I think this is my first post!
I need some advice! Last year, we pulled our 13 year old daughter from public school and enrolled her into our small christian school connected to our church. I am an employee from the same school district working with special ed students. I love my job! I have always believed that the kids should have been in school 5 days a week. My daughter is hearing impaired and I got sick of her laying around all day on a virtual education platform. At the same time, I went to work everyday and worked with any kid that would walk into our school. Some Special needs kids came in a little bit and kids without internet. A lot of people stayed home. Anyway, our school district has decided to require masks again.🙄. My daughter’s Christian school all voted to wear masks. At church this morning, I saw the principal and I have a 9 am appointment with her tomorrow. After church today, we stayed and helped move furniture and clean as we just built an addition on.
what was the advice you were seeking?

Love Living in TN...#takeoffyourmask WWG1WGA TRUMP IS PRESIDENT #pedojoeandthehohavetogo

Love Living in TN...#takeoffyourmask WWG1WGA TRUMP IS PRESIDENT #pedojoeandthehohavetogo
Dont send your child to school if the have to wear a madk!! Go to the Americas Frontline Doctors website. they have a lot of information about how to fight these BS mandates

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
i would home school until you know your schools are taken back by we the people. we the people. Not the citizens of the United States. difference in meanings.

Haha! It wouldnt let me post everything I wrote!
Any good advice on what to say to the pricipal tomorrow? I will go to the board of the public schools as well. I cannot go to school again wearing a mask.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
Get a copy of your constitution and read it. An article 18 section 242 is important as well read that. I have three copies of the constitution I passed them out in my family and I carry one in my purse.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
and go maskless of course. you can write down on a piece of paper after you read your constitution about the statistics and facts from the CDC and the contradictions from Fauci those are all really good points.