Michele Jeanne
2 years ago

Michele Jeanne

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Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

So true!
Interesting part for me is that I also learn so much from people with whom I disagree or who are flat out wrong in their conclusions. But they may enlighten me to a different aspect of a problem, even if their desired solution is a reallly bad idea.
Really miss when people could honestly discuss things and really listen to different viewpoints!

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

Not sure if this is good news. How do you prevent them buying controlling interest and forcing Rumble to address "misinformation".

They've coerced so many other once good companies to promote the sick agendas. Worst part is, a lot of the money they use is actually ours... our banks and pension funds buy shares of investment funds with our cash - and Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street et al then buy shares of public companies and vote those shares on their own behalf.

They always either destroy or swallow up any company that is too independent or that threatens their market positions.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Mye Sh’Rona to her Publication

Possibility. Lot of his actions don't sit well with me.

But I try and stick to evaluating facts that I can verify rather than judging people. I have a lot more evidence of lies, but still don't have evidence of the truth. With so much deception on every side, even decent people get led astray or make errors - or get framed for others crimes. Trying to use reason and logic as much as I can, and manage my emotions.

Thanks for speaking out about how we need to remain vigilant. We got into this mess by trusting those who were not worthy...

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

Strange. The story references the Washington Times article, but the part of that which I can read seems to say it was the Hunter Biden laptop investigation, not the Mar a Lago raid. Think maybe TGP made an error on this story, as NY Post also looked into this and added more, confirming it was the laptop.

Either way I find it difficult to believe that Wray/Garland were unaware or blameless. The main issue, of course, is the influence operations and potential collusion with foreign poweers, not the ugly family sex/drug scandals that dominate most coverage. We have potential evidence of treason here and it needs to be taken seriously!



Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Mye Sh’Rona to her Publication

Another concern is about the anti-rioting laws that were passed. While we all agree 2020 riots were over the top, the new laws are way too broad, vaguely worded (remember how they twist words and ignore "common sense" interpretations or original intent) and harsh. Among other things, you could be held liable for actions done by anyone who joins/infiltrates a legitimate protest.


Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Mye Sh’Rona to her Publication

I am extremely wary of him, after touting his no passports while that law was still standing on the books. But enough noise was made when the public became aware of the emergency powers of the state, that another bill was passed to remove those powers. I probably should examine it more closely to ensure it did what the news reports said...

"Separately, lawmakers passed a bill to stop the state health officer from being able to mandate vaccines during a public health emergency. "

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I was more taken aback by the utter hypocrisy of his statement, where he goes on about speaking your mind without fear... all while his administation is engaged in full scale intimidation of Americans who dare to disagree with his policies and speak their minds.
Glad I wasn't drinking coffee as I read it, I might have choked.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Having been dealing with a family medical issue since mid-April, I can confirm the inhuman and ineffective protocols also impact patients who are not there for C19. They're trying to operate an assembly line and the insurers and administrators are running the show - even the doctors have limited control. Your own doctor can't even see you when in the hospital unless their assigned doc of the week calls him/her in!
Protocols may be fine for uncomplicated cases, but the refusal to individualize care is causing great harm to many who would be better served by more traditional practices. It's also costing a ton of money to treat the complications they cause! Why do they profit off their own incompetence?

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Really wish Truth would allow us to read/browse without creating an account. It made sense when they were first ramping up and needed to gauge traffic, but it should be past that phase now :(

Appreciate those folks who reliably copy significant posts. Thank you!

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response American Proud (Red) to her Publication

Found this. Confirms polio cases and also detectable in water, but that doesn't mean that the water is the source of infection. Just means the infected people are shedding it through urine or bathing or whatever. Seems to me like 10-100 cases wouldn't be enough, but who knows if they're using PCR where just one particle can be replicated enough to detect (wouldn't be anywhere near enough to make anyone SICK though - our immune systems deal with stuff all the time).


Could all be smoke to cover for vaccine side effects and scare folks some more. Guillain Barre has the same symptoms as polio, it's just said to be autoimmune response versus a viral infection.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Ultra MagaQueen to her Publication

How odd...
from the story: "Ellis is charged with Felony Theft by Taking, Interference with Government Property, and 2nd Degree Criminal Damage to Property."
I thought the story was that these were placed on private land by an unknown private individual.
Now it's government property? and a felony charge for taking a little piece of rock?

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

I see things like this every day. It's how I remind myself, despite the news, that people are fundamentally good. Small kindnesses, gifts of time and attention, smiles...
Stop judging the world by the (controlled) news and the figures they promote as representative of the population. It's how they divide us.
Take the time to notice the goodness in the world.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Isn't about politics. The first black justice was quite liberal.

Thurgood Marshall was appointed by LBJ and then served for 24 years. Before becoming a justice on SCOTUS, he was very well known as a civil rights lawyer who counted among his cases Brown v Bd of Ed.

I'm definitely more aligned with Thomas' views on constitutional law, but Marshall is still an important figure historically.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication

I'd be guessing as to timing. We know these and more things are out there. All I've seen is word that Kash Patel posted on Truth tht he will begin releasing declassified docs next week - no idea if they can somehow block it though.
I'm trusting that the timing will be such that as many people as possible will be ready to hear and recognize the truth. I myself am still shocked at the depth of corruption, even though I've been aware of some of it for years. Those who have not been paying attention will need time to absorb it and not dismiss it out of hand.

All I can do is keep validating information to the best of my ability, and ask others about it - get them to start questioning... share articles, etc. Lots still needs evidence, even though I suspect it is true... there's definitely a mix including inserted disinfo to keep people confused or to discredit us if we err on a couple of points.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

Thinking about next phase and what may be coming. Law of War manual has always seemed to be the most relevant procedures. Are they about to lose control?

11.3END OF OCCUPATION AND DURATION OF GCOBLIGATIONS (...) Belligerent occupation ceases when the conditions for its 11.3.1application are no longer met.81 In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory (...) .82Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control.83 For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory.


Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Paul Robb to his Publication

Harvest your seeds and teach them to grow even more 20 gal pots...
Sort of like the gardener's version of "give a man a fish vs. teach a man to fish"
Only real solution I see. Internet articles aren't tailored for your climate and environment, so practical advice will still have much value.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

The missing data is the percentage of children represented by the 23.9m - which I looked up and determined that it represents 33% of American children.
This shows the significance of the other figures cited. These children are more than twice as likely to experience these problems!

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

Shame that they are requiring a phone still - and not just for one-time confirmation to prove I'm a real person,, but to receive text and sms...

Yes, I'm an anachronism, but I don't have or want a cell phone.
Probably would get rid of my regular VOIP line too, since 98% of calls are spam and scams, but I do occasionally need to place calls or get some calls from friends/family/legit businesses.

Seems like the plan is to make us all require these devices for daily living. Ir's getting harder and harder not to have one. Why worry about implants, etc when you voluntarily carry around a device that can monitor what you say and where you go at all times? It's sort of funny, because I never do or say anything that would get me in trouble in a sane world... but now that they define insurrection as voting for the candidate they dislike???

No thanks.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Yep, consumers always end up swallowing the costs. Simple economics.

Part of why I laught when they really think it's a solution to tax the rich or tax corporations... Prices will just rise to cover that and we'll be the real ones paying those taxes in the form of higher prices.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Paul Robb to his Publication

I probably spend more time explaining to conservatives (both aware and mostly asleep) why we MUST avoid a civil war, than I do planting seeds for liberals to start thinking for themselves.
We'd only serve the enemy's plan if we were to fight each other. I'm quite sure the truly culpable will be sheltering in some remote land, and laughing at us in their false sense of superiority.

So yes, good reminder. Our enemies are the principalities.... not others who have different opinions and/or are operating from a different set of facts.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Always seems odd when AOC says things I can agree with, in between her amateurish rants. Their solutions are awful, and cover for more abuses of the people, disguised by pretty words, but it seems many of us could agree at least on the statements of the problems.

Still wonder if she's just playing a role towards awakening people.
She's almost cartoonish, but between the laughable statements, she does call out many very real issues.

AOC's rant included :
the ‘extreme far left’ in the US is ‘medicine shouldn’t bankrupt you,’ ‘wages should cover rent,’ & ‘maybe it’s bad that Wall St companies profit off mass surveillance, manufactured housing crises, and caging people.’”

“The number of billionaires in the US couldn’t even fill an apartment building, but the number of people they negatively impact is only growing,”

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Anthony Michau18 to his Publication

I remember reading about misplaced foreign aid back when the impeachment hearings were underway. It may be much more than 1.5b, but the information is not strongly substantiated.
After much searching, (hard to find older stuff given current events), I found this article that touches on suggestions of widespread corruption in handling of foreign aid. That was apparently why Trump was asking them if they had addressed the concerns before he released the additional funds...


Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Photon 333 to her Publication

Interesting articles. I can read about these technologies and see that they could be of great benefit in developing natural sources of important medications. But then I have to read again and think about how the psychopaths will cross every red line and use this knowledge to the wrong ends, or worse yet, play as gods and try to re-engineer natural biology in very unwise ways.
Seems like bioethicists have been useless at answering the complex questions of "We CAN do this... but SHOULD we?" Instead, they seem to just try and justify whatever and think how to make it seem palatable, even to the researchers who may have good intentions, but fail to see the dangers inherent in their work.
As with political power, scientific power is dangerous in the hands of those who lack morals and human virtues.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Photon 333 to her Publication

Saw a few posts yesterday, so I watched the video, but basically dismissed it as it was loaded with loose correlations that really didn't hold water. Surprised to see how many people are talking about it today.
Snake venoms are generally toxic either to your nervous system or to your blood chemistry and coagulation pathways - they can have either effects of causing clotting or of causing bleeding and inhibiting clotting. There are hundreds of proteins/enzymes involved in both the venom and in the blood coagulation pathways. Many therapeutics are actually derived from components of venoms also.

It's very sloppy to insist that it is snake venom merely because of the coagulopathies. A really bad analogy would be like saying bombs are made in factories, and oh no! cars are made in factories too, so they're going to blow us all up!!!

The video really doesn't say anything more than that covid is much more a vascular disease than respiratory, which we already knew.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response The Mac to his Publication

Interesting. First I've heard of these writings, so I have a lot more reading to do. Found a decent overview at Graham Hancock site, then read a bunch of articles that didn't add much or sought only to discredit it. Most links to the actual text seem to be blocked or have wordpress errors, but been reading some of the text at rejectedscriptures.weebly.com/selections-from-the-kolbrin-bible.html

Lot of things strike me as simple truths, but there's also some parts that feel more modern or even new age. Could be the Celtic side blended in.

A quote I liked:
Wisdom does not consist of what a man knows, but of recognizing the limits of his knowledge. Listen always but speak seldom. Maintain silence when in doubt and you will seldom get into trouble.

As I re-investigate so much of what I've learned, I'm taking my time developing new information, which are evolving as a set of possibilities of varying likelihoods. It's a slow process.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response The Mac to his Publication

Perhaps you are trying to measure the generation through the lens THEY provide? Admittedly, many are stressed and distracted, and some have become hostile to truth which they don't understand how to process - buy...
There are many hopeful signs. Just keep looking for them, out of the limelight. Millions of people seeking to simplify, to find peace, to share love...

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

Don't underestimate the power of simply ALWAYS referring to it as "the big lie". They mindlessly repeat it in EVERY article written or sentence spoken.
They never use even neutral language. They make every reference include something about disproven or debunked or whatever, and just ignore anyone who asks how it was debunked. The truth is whatever they declare it to be.
I could care less how often they repeat THEIR lies, I rely on common sense and evidence, not on unsubstantiated verdicts.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

Until we start looking at the truth of what leads to wars and uprisings and hurts the peoples of the world, we won't be able to stop wars. So frustrating to see people waving blue and yellow flags and donating to food relief efforts and crying out against the wars, while unwittingly supporting the corrupt who instigate them.

We have to fairly review BOTH sides of the story! I know their hearts are in the right place, but it's maddening when they silence anyone who tries to investigate or to explain the factors that the corporate media won't discuss.

We need real diplomats. Might be better off recruiting them from within the business comminity than from foreign affairs students. They tend to be more skilled at seeking solutions where both parties benefit from the relationship.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication

Thanks for sharing. Obviously this is written to cast Russia's actions in the best light, but even so... it makes more sense than the obvious propaganda, which seems to be trying to escalate rather than calm the situation. The truth likely lies somewhere between, so it helps to see "the other side of the story" to gain some perspective.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

I wonder what the approvers would say if asked " what specific thing do you think Biden has done a really good job on? "
Might be rather amusing, though sad.