WOLF Pawnee
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Banks of the Grand River

When this evil POS hangs @ Camp Justice/Delta the world deserves to see his gruesome death up close-it needs to be globally televised, extreme close-up coverage so we can see his tongue and eyeballs popping out. That goes for every damn satanic child murdering criminal in the universe.

Clowns IA is structured like Freemasonry. You never know you took a blood oath on a Satanic bible nor that the [G]od you swore an oath to (as in the God of Freemasonry wrote Albert Pike in Morals & Dogma), is Lucifer the Lightbearer. The Devil keeps 32° (many many years) between you and the hidden TRUTH. Masons attending 33° ceremonies at House of The Temple Scottish Rite in D.C. have been denied the 33° by answering "Yes" when asked if they were Christian. MANY decent God-fearing red-blooded American Patriots join not knowing what they've gotten into. By the time they realize they'd been hoodwinked they'll be knee deep in it and by then already blackmailed 6 ways to Sunday. Secrecy, hidden truths, is, 100%, by design and as JFK said a threat to our Republic. After TGA transpires, say good-bye to all of it.

Pompeo knows@crackerscuzin. I'm not so sure Operation Wake-Up is anywhere past the degrees of Redpilling belts let alone a 1st Degree Blackpill belt. It takes a 9th Degree Blackpill-Sr. Grand Master level of blackpilling to comprehend & fathom this depth of human depravity mankind has endured for 1,000 years.

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services

Think Disney, NASA, CIA-the Finders Cult-FBI, DOJ, DOS, DOD, DOE, MI6, GCHQ, SVRRF, KGB, HAKLYUT, CCP, IRA, DPRK, UN, NATO, EU, WHO, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum, The Bilderberg Group, World Bank, IMF, B-I-S Bank for International Settlements. Bank of England. The Federal Reserve. The Holy See. All connected. However the ultimate unseen hand behind the New World Order-MOSSAD-controls them ALL. Welcome to the Adrenochrome Silk Road. Astanta over the rainbow. Kingdom of Lucifer the Light Bearer at The Ninth Circle: Reptilian Khazarian Blood Eaters. We. Are. Illuminati.@GhostEzra@KatistheSea3@MoonShadow_80@NoMercy2Q21@wainthepain01@r363ll10n@GrasshopperTAFKAG@xanon@doqholliday@vincentkennedy

Not a lot. The A-List superelite, Cannibal Club, Ninth Circle, Golden Circle etc (small group, 200-300 out of a million who work in the biz) whom torture & murder kids on the reg, the ones that went to Epsteins sacrifice island, most of whom are the most beloved Hollywood luminaries/stars in the world, are dead. There are hundreds of other high up pedos in the industry that were detained, however their sentences/executions uncertain. If you haven't watched the Out of Shadows documentary yet, now is a good time.

Will the GITMOTV 10-Day Miniseries have a Hollywood episode? Showcasing evidence of their SRA face removal craft? Or just confessions ripping childrens faces off?

She has as much info on the Cabal as Epstein if not more. I doubt she survived Cabal pipe-hitters long enough to be saved by the same witness protection J-Fry received (Whacked in 2014, when Clowns still fully controlled FBI/DOJ).

DISCOVERY: What if I told you, all 5 governors in the crooked swing states have murdered and/or eaten babies? What if I told you to join the C_A you are forced to violently rape a child or infant then given a gun to "kill it" at first initiation? What if I told you every single elected official past present and future-including these governors-is "vetted" using this same process? Every CEO, every corporation, every industry, ALL OF HOLLYWOOD, EVERY ACTOR, DIRECTOR you name it-all of them-controlled at the outset with blunt force trauma-this is how the C_A meticulously took control of America & the world while we were distracted foaming at the mouth from Mark Ultra mind-splitting 50's pop-culture programming.@bree@GhostEzra@XAnon@doqholliday@KatistheSea3

Remember, there are WAAAY more actors in this movie than we think. Let's agree on one fact-No one gets elected to Congress or Senate without paying the Clown Pipers-NO ONE. So if 95% of Congress/Senate have been indicted those we see making public statements flipped and agreed to 'act', in exchange. Or in Dan's case we can pray is/was a WhiteHat spec op insertion early in the game.

Observation: If we're in a movie, as we've been taught/learned over the past four+ years, NOTHING that has happened after 19 JAN is 'legal tender' (no pun intended USA, Inc. R-I-P), correct? There is no legal functioning governtment of this country and hasn't been since 19 JAN. We're under Martial Law. Everything happening now and hence forth is complete garbage. The inauguration, the Sleepy EO's, the XL job cancellations, "bills passing", all this congressional chicanery, is nothing more than KABUKI gasoline (fake, ALL of it) being dumped on the public bonfire by the treasonous Clown media. Jim Hoft is a Patriot-smaller publications like his are being sucked into the Clown KABUKI vortex without a choice 1.) to maintain advertising/revenue and, 2.) retain subscriptions/peering eyes/site clicks etc and praying they survive the coming Storm. Love TGP, they're rollin' with the punches alright but this "bill", is worth nothing more than thin-air backed Bitcoin!

Re:@robina; Cc: atom_eve_god@punnishe Clowns In America have been using our military planes+equipment to execute their Black Budget ops since their founding. Safe to say Clowns infiltrated MIC/DOE/DOD et al BEFORE their founding. Navy's submarines are their biggest tool (C_A responsible for ALL child trafficking in the Western world & beyond-piping children guns weapons and drugs under the sea on Triton/Seawolf class nuclear subs, for example). Airborne 7 Global Directed Energy Weapon. Yes that's a laser beam wider than a house:

Heard & couldn't agree more. Proof we've all been anxiously awaiting since Oct 2017. What we do know is that we are getting an R-rated, gruesome 10 day 3 x 8 hr/per live vid stream of Hilldabeast & the Cabal facing justice and swift execution for massive Crimes Against Humanity. I doubt we'll get popcorn intermissions or breaks to text or make phone calls during this 10 day storm. StarlinkSAT is no joke. The CABAL is#Fooked#SpaceForce

Con't – ...typically falls under the jurisdiction of Federal Law. *https://military.laws.com/military-law

FYI@npkendall Military Law during Martial Law - "Military Law is a legal field classified as a subgenre of Federal Law, which typically addresses the activity and behavior of military personnel; this can include sedition, treason, war crimes, criminal offenses directed towards fellow military personnel, and AWOL charges -unlawful desertion of a service member with regard to their respective commitment to the United States Military Law.
However, the United States Department of Defense operates under Federal Law as per the guidelines expressed within the disbursement of a triune governmental oversight system, which allows for the United States Military Law to exist under the jurisdiction of the Executive branch of the government – resulting in the appointment of the President of the United States as the Commander in Chief of the entirety of the Armed Forces. Martial Law – the instatement of Military rule over specific jurisdictions within a country or nation – typically falls under th

Legally from ongoing Military Tribunals @ CAMP DELTA/CAMP JUSTICE, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba you ask? VIA DOD Space Force StarlinkSAT EAS-EBS scare-event blackout informing you, me & the rest world we've been under Martial Law since January 19. I've never seen an 8 year olds face ripped off before, I'm looking forward to watching it on our useless, bricked cell-phones just as much as you@npkendall

I literally just watched The Matrix again and here we're talking about it's portrayal of reality-harvsting humans like sheep-hidden in plain sight from Humanity by the CABAL and it's Clown MSM.

For that the path we end up on was chosen by God for you. Amen.

Face, nose, ear, genetalia mutilation/removal sans anesthetic. Pass the scalpel, doctor. Devastating doesn't even begin to describe the Cabal's top adrenochrome extractionist.

They are all part of a heinous iniquity-The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. They torture, rape, sodomize, stab, carve and flay the faces off of helpless, screaming, agonizing, dying children while eating them alive. These monstrous inhuman beasts are diabolical arch-criminals of the highest order and are going to burn in motherf***ing Hell for all eternity by the Wrath of Almighty God⚡️@GhostEzra@GrasshopperTAFKAG@kimrunner@VincentKennedy@Cowboyw2b@doqholliday