Raquel Rayne
3 years ago

Raquel Rayne

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In response Silver Cat to his Publication

This is what it should look like according to the nuremberg code! This is what all vax forms should have looked like from the get, because of the nuremberg code! Great Share Thank You😄

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

This is good, Milley is a piece of work. The arrogance of that guy, just WOW! Nice Clip Thanks for sharing!


In response Digital Warrior_81 to his Publication

Gossamer Thread! God Speak! Essence Speak.
165 checkmate

In response Raquel Rayne to his Publication

To Watch The Full Movie Click/Go Here: https://t.me/CivilDisobedience4uNme

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In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Welcome to the Light VK! I believe I must be done with anonup as a bunch of my posts jave been removed without my knowledge or notification. This site has now been compromises beyond my comfort level, looking really forward to a world that is safe, even from my keyboard! cannot get real news n now my voice is being silenced on a platform that is supposed to be all about freedom of speech. Tired of the games n the lies n having my shit either hacked or hijacked I got waaay better things to be doing with my time 😒 no real news, corruption everywhere, in fighting in the communities n military, meanwhile no solutions n no damn answers....tired of being censored. We were about to go live with raw vids b4 the purging n then the purging n demonetizing of peeps I have watched for over 10 yrs. Somethung needs to give, we need peace n safe places to communicate n anonup is no l9nger that place. So peace out ✌gonna dive deep w/self n drop all this crap till its proved to be a safe sacred space

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication


In response Jennifer Harris to his Publication

I am in agreement we have young girls wearing jean shorts that look like a pair of underware. What happened to the allure of the mystery of seeing just enough. I mean why are they advertising the goods the way they are? Gotta be the feminization of men stuff, that is making the female a non person, so maybe the attention they are trying to grab has something to do qith that. With that n video games ~ my daughter told me once that she could walk in front of the tv while boyfriend was playing video games n he would either not notice her or tell her to get put of the way~ deep mental sicknesses we have going on

In response Bootsie 1776 to her Publication

Unfortunately yes, more so than I originally thought. However there will be a point of surrender for folks cuz the news is soooo bad n sooo contradictory that by the time it becomes time for them to look at Q ~ Q will be the ONLY thing that makes any sense in all of this mess! You can only deny truth for so long, then it becomes like Hogwarts trying to send Harry a message and his aunt n uncle do everything so Harry will NOT recieve the message, eventually the house is breached through the fire place n I think letters start flying out of the fireplace in droves. This will be the scenario that all these patriots n asheeple alike will soon come into, cuz once u have been lied too given fale news for so long ur soul WILL DEMAND the TRUTH n there is no stopping it! There reality must be completely shattered to be comfortable enough to step outside their normal comfort zones. In due time🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💫🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💜💋

In response CM_ Patriot to his Publication

Don't even get me started on the Disney Illuminati bloodline

In response Crimson Revolver to his Publication

Me too! I used to be an amazon driver and he does not have any easy job, it may look easy on the surface but all the work that happens from the warehouse to a persons front door is much. I am 42 n had rough days did it for 4 yrs, and the driving al9ne has caused arm wrist n finger problems, n thats just from driving. Also I live in AZ n this guy looks like he is in the desert southwest, if that's the case his job as a amazon delivery driver is harder than most around the country. I hope he has an ice vest, that was the only way we could deliver when ot was 105 to 118 temps! If not someone who knows this man should tell him about an ice vest, u would think it would be common place here in the desert, but nope ~ I suggested that vest to so many peeps in the 4yrs working for them, n they were eternally greatful n didn't know that they even existed! But yeah I cried too for a min took me a while but yeah this IS WHO WE ARE! BLESS THUS GREAT NATION N ITS PEOPLES! WWG1WGA 🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏💫💜

In response LightHeartAnon • LHA to her Publication

First to go in a med bed!!!! FIRST 🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲🙏🇺🇲💜💫💋

Yeah it sure is! I think its supposed to be that way though so we can easier let go of things that no longer serve us n I am even talking daily routine n small things. 🙏

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

Oh n it seems Booker has my Damn Dog!!!

In response MzMidniteRider333 ... to her Publication

3 Minutes to Midnight eh? The last few minutes of the 11th Hour hmmm

Someone get arrested? Cannot see post above yours

In response Nackendara Teslar to her Publication

hehe Good Job! I didnt even know u could do that? how can u tell a bot from a paid opposition idiot? These things elude me the tech I mean, my focus is elsewhere cuz of it.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Oh yeah all the waaay for sure, these peeps crack me up Pullin Acosta's at the border wall reporting no problems! haha no shit dumb ass ur standing on the US side of the damn Border wall! blaahhaaa 😅🤣😂 U gotta be someone special to be a walking talking contradiction, got a reply just more rageful rhetoric w/no proof of anything, total cabal move its how they operate. Orange Man Bad, The Sky Is Falling, 2+2 changed to =17, oh n I am 5 different sexes, ooh and Orange Man Bad. We were standing in line on Black Friday at the MMJ Disp n these women were going on n on bout Trump being a racist n sexist n guilty of high crimes n when we asked them what those high crimes were, they couldn't tell us n even they looked shocked they didn't know, n in their own embarrassment said well he just needs to be removed because hes an asshole!!! N we were like seriously thats all u got, u might wanna get the real news if u cannot even name the crime LMFAO 😂🤣😅

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

My response to this individual. In war mis information is always necessary. This is proven over n over in movies in real life etc. I listen to and follow many that do not have all the facts n some is bad info, however there is more good info than bad that I have been able to verify for myself. Then I take that info with all other info I have discerned as true, and apply it to what my purpose/mission on the earthship is. We all have different missions as we all have talents that fit in their respective geographical areas, as well as coding, communication, mediumship, metaphysicians, healers, wayshowers, detectives, military n vets to make this happen so it's not the same for everyone, as it should be. NEVER mistake the MESSENGER for the MESSAGE .....lest u go insane!🙏🇺🇲💜💫💋

In response Truth Be Told ❤ to her Publication

Oh and their own trans league would be bilogical male against biological male. i.e. biological male/trans female against another biological male/trans female. The rhetoric of their identity is just a program for them to fall into and u or us to get all righteous n pissed off about. Don't stay in the gender identity argument its what they want, seriously in r media section I posted all the programs, don't get caught up in the rhetoric that's not where ur divine n they know it its why they do it! Namaste Much Love n Light 🙏🇺🇲💜💫💋

In response Truth Be Told ❤ to her Publication

Trying a bit of reverse psychology here so they can start to see how they are being used under the guise of acceptance n trampling all over other women. Trans should compete against trans I think it might even be more of a competitionto watch all together! I feel they have no respect for women or men and have been programmed to be so, check out r media on the programs of the children of the dominion, but none the less they are here and are not going away, so give em their own league cuz they are their own species so to speak. I feel for them as they have no connection to divine feminine or divine masculine, it is truly truly sad....especially since it is a PROGRAM AND NONE OF THEM WERE BORN THAT WAY. An ovary were a teste shoulf be is the result of the SICK Eugenics fucks to run The Feminization Of Males Program. Women lopping off their breasts, men their penis never to get it back n never to have a Big O like a woman EVER will. TRULY TRULY SAD TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY, time to wake up

In response Truth Be Told ❤ to her Publication

Or just make trans gendered sports, it would be more of a competition 😉 This isn't hard, unless of course it is propoganda for political n social agendas for control, which it is, which is why these poor transgendered folks will never get to have their own lane cuz leaders wanna use them to push an agenda their propoganda for how society should be. They are using the transgendered people just like the black people, n cuz of Divine Feminine Women Like Candace Owens they needed a new target group to manipulate, bribe n use to push their agendas, my apologies on behalf of them to all ttansgendered folks who are being used to push agendas n not get their own league to compete in is an absolute disgrace! Stand up Trans of the world, n start ur own league show em u matter as you, bot as a woman not as a man but the beautiful trans that you are! Go for it, tell them ur not having them use you like the use all other groups, be empowered have ur trans voice heard DAMNIT!🌈

In response AQ. PATRON to his Publication

She's gone, look at her eyes there is no on staying there! Hopi Prophecy states they will appear dead within their eyes, it will be clear that their soul is gone.

In response LanieLou _MAGADonian to her Publication

Poor Spongebob 😢 what did he ever do to you??😂😅🤣

In response Mega Magadonian to her Publication

haha that's awesome! Agreed however inflation alone dictates that blue collar workers must get a raise to afford rent groceries etc. If the prices of things went down then they could afford to live. What really needs to be talked about is the fact that 600 a week kept a huge anoint of folks home making more money than working. 600 a week is dick 2400 a month is dick! My rent $1750.00 my groceries $800 a month personal care supplies( I wear no make up or use any product in my hair) talking tp kleenex allergy meds prescriptions, etc. $100 a month cable n internet basic package $160 a month utilities $160 -$200 a month. 280.00 a month for car insurance(have delivery ins) $75.00 for bonding ins for housecleaning co. $200 car payment $3525 total n I am sure I am missing some. $10 an hour is only 2240 but even if u drop the rent to a studio they are still just scraping by. So yes I agree cuz I have open many fast food containers this year just like that one. There is a deeper sickness

In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication

oooh that sounds lovely 🤗🥰

In response Patriot Girl17 to her Publication

We also pay for their exquisite health care till the day they die congress n up!!!! Ridiculus

In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication

ThankQ 🤗 this looks fantastic, will enjoy qoth morning coffee ☕

In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication

so I learned that 432 HZ was what r instruments used to be tuned at, n then got changed to 440. Earlier qhen I responded to ur message I thought the re tune was to 444 Hz, my bad. I had forgotten about solfeggio. lol gonna have to pick those back up