Mike Frankenfitz
@MichaelFitz4Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
I'm a patriot true and through.

Oh look, it's one of the conspiracy chud heroes. David Byrd molested children when he was a high school coach (he admitted, on tape). So are the batshit crazy Pedo Cabal posers chasing this guy? Oh hell no, he's a GOP hero to the conspiracy clowns. Turns out he got covid, went to a hospital as covid deniers will, ended up nearly dying, required a liver transplant, and now is an anti-vax hero and anti-mask hero to you chuds. So ignore the pedophilia, he's all with you bozos.

Wait, what? CCP did what? This doesn't sync with your batshit crazy conspiracy theories. I thought DS was working with CCP. Turns out CCP is working with the conspiracy clowns helping them with fake Covid Cards. Huh, turns our your fictions are as fictional as your bullshit.

The Pillow guy was an even worse joke than anyone could imagine, a complete meltdown. It's almost hard to make fun of it, being so tragic. There's not even any substance to laugh at, it was just a shit-show disaster. And this is the crap you people follow? WTF is wrong with you people? And yes, it's now "you people" - there are normal people living in reality and there is batshit crazy land where the conspiracy clowns reside.
Speaker at Mike Lindell symposium under investigation by authorities | The Independent
The official may face criminal charges pending a state attorney’s investigation
Another Trump loving murderer, radicalized by clowns like those on this site. You are complicit in spreading nonsensical conspiracy theories. You are the problem in America. Isn't today reinstatement day for the orange turd who cheats on his wives?
Jake Davison, Suspected Mass Shooter, Said He Was an American, Trump-Supporting Virgin
Jake Davison raged on Facebook and YouTube for years before carrying out the worst shooting in Britain for over a decade.
Oh, look, another Qanon pathetic idiot killed their own kids. You f'n Q clowns on this site are complicit in these murders. Every one of those Qidiots who radicalize these mentally unstable people are complicit.
California dad killed his kids over QAnon and 'serpent DNA' conspiracy theories, feds claim
A California surfing school owner was charged with killing his two children in Mexico over conspiracy theory beliefs.
Hey, how's that fight going, you know, the one against the imaginary cabal of pedo's? Guess yet another MagaT goes down. Gaetz is next. See, while you're out chasing fictional nonsense, someone is actually doing real work. maybe the idiot Q's should look inward for the real problems.
GOP Strategist Anton Lazzaro Arrested for Underage Sex Trafficking
The feds just arrested wealthy Republican strategist and occasional Fox News guest Anton Lazzaro on five counts of underage sex trafficking.
H. Scott Apley, a fierce opponent of vaccines, masks, and other effective means of avoiding Covid, has died of covid. He mocked covid and dispensed misinformation. As an official in the Texas GOP, he should have known better, now Scott is dead. It's the way he would have wanted it, he chose it. It's sad, but how can one have sympathy for one who was too blinded to do the right thing?

wow, traffic for AnonUp continues to tank. Down 19% for July.
People are coming to their senses and ending their downward slide into conspiracy cult nonsense. Only the most pathetic remain, spewing nonsense and conspiracies that people with actual brains laugh at. The time on site is down as well. Alex is giving up on this attempt at social upheaval to further crypto values, he's got bigger problems we guess. There are still a few in the cult, so live it up, drink the Kool-Aid, and remember, we're all laughing at you, doxing you, and helping marginalize you.

hahaha, everything Trump touches dies. The latest is his endorsement in an election in Texas. Texas, the most red-pilled place in America. Trump is now recognized as the idiot he always was, even some of the conspiracy clowns are realizing their faith was mis-placed and Trump is a joke. Oh, and he lost the election, there was no fraud. F'n idiots.
Voters reject Trump-endorsed Republican in Texas special election | Republicans | The Guardian
Jake Ellzey defeats fellow Republican Susan Wright for House seat following death of Wright’s husband from Covid-19
Newsmax is failing. Audience is shrinking and no ad dollars to speak of. So they create more fiction and more BS conspiracies, but the audience shrinks still. Idiots. Bullshitting fiction idiots.
Why Newsmax is failing, explained by an expert - Vox
The sudden rise and precipitous fall of Newsmax.

The whole world is laughing at you. Here's Singapore.
Commentary: QAnon – how a conspiracy-consuming community persists, despite its leader going MIA - CNA
From its humble beginnings in drops posted by a prophet-like figure on 4chan, QAnon has evolved to become a social movement that continues to ...
Cicada's underground for 17 years. did you hear that - 17! So that signifies, well nothing, but I'm sure some pathetic chud will create some nonsensical conspiracy theory for us all to laugh at, and the mentally challenged to believe and pass along. LOL, stupid Q's/17/s/cue's or whatever the idiots call themselves now.
QAnon Supporters Say Cicada Landing on Biden's Neck Is Proof Plan Is Working
QAnon influencers are struggling to come up with new ways to prove their movement holds true in the absence of Donald Trump and after the public failure of several predictions.
Projection. It's the act of accusing others that of which you are guilty. Here we see a cue anon/conspiracy clown yelling at the Capitol accusing them of being pedophiles, you know, cause the cult believe in a cabal of pedos. But seems this Q served time for statutory rape of a 14 year old. Projection. Matt Gaetz, and all the other Q's are guilty of that which they accuse others.
Captiol Riot: Accused Rioter Served Time For Statutory Rape
Man accused of participating in the Capitol riot, which included many QAnon followers, served time for statutory rape.
hahaha, look at this idiot. Pathetic clowns with their fictions and amazing tales of conspiracy and never ending prediction of the "The Storm."
QAnon grifter tells followers she can time travel — and says Trump will be "reinstated" | Salon.com
A QAnon adherent claims retribution is coming for what she says was the stolen 2020 election: report
Another Qanon batshit crazy thinking her kids are in danger from an imaginary cabal. WTF is the matter with you people?
Webster Woman Accused Of Setting Fire To Home With Kids Inside | Concord, NH Patch
Webster Woman Accused Of Setting Fire To Home With Kids Inside - Concord, NH - Docs: Mary Corliss screamed, "You'll die if you eat me," during Deer Meadow Road rescue; driven by QAnon conspiracies; faces felony charges.
You know what cue anons do well? Rationalize their failures. In life, it's about blaming others. When it comes to conspiracies not coming true or being revealed to be yet another fraud, they rationalize, or change the date, etc. Interesting article https://gnet-research.org/2021/03/31/how-qanon-reacts-to-failed-predictions/

Looks like another of the "kraken" fiction clowns is having legal problems. Lin Wood stole money from Kyle Rittenhouse (the little murderer soon to have a giant new boyfriend in prison). Now the kraken-whisperer herself, is stealing from a non-profit for her legal expenses related to her lies and fictions.
Company: Ex-Trump lawyer raiding nonprofit for personal use - ABC News
Former Trump attorney Sidney Powell says she created a legal defense fund to protect the integrity of U.S. elections
Another one down. the idiots still believing the orange idiot are looking more and more foolish. #STOPTHESTEAL
Graham: 'I accept the results of the election' | TheHill
Lin Wood is a pathetic useless clown. Little Kyle Rittenhouse had his defense money stolen from this charlatan. This guy is a pathetic loser and fake, nothing about him is anything other than a joke. Between Flynn and Lin Wood, there's not a brain left among them.
QAnon Lawyer Lin Wood Thinks the Election He Lost Must Be Rigged
Wood says his loss is proof the entire system is rigged, and he’s calling for an audit of all recent election results.
Another Chud, another day. No, not that he was prohibited from having a gun from his seditious arrest from Jan 6th, no he wasn't supposed to have a gun from a previous arrest for armed robbery. Nice people you "patriots" support.
Jan. 6 riot suspect on house arrest after mountain lion kill - ABC News
A judge has ordered a Colorado hunting guide accused of assaulting a police officer during the U.S. Capitol riot be placed on house arrest after prosecutors say he violated the conditions of his release by having a gun and shooting a mountain lion