I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.
PG here, They all stopped sinning felt deep remorse when they sinned and started to obey all 10 commandments. Jesus lives in someone through the Holy Spirit. We are now new creatures no longer sinners but transformed by renewing our minds. Making our minds brand new. With the Holy Spirit men become holy, pure, clean in their thoughts. That is the good news. Jesus died so you no longer harm others or yourself by continuing to be a sinner! It isn't just forgiveness. Peter killed two people who thought they were talking to him. He no longer lived God through the Holy spirit filled his mortal physical body. Ananias and Saphira. Died because they lied to Peter full of God. Peter is a True Leader! Called by God then God cleansed him of all sin. Counterfeiting money, fiat dollar, jobs, corporation laws, business laws making false idols equal with men cause you to say all men are sinners. It isn't true.