Prophesy of Enoch - The Second Coming
Understand why God has given back the Holy Books removed by man in this season in time. All Spiritual beings are not confined by time. You have been given what God wants you to know today in the Lost Holy Books and the time is now here where you either Believe in Christ fully and be Baptized as an Adult knowengly what it means and its significance. If you were Christened that is Not Baptism in the water. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must believe what is written about Christ in John 3: 16-21 and be Baptised as it is written in John 3:5 as Jesus Christ was 29 years old when he was Baptised by John the Baptist .Little time left for all and God being merciful gave all the relative Lost Holy Books back so you will not be left behind to have to go through the Tribulation for 7 years as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have began their ride already.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
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#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
I have a different take on Enoch. I have read many times and one could spend a lifetime studying it. As well as scripture being removed and changed, one has to look and see a common thread throughout , one that says " I am Gd, I do not change"

Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
I agree with your mention of the common thread: "I AM G-D and change not!." The reason I was interesting in reading Enoch's book was because it was referenced in a serious way in the New Testament Book of JUDE.