Anghel Rollins
@Bringing_tyrants_to_bookRecently found out about this page and it's so great being on here...WWG1WGA

Warrior for Tru..
@Warrior_for_TruthI follow back all Patriots. Expose the truth! Question everything. I trust God and God's plan. #JesusIsMySavior

Tom Applebee
@SteadyBible-believing Christian, Watcher on the wall, humble in faith, Berean in study.

Eagle Soul -Z ✝..
@EaglesoulFAMILY is all in your heart. GOD IS ALMIGHTY IN ALL. MY "TIME" HAS COME NOW. A Texan by state. Member since ...

Robi Fortune
@Warrior4GodArmy Veteran, Wife of Retired Army Veteran. True American That Is 100% Q & Trump Supporter.

Lauren M Bradle..
@Lauren_M_Bradley#FamilyIsEverything #BlueGreenTeam Chef Photographer Colon Cancer Survivor Military Baker ✍🐉🦌🪶⚜⚓🌹💙💚

Kuntuzangpo 177..
@Kuntuzangpo1776#USA #1776 #WWG1WGAWorldwide #SaveTheChildren #ForTrumpFlynnKennedy #TheGreatAwakening #TheBestIsYetToCome 🇺🇸🇧🇷✨🌪🌊🙏💞🚀🛸✨

Silenced Patrio..
@Timeshifter🇺🇸#Patriot #MAGA #savethechildren Defend #freedom #god #constitution family #wethepeople #unitedwearestrong

Trump Won
@TrumpWon45Warrior for Truth & Justice Greatest move of God is upon us Trump IS President #WWG1WGA

--- Shuaye
@AngelsNamedLooking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.

Keyboard Warrio..
@TruefighterExposing Govt Corruption, Truth Seeker, Lover of Christ, 🇺🇸USAF Veteran✈️ #WWG1WGA #GodWins #SaveAmerica #MAGA #Savethec...

Melvin Getrude
@melvingetrude27nothing much, but fun to be with.. family is everything and best team.

Tmaga Amaga
@Tag456God loving MAGA man. Peace Please spread the truth anyway any where you can God bless

Common Sense An..
@lookcommonsenseStarseed-Lightworker-Empath I follow Jesus/Yeshua TEXAN And Retired farmer, Grandma, Trump is my PRESIDENT - PROUD TO BE...
Who to follow
Vincent Ke..
@VincentKennedy -
Ghost Ezra
@GhostEzra -
Jimbo 66 ✓..
@Jimbo0566 -
Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
Doq Hollid..
@doqholliday -
Kim Runner
@kimrunner - Show more