Mike Frankenfitz
3 years ago

Mike Frankenfitz

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I'm a patriot true and through.

In response Glenn Huggins to his Publication

It's that deep state is wut it be. I'll tell ewe wut, I's been on to the Deep State since I was abducted by that UFO and they did things to me, unspeakable things.

Is that a good one - you know, like all your National Enquirer play acting that these fantasy fictions are real?

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Matt Walsh has a little brain and a wee 'lil weenie. Please withdraw your kids. We don't want your unwashed dirty kids in our schools. Go, leave. No one wants you.

In response Kennedy Trump Vision to her Publication

Uh, Noelle, you dumbass, they already banned you from entering. You're not boycotting when they already said they don't want you. Now go back and create another conspiracy or whatever it is you chuds do.

In response Ask Yourself to her Publication

You are free to move out of the country. Frankly, everyone is tired of the conspiracy bullshit chuds. Time to ostracize every last one of them. Sure, you speak no other languages and probably don't even own a passport, but go ahead and leave.

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

go start your own then. No one needs you there. No one wants more fictional bullshit and covid disinformation, so leave. It's time to pull the plug on the conspiracy idiots. Dox them, end their livelihoods, push them aside - ostracize the entire lot of fools. It's time. The world has passed them by, they can't keep up, so they blame others like losers do. So start your own, take your deep intelligence and do it.

In response DIGITAL SQLDIER to his Publication

oooh, tell me more Digi Soldier. LOL. We're all laughing at you "digital soldier" types. Just blowhard clowns with fantasy and fiction in place of intelligence, knowledge, education, or ability. Now back to 8Kun for more research. HaHaHa

In response Glenn Huggins to his Publication

OK elmo. Sure you are. Code Monkey had to move out of PH as Duterte was going to eliminate him there, Duterte was tired of their shit. Ron's dad ran porn sites from the PH and Duterte wanted them gone. But the Q chuds and their Pedo Cabal nonsense don't care about Jim or Ron's porn, Pedo Cabal chuds are too stupid to know better - they live in fantasy land. And your IT nonsense is pure shit, absolute nonsense. Try harder fercrissakes.

In response Mr. Bee+G&J to his Publication

Of course, I'm not stupid chud. Now hit me with your conspiracy crap, give me your best nonsensical batshit crazy nonsense. I need a good laugh today. And don't get vax'd, we're trying to thin the herd of the useless.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

Oh, is that a joke? I get it. I see the idea that ratings of chuds watching crap fiction on OAN and Newsmax matters to the small brains. Understand now why we laugh at you? Now get back to your white claw and Judge Judy.

In response Robby Ball to his Publication

Yes, she's pure class. Cheated on just like the previous two wives. She'll take the cash and run soon enough.

In response Robert Travers to his Publication

No chud, it didn't. It was a joke. Only low IQ, uneducated individuals are even making claims as you. I'm sorry your decisions in life didn't work out. Trump doesn't give a shit about you, you're just chattel for his latest scam. Time to push people still committed to Trump aside. We don't need them.

In response walker Fast to his Publication

a) she's not a doctor. She has a PHD but not in anything medical. b) she works as a paid witness, you pay her and she shows up to testify as you pay her to.

This is the type of shit you chuds listen to. It's sad that the low IQ's and gullible buy into this shit. Yes, we will have to marginalize a lot of people, they are hopeless. Have a nice day pepe or whatever you like to be called.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

hahah, you had me until I saw it was from OAN. LOL. Chanel is now getting sued by Dominion. Kinda runs in the family, her father was a confidence man and fraudster. Her grandma was a fraudulent "fortune teller." Seems butter face Chanel is keeping up the family business.

In response Fleur Vert to her Publication

Is that Matt Gaetz's house?

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

No, it's the f'n anti-vax, covid denier assclowns that brought yet another wave. F you people, time to do some cancelling.

In response Mr. Bee+G&J to his Publication

That's what it be I'll tell ewe wut, I's a dumb ignorant redneck likes you so I's agree. LOL, stupid chud. Don't get vax'd, and don't go to doctors since it's a hoax. DeSantis and Abbot are thinning the herd.

In response SPORTS to his Publication

50 court cases - zero evidence, all lost by the chud clowns that you follow. Your conspiracy crap is because you can't face reality - your bad decisions in life brought you where you are, so now you live in fantasy land looking to others to blame. We're laughing at the conspiracy clowns, looking down on them as small brains following fantasies.

In response Earnest T Bass to his Publication

Preach Earnest. You tell 'em. The hypocrisy and conspiracy crap is your way of preaching the fiction, which you pretend is truth, so other chuds will believe and follow. You preach Earnest T, you preach like the black and white TV shows you reference in your name, believe in the past when the present has passed you by so prolifically.

your choice was made. you lost. now you espouse conspiracy bullshit theories and seek to destabilize the US. Well f those people. Ashli Babbitt was a domestic terrorist. What is it the chuds say - "fu*k around and find out" - she found out.

In response Purpose Prophet to his Publication

I know, right? With her husband paying off hookers and porn starts, it must be tough, but she knew. She knew what she was signing up for. Trump has cheated on every single wife, all three. What is it now, five kids with three different wives? God doesn't consider a piece of shit like Trump, except striking him down with mini strokes and Frontotemporal Dementia.

Yes, what we know is that you're obsessed with someone who holds no public office and never has. But you support a piece of shit domestic terrorist list Ashli Babbit who was appropriately shot as she sought to break and enter the US Capitol to unseat democracy. You need help.

In response Tmaga Amaga to his Publication

You do understand that the Police union head in Chicago is considered one of the dirtiest "cops" in America? I say "cops" because he had his police powers stripped. More than 30 disciplinary citations and more than 100 days on suspension for this piece of shit. One major problem with the police are the police unions - f them, especially the FOP.

In response Aus Sco to his Publication

when Trump dies. All the lies and conspiracy dissolve when the stroke hits and he's gone. The people still supporting Trump at this point are the dregs of society.

In response SPORTS to his Publication

3 day symposium? It was 3 days of batshit crazy nonsense. They proved nothing, absolutely nothing of any sort. Even some of their own people said they had nothing and the "audience" even left it was such nonsense. this is your "research?" Seriously, this isn't even worth discussion, it's a joke. Pillow Mike is back on crack and he's losing his business. Good riddens to that clown.

Thank you. I was hoping I wasn't being too elusive. Deep State is a fictional device for chuds to blame their poor life decisions on someone else. There are lots of things for chuds to blame poor life decisions, DS is just one. have a great day and do us all a favor, don't get vax'd, it's a conspiracy against the small brains by DeSantis and Abbot to thin the herd, but you should go along.

In response Phillip Moore to his Publication

and the chuds keep churning . . . someone who holds no government position is getting your attention while domestic terrorists like Ashli Babbitt tried to overturn a democratic election. Please understand why we have no respect for the Q chuds.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

but not you. I think the whole world will be happy if you stay un-vax'd. You show 'em, go own the libs, don't get the jab.

In response Yol Ubsa to her Publication

what are you talking about? they covered yet again today, and they are following the Gaetz story as well. Those are the real traffic'rs. Oh, do you mean your pedo cabal fiction? LOL.

Oh, and this guy was a campaign manager for the Lacy Johnson, who ran an unsuccessful bid in 2020 to unseat Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. These are your people. Look inward for the real pedos.


Oh, I guess we got off on the wrong foot. I'm here to be your friend. Please, tell me about the Deep State and how JFK Jr. is not really dead. I haven't heard a great fictional story in years. Come'on - just another fantasy story with absolutely no credible reality whatsoever? Oh, tell me the one where Trump gets reinstated tomorrow, that's my favorite fantasy story ever. See you tomorrow, to laugh at all the chuds!!!

In response Maga Nana to her Publication

She's a horrible pick. But it would take a dirtier pick than her to follow Trump. Trump is better operating with hookers and porn stars, they take cash up front. Trump's world is one of money laundering and crime, he shouldn't have picked a goodie two-shoes, he should have picked a hooker, that way his pick would reflect the dirty and corrupt reality of Trump's followers.