Fri. 5 Feb. Charlie Ward Updates with Nicholas Veniamin:

#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸
This is such BS full of contradictions. An utter waste if 20 minutes of my life that I cant get back!#rubbish#Propaganda

Time for everyone to STOP reposting this garbage phony famewhore.. Dry up his pipeline of $ and he goes away! He's been wrong just about every time he's spoken. WHY do Patriots still hang on his every word?

I am so happy others are seeing through this Cabal puppet.
I found him when he was pushing that FAKE KING Gregory Hallett aka CIA agent and also the "king of NZ" with native dress.
I called C Ward out on it and had a HELL of a time convincing others that it was CABAL trying to reclaim the UK Throne, since POTUS took out the Reptiles.
I am going to always trust my gut and spidey senses when I am faced with these cabal minions.
Feels good to have company.

I'm a Shamanic Practitioner and work through Journeys and Dreams. I am an Active Journey Artist and Dream facilitator.
yeah, nothing happened last night on tv. I'm up in the air with Ward. I will continue to listen because I believe in judging the info and not the person. There are things he said that I completely disagreed with like Nesara and Reset being used to mean the same thing, until he clarified the deep state reset vs good financial changes.

Biden arrested january 2021 but executed last year? which is it? who has discernment...who has eyes to see and ears to hear? Only God wins, not man. We need pray and revival, not disinfo and cryptics. Trust God with all your heart and faith will be your answer.

Book reviewer, proud Patriot, and happily married Christian from Pennsylvania. No DMs please. BergersBookRev on TS and Twitter. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
Very disappointing the way he threw those dates and times around... and nothing happened. He's lost any credibility.

I watched this yesterday. Is it another nothingburger?