard him say is the vaccine is GREAT and we all should get in line for one...

In response Tania VanRiper to his Publication

I follow over 1100 people and STILL see the same 20 posts ALLLLLL day reposted by the same 50 people .. but happily followed you back.

There is no 2022 either! Not a friggen chance I will get off my couch to vote in another election until this entire scam is exposed! Tick tock Trump... might be time to get off your asses and get moving on 'the plan'~

In response Elizabeth Meehling to her Publication

THIS THIS THIS!! he lost another chunk of his base with this go get the shot BULLSHIT!~ Seeing it everywhere!! Beginning to have SERIOUS doubts we arent ALL being played!!

In response Dennis Spivey to his Publication


In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

Can we PLEASE get the hover over bubble in the notifications page so you dont have to click on their profile just to see if you are already following someone who just followed you? Would cut down on interpage traffic!~ Also a back arrow from a clicked on thread that takes you right back to where you were on the main page and not back to the top where you have to start over?? Thank!~~ :)

In response Kobayashi ADMIN to his Publication

PLEASE fix it so you can see this also in your notifications?? So you dont have to go to every persons profile and back 20 times a day... Thank you!~~ GREAT JOB SO FAR!! Appreciate your efforts.

In response Shawnee Feather to his Publication

I get you.. and I will admit to being confused as to what role Qteam wants us to play. Do they want us getting ourselves involved or staying out of it and letting them handle this. He's said both. And sadly, I dont have Trump's cell # so I cannot plan a rally for him. We do however locally line our main st about once a month to show we havent gone away. My part has always been the slow redpilling of those around me. Its the lack of new info and the lack of proof to all our theories about fake PEDOTUS etc.... people need proof not 'we shall see' and 'hold the line'. They are lsoing interest.

In response BumbleBeeZ Patriot to her Publication

First of all, YOU can wait for Gods grand intervention. I prefer to ask those who have advised us of this master plan to GET OFF THEIR ASSES and move it along b4 we completely lose 1/2 our base of Patriots. Im also aware the time table isnt up to me..but I was under the impression that differing opinions are allowed and encouraged here. I could go to twat and get that assinine meme posted to my post. Liberals usually use those tactics to shut down a different perspective, Its beneath you as a Patriot really... But thanks for your input. Maybe Trump NEEDS to hear his base is dwindling?

In response Shawnee Feather to his Publication

And before ANY of you jump in with all the things happening behind the scenes......... Im aware!~ Its not enough anymore. We need to stop the craziness of a Byedan admin and we need these people fucking removed for good!! All this shit is doing is hurting US... His loyal supporters! Why is the plan to hurt the ones who were with you all along? Time to blow the minds of the rest of the world! If they cant handle it......... so be it! Get this shitshow moving before any more of your supporters turn away!!! We can only hold the line for so long!~

In response Samantha Greenwood to her Publication

Little one looks more and more like her real Mother every day

In response Lighthouse 1699 to her Publication

I have the same issue with my spouse.... but thats not what Im talking about. Its US! The woke! The Patriots! Qs Army... sometimes we get so desperate for SOMETHING to be happening, we believe every damn thing posted. No matter where it comes from {{coughbeforeitsnewscough}} .. and forcing 'numbers' to fit a decode. Hell if I tried I could make ANY number work to fit what Im thinking. But some demand what they think is fact.. and its not. Just a bad interpretation of some post or video etc. Then it spreads like wildfire and we all get caught out there looking like fools! ps.. ive done it too.

In response Stormy17 IsHere to her Publication

It does amaze me that people think Trump would wait 4 days after he is out of office to bring kids out of a basement in the WH. for? Optics? I do agree many we see are doubles. Some are real working towards saving themselves, and some are working toward saving their Reps when we hang them. I do have a problem with this 'downtime' when more could be getting done while we wait for dummies to wake up. Unfortunately, it only hurts everyone already woke and on his side. Soooooo much disinfo floating around as fact right now. People should stop believing every little thing you see and hear!

A smartass I am.. emphasis on SMART... I didnt ask you about a glossy monthly magazine. I asked about who owns this social media moniker GEORGE NEWS that is supposedly posting from Marry largo and Trumpy towers.

No sir... I asked for proof or sauce. Not your wild imagination and hopes..

In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication

I would ask that you explain a little better exactly what it is you are linking to. If there are pedo videos there..... this needs to be removed from this site!! It is ILLEGAL to view such content even if you claim its being used to show proof or wake people up.

Is there proof or sauce somewhere about who exactly owns GEORGE NEWS? Id appreciate it if you could share.

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

where can 1 go to read the entire chat logs???

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

Time for everyone to STOP reposting this garbage phony famewhore.. Dry up his pipeline of $ and he goes away! He's been wrong just about every time he's spoken. WHY do Patriots still hang on his every word?

In response The Wise Owl_AZ to his Publication

What is this? Sauce please?

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

In what way Vinny? I see the landscape here in CONUS changing for the worse.. Like in people all over devastated... and physical landscape being leased to CHINA..... Can you elaborate on exactly what you mean? And how you think we are better off today than a month ago?