Resistance Chicks
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Resistance Chicks

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Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

How did they do it 250 years ago? Yep, your right. The end of this is no more globalist. Question: How can You buy something from Russia using gold and silver. Answer: You are a globalist buying from Russia. Yes, you are an elitist. No more globalist. No more of just 300, a few men controlling the entire world. Counterfeit money made the world small. The draw back is slavery of mankind. Just like the British had a world traveling navy and ran the world. Bad idea. (East India Trading company.) Stop international business except when it is not harmful to mankind. God provided all you need right near you. Ever heard of trespassing? Going on land, states, countries that God did not give you. Men have become marauders and barbarians: Look at the border and sex trafficking. My point is proven right there. We are in the dark Ages. The internet, modern technology is not evolution but destroying the planet and all life on earth. It is a destructive force for evil not for good.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

PG here 1.) LIVE 10/3/24 8:30pm EST Revolutionary Revivalists EP23: A PEACE That Passes All Understanding! Imagine being in a huge boat, you've got 12 fishermen and a small lower dock where the normal routine of setting sail upon the waters is just a normal task - yet one day as you lay asleep, sound in peace, you begin hearing waves crash over and over and people are calling out your name. You wake up and look upon a vast ocean overtaken by waves no human hand could control, and the men beside you all know today could be the day of death, and this huge storm just simply ain't gonna move. What would you do? How would you respond? That's not an easy question - I would probably begin to panic and let the waves overtake me, yet there is a God who took the very form of man, who looked upon our oceans of death, and simply held a peace deep down inside that no man could ever quench, and that was Jesus!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Time to be a prepper. Stock up. The Strike is a Red Herring or a scapegoat to blame when hyperinflation hits or other disasters! Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ***www.l earn. ITMTrading. com/chicks*** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Can't tell you how excited we are about this! Perfectly strategic timing, just days before the election! We are told to FEAR NOT 365 times in the word of God! No matter what comes we will walk BOLDLY! Come and join us right in our hometown, Milford, OH! Register at

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

22:00 mins. Rosh Hashanah, Oct. 1, 2024, starts according to when creation started Tuesday after sundown. 5785 New Year. A shift always happens every year. Evening of Wed, Oct 2, 2024 – Fri, Oct 4, 2024 Leviticus 23:23–25,
JOHNNY ENLOW UNFILTERED: A POWERFUL ROSH HASHANAH WORD! (Christians are now Israel.) Financial change. Gold is King.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

US Consumer Spending Collapse: What Happens When We Stop? Evil People control society. Controlling you. It is witchcraft. Using counterfeit fiat monopoly money. No real money. It is fake, phony. Plus, all the rules, laws, and policies are made up—a false religion, a cult. Only gold and silver coins are real money.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

LIVE 1:30pm EST 9/29/24 Devastating Floods Hit the Planet! From USA to Nepal & Mexico - IDF Takes Out Hezbollah Leadership - World News Report: Devastating#flooding has engulfed not only massive areas of the US, leaving people stranded & without power - but#Nepal has been hit with torrential rain causing mudslides & much of Mexico is also underwater. Sending shockwaves across the world,#Israeli#IDF has targeted#Hezbollah's leader,#HassanNasrallah, & taken out over 20 commanders. In the#UK,#KeirStarmer's government was rocked by resignations, facing accusations of hypocrisy & cronyism. All that & much more in This Week’s Top#WorldNews Stories! Watch!!! 👇👇👇

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Urgent Prayer request for Donica Hudson and her neighbors and family in North Carolina! They are trapped!
Just got this message as I reached out!
"Hope you get this. No cell service.
Keep the prayers coming. It’s like a war zone. We are alive but we are trapped. Multiple huge trees down. Beech Mtn pkwy washed out in multiple places. BE roads washed out. No power. No internet. A renter in our neighborhood broke her ankle. EMS cannot get here to help her. "

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

LIVE 7:15pm EST 9/27/24#HurricaneHelene's Drastic Damage! Ron Johnson's Groundbreaking#HealthyFoodRoundtable - Weekly News Report! Hurricane Helene is making her presence known knocking out power for millions, flooding, & major wind damage from the coasts of#Florida,#Georgia, &#northcarolina, as well as wreaking havoc in the midwest all the way to Illinois. Senator#RonJohnson held a groundbreaking roundtable with top health experts like#RFK discussing the poisoning of our food-#AmericanHealthandNutrition: A Second Opinion. A judge approves#NorfolkSouthern's $600 Million#EastPalestineSettlement For Toxic#trainderailment. All of that & more in This Week’s Headline News! Watch!!! 👇👇👇

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

2.) The The Heavenly city is made from Gold. Have you used a lot of scriptures to throw out most of the Bible? Stop whoring for the Central Banks, the government, the counterfeiting criminals who have completely stolen everything they have to murder world wide, committing genocide, making wars to sex traffic children, money laundering. Only Gold and silver honest money can put the chains on this octopus monster killer. How many times did God command you, the individual, to use just weights and balances Honest scales? To smelt your own gold and silver coins. You are responsible before God to make sure your money is purest, cleanest, gold and silver coins.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

1.) A comment to us: @ResistanceChicks You talk about God as if you trust God so why are you whoring for Gold??? God said to throw your Gold and Silver in the streets!!! PG response: CrazyCyle No he did not! Liar! The evil men who stole, murdered, counterfeited, made slaves of men will in their remorse throw their gold into the streets. Open a Bible. There is no counterfeited fiat money in there. God starts the Bible out with gold! In Genesis God tells us gold is good. Genesis 2:12 KJV: And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. He redeemed everything even gold and silver. How can you pray "thy kingdom come" when Jesus tells us in Revelation 21 that the streets of heaven are paved in the purest almost translucence gold. Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ****** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

"Whipsawed" is an adjective that means subject to a double loss, especially in financial markets. For example, an investor might be whipsawed if they buy a stock at a high price, then sell it short to recoup the loss before the stock price increases. Call LynetteZang Enterprises and tell her Resistance Chicks sent you.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Matthew 10:34 34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [of division between belief and unbelief]. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and a man’s enemies will be the members of his [own] household [when one believes and another does not].

Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ****** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

****2024*** Things haven't changed: Illegal Immigration is The slave Trade of Black people who: a lot die along the way on the slave routes and trail of tears! !

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

LIVE 7:00pm EST 9/13/24 UPDATES:#HaitiansInSpringfield -#SecretServiceWhistleblowers -#MAGA Joins#RFK's#MakeAmericaHealthyAgain - Weekly#NEWS Report! So what is really happening in#Springfield? We've got on-the-ground reporters getting the inside scoop. Are they really#eatingcats?#NicoleShanahan &#rfkjr drop a hilarious & heartwarming MAGA &#MAHA People Ad - Congressman#ThomasMassie with a mic drop on the budget &#SaveAct. He refuses to be a "thespian in the political theater that happens every Sept." Senator#joshhawley tells us about the Secret Service Whistleblower revelations: the lead agent failed exams. All of that & more in This Week’s Headline News! Watch!!!👇👇👇

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

LIVE 9/12/24 at 8:30pm EST Revolutionary Revivalists EP20: Silence and Sacrifice!🔥
Every single day, we hear words from God and words from the enemy. We get caught up in our own thoughts, our own understanding of things, and listening to others. In this season, we have to silence ourselves and the voices around us so we can receive guidance, insight, words, and visions from the most important voice of all: the voice of God! Today, as we dive into Psalms 4&5, our motive is to truly engrave what the Lord is speaking into each of our hearts and minds. Every bit of scripture has something to say, whether that be in a heavily spoken book or one that is often pushed under the rug, so to speak. This show is going to talk about having power in both what we say and when we choose to be silent, but no matter what, to choose God every day. 🔥🔥🔥 ~ Abigail & Leia Watch!!!👇👇👇

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Ok yall! It's that time of year again! Join us for the 2nd annual Resistance Chicks' chicken butchering workshop! This will be at Leah and Michelle's suburban homestead, God's Little Acre for a fun hands-on workshop of processing/butchering pasture-raised chickens. Bring the whole family!
Last year everyone worked SO hard and we had 100 chickens to get through. This year will be slower, with only 50 birds to process so we can focus more on technique. Register at

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

LIVE 9:00pm EST 9/10/24#TrumpHarrisDebate: Let the Show Begin! Grab the popcorn and pull up a chair for tonight's showdown! Can#Kamala put a sentence together without lying, laughing, or a string of the same adjectives? Will#Trump go easy on Kamala or come out blazing? One thing is guaranteed: it will be a night of entertainment and lots of laughter - and the Resistance Chicks are there for it LIVE! Watch!!!👇👇👇

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

LIVE 9/5/24 8:30pm EST#RevolutionaryRevivalists EP19: Filling The PG here 1.) Empty Space! Last week we talked about expounding measures we must take to clear our lives of#Addiction, as well as how threatening and life-thwarting the addictions of the flesh afflict and destroy. There's one more key to finding the full freedom & complete transformation that God desires for your calling & future. So where is that key found? In the secret place! The secret place is where God delivers His word & reveals to YOU the hidden mysteries of His heart! A place where fruitfulness & life remain forever & life in the Spirit becomes one of joy overflowing to the fullest! This isn't for the complacent or doubleminded, for James declares in the scriptures, that those who ask in faith out of their pleasures are like a wave driven & tossed by the wind.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Natural Food. kombucha tea, Acorn Squash, dried tomatoes, etc. Different ways of cooking the right way. The original way. It is the most healthy for your family.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

PG here. 2:23:00 start time. The numbers are negative in this video. If you want to build 15 minute cities all over America, start a new monetary system, and build everything back better; because the old cities like Baltimore are decrepit! You would hire a builder. Right? If you want justice, an end of corruption, end to child sacrifice, an end sex trafficking, an end the Federal Reserve robbery, an end to Egypt, the worldly system, corruption of all institutions, and slavery of the good godly people—you would hire a preacher, an evangelist, a deliverer, a Moses. Someone like George Washington who fought battles and was shot multiple times with guns and arrows and nothing touched his body. . A man of God who hears the voice of God. ***Out of the shadows*** opens the eyes of your loved ones of the programs and health problems they have.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

LIVE 9/1/24 1:50pm EST Worldwide Blow To#freespeech -#BrazilBansX#twitter -#Bolsanaro Holds Rally - World News Report: Brazil is banning X with a $9000 fine for anyone who uses a VPN to bypass the ban. Friday, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice,#AlexandreDeMoraes, ordered#x to be 'immediately suspended' in the country.#NeilOliver says: "One platform after another is being targeted. No one is safe." The#CCP has a narco-gang running fentanyl cash through our polite neighbors up north in#Toronto, & a Twitter debate has erupted over#RawMilk and which countries allow you to drink it -now we're talking! All of that & much more in This Week’s Top World News Stories! Watch!!!👇👇👇

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

In a world of evil customs, we as children of the most high are called for something greater. But one must open up their eyes to see the beauty right before them. That requires us to change the perspectives that we are so easily fixed upon. Walking and not growing weary, searching and seeing that he provides the answer in his glory. Tune in for a very special surprise night you can't afford to miss!!! ~ Abigail & Leia
Resistance Chicks are proud to present the Revolutionary Revivalists! Wisdom and the POWER of God from the youth of the Resistance Chicks Family!
Join us LIVE for The Revolutionary Revivalists' weekly program on Thursdays with hosts Abigail Petersen and Leia Lumba! Be sure to subscribe and follow their Rumble channel! RevolutionaryRevivalists, and

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

1.) PG here, My response to a stupid comment on Gab: @r22f To a modern man, technology warps the mind, doing things the right way is foreign to his ears. We preach, teach, and act upon everything out of the Bible with conviction of our conscience. That is in Ohio's Constitution. We are logical, your perspective has been twisted and is illogical. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. All you have is stolen using counterfeit money. Think about it: you have been a slave, your parents were grandparents. Is being held as a slave; never being paid a fair, honest wage, (inflation takes everything), or owning your own land, logical? Think income taxes and property taxes mean you are a slave to evil men owning you. Fiat currency is unjust weights and balances. Wars, murdering, cheating, stealing around the world that is logical? Only gold and silver coins are money. only God himself is logical and he wrote it down in a book.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

Comment to "Truth and Art TV" PG here, Patriot Gallery Resistance chicks Publisist, mom. 16:00 You finally are making sense. "Boom, this is the Bible", This is the playbook. Forget the plan, the art of War, etc. I have been watching you for years! 4 or 5 years. I was correcting you in the chat for a long time, then I stopped. Example of a correction: public school buses. Public schools are so evil. Brainwashing, indoctrination centers to build an army of laborers, workers, not farmers, or parents loving, raising, and teaching their children at home; not independent individuals, but socialism, or collectivism, is what G. Edward Griffin calls it. No free will. Everyone pays fiat counterfeit company currency, subject to seizure by the warlords through income and property taxes, keeping all citizens in fear and slavery to a few non-elected criminals called elitist.

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

James 5:1-6 Woe unto the rich Americans. James 5:16 is after abmonition by the Holy Spirit. After it talks about counterfeiting money. Only gold and silver coins are money. We all must repent of this paper fiat counterfeit money scam. World Wide. Men around the world were murdered in made-up wars. America is making everyone use this counterfeit money. It is unjust, unfair. Unjust weights and balances and the laborer is never paid. Because they are not paid in gold and silver real money. A pretty huge sin for a people, a nation, and a government.
Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ****** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

PG here 1.) LIVE Tonight 8/22/24 8:30pm EST Revolutionary Revivalists EP 17: What Are You Addicted To?🔥Let's be honest here, we all have something that may hit like a steam train when someone says the word addiction. That could range from being on social media far too much, to something you know God's calling you to cut back on, all the way down to a hidden sin that's completely shutting down the connection between you and God because that THING is in the way. Psalm 24:3-4 says, "Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in His Holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully." No words could express this deeper, farther than my human mind could, & even more than the way we can bring it forth tonight. That verse shows the heart of God towards our hidden sins and fears. Today we want to break the chains - chains that have held you back for months, weeks, or maybe even years. PG here

Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.

From a reader: The only thing that happened in 70 AC was the destruction of The Temple and Jerusalem by the Romans.
Reply. You must be a Jesuit or be paid to spread their lies to destroy the Protesters' of the Catholic Black Pope's lies, faith in God. You really are twisting scripture, just like the "woke" twist the truth. What was your price? to sell your soul? For Judas it was 30 pieces of silver. The true value of silver is given here. A Potter's field is about 3 acres. At least he was paid in silver, not fiat. Jesus gave his life, his blood to pay for you and reconcile back to God. He can fill you with love, and the truth so you do not have to spread lies any more. Jesus was the final sacrifice; that is what happened in 70 A.D. Not the Romans destroying the temple. There is no temple because we are the temple. The temple was there for daily sacrifices but Jesus is the only acceptable sacrifice for sin. The wages of sin is death. But the gift of life is from God.