@Q2bTRUENotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Born in Romania Living in UK @Registered Nurse #ProLIFE #WorldWidePatriot #ProudDigitalSoldier #TrustThePlan #TrustTheMan #TrustGOD
The More You Know ...
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🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴
Only followers of this user (@Trumpsara45) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Trumpsara45) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Trumpsara45) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Trumpsara45) can see their posts

🌍 Mom of 2 🌍 🇮🇪 Irish Patriot ☘️ 🍿Trust The Plan 🍿 ✝️ SAVE OUR CHILDREN ✝️
Rich people are waking up, private Miami school strongly advices their teachers NOT to take any genoccine-vaccin and states: “We will no longer employ anyone who got any Covid-l9 vaccine. “
Great going 👏🏻

Dad to 4, 1 in Heaven, Baylor Grad, Messianic * Pilot #JesusIsTheSonOfGod * #LifeBeginsAtConception #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #StandAgainstEvil
They own medical schools,
They own#MainstreamMedia"
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
God will not hold us guiltless.
NOT to speak IS to speak.
NOT to act IS to act.”
#trumpwon,#jfkjr,#Wwgowga,#NCSWIC,#SaveOurChildren,#SAVEAMERICA,#STOPTHESTEAL,#Wwgowga,#TheCauseOfLiberty,#ActOf1871,#WagePeaceNotWar,#TheGreatAwakening,#NoOneIsAboveTheLaw,#AmericaFirst,#VeteransFirst,#AmericansFirst,#DeportIllegalAliens,#FederalTyranny,#ForgottenFathers,#Parentectomy,#GoogleIsEvil,#TwitterIsEvil,#DemocratsAreEvil,#LifeBeginsAtConception,#ShutdownDC,#GunsAreSafe -#DemocratsAreDangerous,#AbolishTheFederalReserve,#ReturnToTheGoldStandard,#chemtrails,#GeneticallyModifiedOrganism,#GMO#ChemtrailSyndrome,#FluorideKills,#VaporDistilledWater,#SteamDistilledWater,#EssentialTraceElements,#OrganicTraceMinerals,#vaccine,#vaccines

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Each day it is necessary that we feed our bodies with food to nourish ourselves. It is also important that we feed the mind and spirit too.

Avid reader and author! Patriot & MAGA. Truth seeker who is about all about exposing the lies! Trump best president ever!
Only followers of this user (@carlacoelho) can see their posts

Outsider, Patriot, Truther, son of God, Never quits, Stops at nothing .
Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

Energy Shifter helping the World Transform their lives into the New Earth! Host of Soul Talk Soul Life Media Patriot to the Core...

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP
@Kobayashi@administrator 👍👍👍👍👍🐸🐸

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
I love you Patriots & Anons.
About a month ago I had been noticing an uptick in negativity and bad vibes.
I felt your pain.
I tweeted out a call to action and in my opinion General Flynn and Lin Wood just answered in a big, big way over the past 48 hours.
They have both validated everything we have all been fighting for and have both confirmed that Trump is still our POTUS.
Many of us have known this within our hearts and many have known this with verified first person proof. But it’s great to hear these Patriots call out satanists and child abusers on a world stage.
Now it’s our time to support them!