Michelle Anderson
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I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
i would home school until you know your schools are taken back by we the people. we the people. Not the citizens of the United States. difference in meanings.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
and go maskless of course. you can write down on a piece of paper after you read your constitution about the statistics and facts from the CDC and the contradictions from Fauci those are all really good points.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
Get a copy of your constitution and read it. An article 18 section 242 is important as well read that. I have three copies of the constitution I passed them out in my family and I carry one in my purse.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
what was the advice you were seeking?

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
i agree.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
we all had to start somewhere. not appropriate to name call …..there are many variables, choices, and expressions. one is not to judge. you should know, you are to respect others experiences no matter their frequency. love and light to you.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
i believe, to add to yours, he was trying to prevent years of lockdowns whilst the v was being made. he had many angles to tackle….

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
you are beautiful absolutely! thank you for sharing.
and thank you to all tnose who post for the greater good of inneed souls. bless you ……

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
because we let them…….

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
do you suppose for jills puniship that someone dresses her for outings?

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
im ready

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
👏👏👏👏♥️♥️♥️♥️thats the only way we can win faster. stand up in masses un afraid. any one in nevada ready to stand in masses? i am ready to stand with you.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
interesting the ad says three year old, and as you read they referred to him as a 10-year-old

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
yes i agree

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
not human

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
zionists disguised as Democrats

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
oh my heart❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️ love that so much. Animals are wonderful

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
I do not recognize their representation as I did not vote them in. They are evil foreigners to me…..

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
democrats were not a thing until z came along

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
symbols have been Hijacked be careful

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
wrong…..Hitler and the Reick where vilified wrongly. know your true history

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
absolutely but try to tell the mass that

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
then all insurances should reimburse every person paying insurance that didn’t need it for the whole year that’s for sure

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
ummmmmm?.I don’t think that’s how a Killswitch works

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
then he needs to reliaze that sports are regulated by soros…… and hes a living puppet.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
the earthis flat

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.