People who follow Q and want undeniable proof before the great reveal, aren't thinking it through. You don't reveal your chess moves in advance before your opponent during the game. All moves effect future moves. With all the "coincidences" and bread crumbs left for those who are awake, there's always a counter explanation to keep people asleep. It's designed that way on purpose. In the end it'll be revealed. Every lie. Don't stop believing. What you've already witnessed is mathematically impossible beyond coincidence.😎

We are here to Serve. God Wins, Patriots must #HoldTheLine. Love all. Help those that need help now and forever.
In Chess or War, you have several contingencies in mind based on moves and countermoves. You never reveal your plan, next move or intended move to end the game. You just play and adapt to the reality that lies in front of you. That's why we must be Patient and Trust the plan.

un choix a faire 😎.et le seul c'est celui de la .verite ..Fort !

Well yes as someone who plays chess myself, I was always taught you never speak until you’re ready to call checkmate, for me the fact that Biden and Obama both tried to bury Michael Flynn yet Biden has not fired Michael or Charles Flynn, in fact Charles Flynn got promoted under Biden, tells me that patriots are in control.


Father, husband, brother and occasional Eye Doc. Do the next right thing.
Some have blind faith, others struggle to believe. Remember:
Jesus’ entire adult life was characterized by a deep concern for the spiritual condition of the nonbeliever. He saw them as desperately lost, and His heart was broken because of that. His compassionate purpose for their well-being was deep-rooted, and He showed this concern specifically in the way He met them where they lived, fed them, taught them, and healed them (Matthew 9:9-11; Mark 1:33-34; 6:30-42; Luke 5:1-11).
The example Jesus set for us is to build relationships with people who don’t know Him. When we meet a person who has not yet experienced God’s saving grace, we are to have the heart of Jesus and extend a helping hand at their point of need. If they are thirsty, we can give them a cup of water; if they’re hungry, we can feed them (Matthew 25:35-40).

c'mon how much is enough already?!!! I believe. I stood. I still Stand. How much.more of this horsepukey do we have to sit n watch? Y'all have everything use it already. It is beyond Treason, beyond Crimes Against Humanity, we are all a-ok with them bein delivered to the Judgement Seat, even to the Public. Enough Popcorn. Let's get this Movie to the Credits already the caged bird sang, the Angels saved the kids, the bunkers blew, drop the hammer...

WWGOWGA. RESPECT the Flag . Faith in GOD AND HIS SON JESUS . LOVE OUR COUNTRY and the CONSTITUTION 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Keep America Free
i donot want the enemy to know all the facts. i have trust in what is good.

I am a disabled veteran fighting the VA, fighting the NWO/ DS and FIGHTING FOR OUR REPUBLIC. I never quit! Donald Trump Won!
Thanks GE. Evan the best of U.S. can get worn down!

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.


I support President Trump and the demise of the wicked elite.
Either you're awake or you're NOT. Those who are not awake will ask for proof continuously. Most are not awake.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Told ya Nana is here til death do us part hun.
I was not kidding.
God will show up right on time, it is his show.
I just convey what I hear.
The more ya know!

These Things We Do, That Others May Live.

Game theory😎

I think what people really wanna know is why Trump is promoting your vaccine that's apparently very dangerous.

Jesus Christ is Lord! God & country & in that specific order. All lives matter including the unborn. Huge dog lover. NO DM's.
Same here!

Heard about this site from Santasurfing. I am a Clothing Designer & Fit Officianado:. Going on deep dives, hitting head Rabbit Holes.
He It's not promoting vaccines. The presumption is that you know as a follower that such words as COVID-19, vaccine and other simulator word or coms you can look here under those names on the site and you'll find the translations. I honestly can't keep them straight but I think it goes something like this if you were said to have Covid and you are under house arrest or have been arrested, yes you got the vaccine you are done for you have been executed under military tribunal. I called this out right after the State of the Union address that I found this very frustrating as the newly woke and a lot of people responded in explaining. So I suggest you go to beach and look up the dates on the day of or the day afterThe Sotu speech.Also on the last two days she has done great Q post 101 breakdown

I love you all and I love President Trump #wwg1wga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Faith in action is when you realize what "you"ve already witnessed is mathematically impossible beyond concidence." Once faith is there, a person can never step back. What they know is what they know. People can laugh at you, ridicule you and even tell you you are crazy, but that won't change the things you already know to be true. Even if you want to, you can't ever go back to sleep. You will be miserable. That's why the red pill is final.

Christian, Wife, Mom. 🇺🇸 PO Patriot- here to keep fighting. Loud mouth DGAF about your feelings. HERE FOR THE SAUCE 🐸 GOD WINS 🕊

Theres no going back and wouldnt want it any other way! 🙏❤️🙏

Curious Patriot 🇺🇸. Crass humor appreciate 🤣. Cursive language warning ⚠️. F.-A.-F.-O. Hall of Fame 🏆. Gemini ♊. Type -O ⛔. T.I. 🚔.
If you don't have undeniable proof then you haven't followed Q.

Hunter,Ozzie PATRIOT,always felt the world wasnt what it should be.
OOH YEAH!!*t. this is going to create a lot of panic in those who have no clue. and anxiety in those who do. how will this play out?

We were prophesied to be here at this exact moment in time to stand for truth and to share Gods message of Love. #Trump is appointed by God.
🎶🎶just a small town girl...
dont stop believin' 🎶🎶
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theres no border infiltration its all a show. Trump would personally do something if this were true. This is a show to wake up the normies, you must not be too woke if u still believing in propaganda. stop watching fake news.

Father, husband, brother and occasional Eye Doc. Do the next right thing.
The carrot in front of the horse is a powerful tool. However the border stories seem just that....... stories. Manufactured to open more eyes.

Searching for truth! I love my country and want to save it!
Exactly! It's not as though these posts are difficult to find! SHEESH!

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
Future proves past
It has happened then gets revealed
at a set date in futiure
moving pieces like chess, options a plenty depending success.
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