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Resistance Chicks
Resistance Chicks
10 hours ago

Resistance Chicks

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Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Every Time to her Publication

He is being hired to build back better, to build fifteen minute cities, ghettos for their new real in out time slaves, black slaves from all around the world. Neither candidate will obey the Constitution. I will not be apart of their corruption. He wants immigration, brand new cites, I heard seventeen, He is one of the immortals, eternals, like in the matrix. Do you notice he doesn't really age? He comprised on the religion of sacrificing infants to demons. Abortion. No Thank you pro-life will not be voting for either parties they are dead.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Please take no offense but, he isn't the first President to use money printed or made up out of thin air. All fiat is the counterfeit of real money gold and silver coins. It is unjust, unfair weights and balances a sin against all men. It is not right. It is against the law. The Supreme Law According to most people,; The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Both sacred documents to Patriots, Americans because they are based on the Bible, God's inspired words. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only through Jesus Christ are men free from tyranny, oppression, sin and immorality. Free from Corrupt governments.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Resistance Chicks to her Publication

It will be delayed a little while sorry. Please let Michelle know that it is OK, she lost track of time.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

PG here, Thank You For he info we do World News every Sunday!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

PG here. All money used in the last 100 years is counterfeit. Only gold and silver coins are money. All Americans are thieves, all using counterfeit money. Tell the Truth. US Constitution: Article 1 Section 8, 10: Only gold and silver coins are money. Written by the most honest men who ever lived. Devoted to the Highest moral standards. Obey these men, then you are obeying God who tells us to obey the government in Romans 13. Romans 13:1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. If you are not obeying the Constitution you are not obeying God. The government created and established by God. Based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Propagation of the Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ. Only through Christ is there Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Happy is the man who's sin have been forgiven and has been transformed by the Light of his Spirit.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Tmaga Amaga to his Publication

He will say and do anything to get Democrat votes! He is for the morning after pill signally he will compromise on abortion.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response UM EK17 Q1111 to his Publication

James 5 Counterfeiters, men not using gold and silver coins real honest money: 5 1 He threateneth the rich with God’s severe judgment, for their pride, 7 that the poor hearing the miserable end of the rich, 8 may patiently bear afflictions, 11 as Job did, 14 even in their distresses.

1 Go [a]to now, ye rich men: weep, and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.

2 Your riches are corrupt, and your garments are moth eaten.

3 Your gold and silver is cankered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh, as it were fire. Ye have heaped up treasure for the last days.

4 Behold, the hire of the laborers, which have reaped your fields (which is of you kept back by fraud) crieth, and the cries of them which have reaped, are entered into the [b]ears of the Lord of hosts.

5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and in wantonness. Ye have [c]nourished your hearts, as in a [d]day of slaughter.

6 Ye have condemned, and have killed the

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Paula Hardin to her Publication

We are going live on D-Live and Facebook. Looks like Rumble is a CIA organization now. They are in the tank for the globalist. Elon Musk has X up and running.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Resistance Chicks to her Publication

Natural law is everything done the right way. Telling Truth is how good works. Bad works by corruption, which root is lies about money. Counterfeiting worth, money.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

You just described anything done with a fake, monopoly, fiat dollar!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

PG here. It pays to counterfeit money out of thin air? Produce Black Satanic Illusions around the World? Only gold coins and silver coins are money. No exceptions! It is the Truth. This Poor Man died, went to hell never had Salvation, never had the truth. The lesson here is written in the Bible. Crime does not pay because the wages of sin is death. His legacy is that he brought a lot of death to a lot of people who suffered because his wicked was tolerated and supported. The people died because of his game, the illusion of wealth. Real wealth comes from God to those who work with their own two hands and live a life of obedience to God. The Pilgrims, William Penn, The Founding Fathers those who liberate men from tyranny, slavery. This man enslaved others causing all the people to be working for Satan, Federal Reserve Banks, Fake Fiat deceiving himself, deceiving each other and all around him.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

PG here we just had 7 dogs staying with us over night that would be perfect. Pet Sitters!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Barry McCockinner to his Publication

Justice. Wisdom from God is knowing how to forgive and restore the consequences so everything is like it never happened. Miracles only come from Faith in God's loving forgiveness and healing. True Honest Justice, using gold and silver coins, honest men, honest money.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

Hello Anon, PG here. You have been under a spell. Try telling yourself I refuse to be used by witches, warlocks, liars and deceivers. I will only answer to the voice of God. The word I received today is we are struggling against the deception of riches. Or we are deceived by banks who are money laundering organization who give and receive counterfeit money. Only real banks give and receive honest legal tender gold and silver coins. According to the law. Article 1, section 10 of the Constitution. A word from the Lord awhile back is in our town Milford, Ohio we have 3 banks that hold our gold in the. Real banks are guard by men with guns and rifles. When you counterfeit you do not have to protect the bank. BANK ROBBERS LIKE OUR FAKE GOV. wall street, CENTRAL BANKERS KNOW ONLY GOLD IS MONEY. James 5

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Kris Williams to her Publication

OBama had lotus all over his Presidential painting.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

Another Kamala? 😄

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

The smallest scripture in the Bible for the brain that needs Jesus not a martini

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Here is your enemy.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

What? You are an alcoholic killing the pain with your head up your >>>>> Ask God for the Holy Spirit so you have the light power and authority from God's spirit to help you can face the evil done to you, the pain and lies and start to heal. Become alive again.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Michele hoffman to her Publication

No ! It is a revival. Just admit you are a coward. Jelly Fish. The psyops did a real number on your head and without God you can get out of your knew held close to your heart best friend: paranoia

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response George Edmiston to his Publication

You might have to grow your food in pots whatever you can, you can not retire from feeding yourself. You do not need to feed the world. Also look to getting a horse. The farmers are killing us with chemicals, GMO, The doctors are killing us with pharma, The water is poisoned. Get a house pig, chicken, rabbits. PG here Patriot Gallery, those are my daughters, I am 63 years old. Get ready, gold and silver coins or be euthanized by 75 year old, be non-essential and eat bugs. I'm not getting a rocking chair and TV dinners for my latter years but horses for transportation. Don't stop living.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication

Nothing new just changed his location, he has lived in hell his entire life. It has just been revealed. So everyone can see. All these evil people walking around with thousands of demons. That is where their ideas, lies and power comes from.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Resistance Chicks to her Publication

Publication Date
Jun 20, 2023

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Jewel Zzzzz to her Publication

Doing nothing is demoralizing, It is the duty of all slaves to try to escape. You only lose when you stop fighting. Abraham Lincoln lost election after election, George Washington lost battles over and over again. Those with God learn the value of perseverance against all odds. You grow, it is a training ground, soon you find that God in you makes you infinitely wiser than the enemy. They always make a mistake and because you are already in the fight, you push through at the perfect moment, when the enemy is now way over confident!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response The Qake Lady to her Publication

Men love this! Men Think Trump like Andrew Tate have the life, fancy cars, big wad of cash and a trophy wife on their arm. Sad! They are sharing this in their blindness! Blind, oblivious, Without the Holy Spirit opening their minds to God's moral strength he can place in them if they turn to him.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Carole Parnell to her Publication

PG The prompt for our money The American people, as in We the people is ***Jesus Christ is Lord.*** Our money is Gold and silver coins only! or you can not buy and sell with the American people and we consider anything else ***counterfeited money*** a felony worthy of the punishment of death Coinage Act 1792! Don't Test the Resolve and commitment to just weights and Balances of the American People. You will face the sword of government God talks about in his covenant with us. Our contract with God is signed in a blood covenant with God. Read the Bible. It is more than you know.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response TERRY WATCHS to his Publication

Michelle is redoing audio right now!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response Barry B*** to his Publication
Also Preach the Kingdom of God is now! Pressing into the Kingdom of God
by Jonathan Edwards

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Amen! Jesus is the Jubilee the whole Truth nothing but the Truth. Justice for 150 year of enslaving men to machines. Taken off their God given land, personal property their children's inheritance given to the State corporations. God's love and Love for God dominates the human soul. Everyone returns to their great great grand daddies land that was stolen, we return to the coinage act of 1792. We live by the laws of nature and we cast the devi out of here! No more machines, industry, technology that all enslaves the human soul. Men become workers instead of husbands, wives, children of God. Return to the founding of this nation everyone is responsible for themselves to live off the land! Trusting the earth food land, animals God created. Men are accountable only to God. Think William Penn that is your teacher. Brotherly love for one another. Return back what was stolen form the meek who inherit the land from God,.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Millions were maimed, disabled, murdered, die for QFS It is totally the work of darkness, the deep state, the devil. Who do you think is going to stand for QFS? The jab is the biological specially classified weapon of the Defense Department for the implantation of QFS. It is just, it is fair, it is Holy, it isn't God. It is corruption at the highest levels on earth. Good luck selling it. Oh it isn't constitutional!