Richie Richard
7 months ago

Richie Richard

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God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response TheBest isYet2Come to her Publication

Which one do you think will try to over run hell and try to rid of Satan?

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response memes matter to her Publication

This is funny

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Who inspected and appraised the property? They are the one who should be prosecuted for fraud.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

I have a question about seeds, hopefully you will have an answer or can direct me. My aunt, who was born in the 1920-30s had a corn crop every year. Every year she would save seeds in the refrigerator for the next years planting. She said that the refrigerator imiated the winter hibernation of the seed. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

I suppose all that show biz fame has gone to his head. Must have been a proud moment for him.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

It's difficult to understand when others don't accept accountability for their actions. It is not o.k. to use me as the door rug. As for me, my motto is "I don't have the right to hurt/offend anyone". I try my best and when others don't live by a similar standard it is o.k. for me to walk away or stay at arms distance. So many people are so complacent with treating others with contempt or so self centered they don't know that they have done anything wrong.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Jay Dee to her Publication

Zelensky as Little Red Riding Hood? Daddy always said, your become the company you keep.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

I have been a little perflexed by Flynn. In the beginning I was in his corner, I felt like the was being persecuted like President Trump. Then I feel like he turned his back on Trump while trying to encourage digital soldiers. Now, with this Alex Jones podcast, I am just a little confused - this helps me make my decision about him because we all know where confusion comes from.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Myra Raney to her Publication

Wondering what is going to happen to health insurance once these are on the scene.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Silver Cat to his Publication

Thanks for sharing. It has been a few years since I last saw him perform.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Yvonne McNeil to her Publication

You are right. Same circus, different clowns - that's how I look at it.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

My friends, stay toasty. Please be safe.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

I wouldn't know what to do with a pair of skates even if I pretended to know. Give me the sand and a pair of flip flops, or bare feet and I am good to go. 😊

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

Nice and balmy here in the south 32*

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Qpatriots 1776 to his Publication

ordered this evening

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Excellent tribute

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Amy Grahm to her Publication


God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Amy Grahm to her Publication

This was one of my mom's favorites. She would sing it to us daily.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Marian Kamp to her Publication

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Loved the story. Whole hearedly agree with you. Blessing in this Chirstmastide season.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Good Morning. Welcome back home. Good to know you are well.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Merry Christmas. My smile is ear to ear. Love the talent.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Joelle Clista to her Publication


God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

Curious to know if that is the same Ukranian General whose new yacht is sitting in the Mediterranean

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

Gene Ho, of George Magazine, is telling us on X that they are pretending to be Patriots in order to divide and discourage us. The old adage stands, "be careful of who you follow." Stay to true to yourselves and America, friends.

Joey, are you doing o.k.?

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

Looks like a star map.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

I agree with you. He must not know who to trust with this information. I sincerely hope he finds a safe place.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

Makes one wonder about all the refugees in the NY hotels.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Richie Richard to her Publication

I think it's back up. Sure is slow! Painfully slow. Must be our weather.

God, Family, Country. I will not live my life based on your fear. WWG1WGA! NO DMs

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

Jenna Ellis, VP????? This looks like a President/Vice-President campaign poster.