Mena Collins
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Unemployed Woman Living Off Government Benefits Wants Taxpayers To Pay For Her To Have A ‘Dream Wedding’ - Global Story News
A woman, who hasn’t worked since she was 18, received roughly $150,000 in government benefits. But, that wasn’t enough. She had one more request for the taxpayers. At 33 years old, Anna Broom had depended on government benefits to pay her way through life for 14 years. Unemployed since the age&..
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Black Cat Makes Strange Noise Over Monitor, Mom Checks On Her Baby - Global Story News
A mom put her infant daughter down for a nap and switched on the baby monitor. A short time later, her black cat made a strange noise over the device, prompting her to check the baby’s room. After opening the door, she quickly ran from the home. Bernita Rogers & Stacey…
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Man Running Late For Interview Decides To Stop Anyway To Help Elderly Man Change Tire, Turned Out To Be His Best Decision Of The Day - Global Story News
Jimmy is a mechanic. Up until recently, he did not have much luck with finding a job. He was afraid of turning in a job application. However, he knew that he needed to get a job. One day, Jimmy decided that he was going to fill out a job application.…
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Dad Receives Coded Text Message From Son, Rushes To Help Him - Global Story News
As parents, we do everything we can to try and protect our kids. It starts with baby-proofing the home, and then knee pads and helmets when they start riding their bikes, but we can’t always be there. Eventually, they grow up and we can’t monitor them and hover. We just…
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Boy genius aims to prove Stephen Hawking wrong about God with beautiful counter-theory - Global Story News
William Maillis graduated high school when he was just 9-years-old. Now that he's 11 he's poking holes in the theory of one of science's most renowned astrophysicists. How and when did life in the universe begin? The existence of God, the creation of life, and the universe are topics ..
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When Mother Hid A Voice Recorder In Her Son’s Backpack, Two Teachers FIRED Immediately - Global Story News
One would hope that all teachers would strive to be excellent, effective educators. However, education is just like any other profession. There are those who work extremely hard at their craft getting better on a daily basis and there are those that are just simply there never striving to improve.&h..
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After Elderly Man Has Been Left Alone At Birthday Dinner, What Happens Next Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity - Global Story News
Family is everything. However, at certain times, a person’s need for love, care, and attention may be met by others outside of their immediate family. One’s family might let one down at times, leaving one to seek assistance from people around whether they are related or not. At such periods,…
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After Customers Started Complaining About How Offensive Shirt Is, They Were Forced To Pull It - Global Story News
Well, the term “fake news” is not inherently evil. In fact, it’s quite basic. It’s a label, but it’s not inherently derogatory. It’s not a racial or gender slur, nor is it based on class, age, or anti-dentism. It’s a well-known phrase. It’s used all the time, even by the mainstream media,&..
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Hello Patriots And True Americans Support Trump Community To Reach Our Goal
trumpist – Bio Links & Creator Profile | Beacons Mobile Website Builder
@trumpist | Check out my links to ($10,000 Trump Diamond Banknote!, TRB Card, DONALD J. TRUMP RED CHECK).
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Driver Spots Girl Alone On Wooded Road, Frantically Waving Her Arms - Global Story News
A driver heading down a treacherous wooded freeway spotted a little girl on the side of the road, barefoot and alone. She was frantically waving her arms in an effort to flag down someone for help. The driver pulled over, and the desperate girl led them to a horrible scene, far from&hellip..
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When Boss Sees The Video Where Woman Bragging About Her “Huge” Raise On Social Media, He Immediately Fired Her - Global Story News
A Denver woman was fired from her job after bragging about how much more money she was making in her new position. The technology worker, Lexi Larson, turned to the Chinese-created social media channel TikTok to reveal that her annual salary jumped from $70,000 to $90,000 thanks to a new…
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School Regrets Trans Pronoun Rule After Christian Dad Tells His Pronouns - Global Story News
After the school board passed a “transgender-affirming” pronoun policy, an Iranian Christian father came up with brilliant personal pronouns for himself and his children that may have the administrators regretting their decision. The Loudon County Public School Board may be regretting their “transge..
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'Open It When We Leave' Single Mom Blown Away After Donnie Wahlberg Tip At IHOP - Global Story News
After spending 18 years in Miami, Bethany Provencher packed up and moved all the way to St. Charles, Illinois. Bethany, a hardworking single mom with an 11-year-old son, wanted to live closer to her only sister. She signed a lease for a new apartment, but money had been tight, and…
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Diner Glances At Waitress’s ‘Gross’ Appearance, Demands New Server - Global Story News
Ashley Chiarizzio showed up to work to serve tables at a Red Robin in Tennessee, just like every other workday before it. However, during the course of her shift, she was sent to the back by her manager, after a customer complained about her appearance. They didn’t want the waitress…
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Child Has Never Eaten A Gram Of Sugar — See How She Looks Now - Global Story News
Little Grace has never had a bit of refined sugar, as her health-conscious mom put her on a strict diet as soon as she was born. This is what the little girl looks like today. Shan Cooper and her daughter, Grace. (Photo Credit: My Food Religion/Instagram) Shan Cooper refuses to feed…
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Mom Asks Two Rude Teens At The Movies To Quiet Down, Days Later Their Mother Tracks Her Down - Global Story News
A mom asked two teens at the movies to quiet down. When they didn’t, she let them know that they ruined her night and that she couldn’t afford to go to the movies with her daughter again. Days later, she learned their mother was trying to track her down. When…
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Female Army Officer Boards Plane, Man Won’t Let Her Take Her Seat - Global Story News
While a female Army officer was boarding a plane, a man in first-class suddenly stood up in front of her, blocking the aisle. It was then that he made it clear he wasn’t going to let her take her seat. For most people, air travel is a stressful yet necessary…
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Hero Moment: 13 Truck Drivers Block Highway To Form A ‘Safety Net’ - Global Story News
Seeing 13 truck drivers parked under a bridge and blocking traffic on the highway going in both directions is definitely unusual. But, that’s exactly what fellow drivers encountered in Michigan. As if the sight wasn’t bizarre enough, the reason why they were doing it left onlookers even more stunned..
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Elderly Man Has $8.41 In Unpaid Property Tax, Loses Home Over It - Global Story News
An elderly resident of Southfield, Michigan, Uri Rafaeli, purchased his home in 2011, for $60,000, with the hope of funding his retirement. During the home buying process, Rafaeli inadvertently underpaid his property tax bill. He made the effort to ensure that the bill was taken care of, however, in..
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Dog Protects His Pregnant Owner - Global Story News
This dog is normally not aggressive, but now that his owner is pregnant he doesn’t want anyone touching her belly. Dogs are known for their loyalty and protective nature. This was certainly true for one dog in particular who came to the rescue of his pregnant owner even when someone…
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Do You Know Where The "Birthplace" Of The American Dollar Is? - Global Story News
If someone tells you that one of the world's strongest currencies, the US dollar, was born in a small townin a European country that was once under the Soviet boot, probably you would think he is talkingnonsense. However, it is true - the cradle of the US dollar is located…
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Soldier Goes To Order Taco Bell Meal, Stops Cold When He Hears 2 Boys - Global Story News
A uniformed soldier was standing at the counter of a Taco Bell, ready to order his meal when he stopped cold. He had overheard what two boys were saying and knew he needed to address them. As he did, another diner whipped out his phone to record the exchange, which…
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Panhandler Refused Man’s Offer Of Money For Work, So He Returned - Global Story News
After spotting a panhandler in his community, a man decided to offer the vagrant a job, saying he’d give him $15 an hour in exchange for doing yard work. When the panhandler refused, the man returned with his own sign. Things escalated — and it was caught on camera. Ryan…
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“Are You Serious!?”: Mom Tells Teacher To Step Outside After Rumors - Global Story News
A concerned mother had heard rumors about her daughter’s teacher. Once they were confirmed, she knew she had to do something. She asked the teacher to step outside, and soon, the tears were flowing. Courtney Adeleye (Photo Credit: Instagram) Courtney Adeleye is the successful CEO and founder of..
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Photo of bus driver grasping preschooler makes headlines - Global Story News
When the local Augusta Police department saw the photo they had to acknowledge it. The first day of school can be nervewracking for kids, especially those embarking upon a journey to preschool or kindergarten. Some kids cannot wait to return to the normalcy that school brings to their lives, while&h..
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After Wardrobe Malfunction On Live Television Show Host Forced To Apologize - Global Story News
Some days just don’t start off as planned. The early morning hustle leads to minor mix-ups. The kids go off to school with the wrong lunches. The dog doesn’t get a much-needed a.m. walk. The laptop never makes it into the tote for work. Or, you know, you put your…
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All Began Sobbing When They Saw What Was On Her Prom Dress - Global Story News
Now that prom season is officially in full swing, you may have noticed that your timeline has been filled with pictures of everyone’s beautiful suits and gowns. Some people have even decided to get creative and DIY their prom dresses. That’s what Aubrey Headon did, except she decided her D..
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She Wasted No Time Getting Revenge After They Fired Her - Global Story News
A woman apparently smashed Hundreds of alcohol bottles worth thousands of pounds in an Aldi shop in England after knowing she had been fired from her position. The incident happened on Wednesday afternoon in the town of England’s Stevenage in the county of Hertfordshire. Evelin Roldán, 25, admitted ..
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Watch It And You’ll Know Why The Video Of “The Plus-Sized Diver” Is Going Viral - Global Story News
American society puts a lot of pressure on people to look a certain way. The media portrays men and women as being both beautiful and fit – which makes ordinary people feel insecure if they’re not up to the high standard of beauty. Both men and women feel the pressure…
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After Seeing Another Shopper’s Groceries Military Dad Snaps Photo - Global Story News
A military dad took one look at his cart and then the cart of the person next to him and was confused. Then, he figured out what was going on, and he became outraged. Now, the photo he took has gone viral. Was his anger justified? You decide. Stock image…