Little Sparrow
@LittleSparrowNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

the lies about the bible will pale in comparison to the lies about Jesus. God help all the people who have been deceived by these filthy kike alien souls!

Caananite Bloodline.

picking up "goods". gotta get special orders out to his special customers. kids/dreno

love his bracelet!

need more places to eat out that only serve whole organic foods.

not a mental problem, it is satanic. They are monsters.

if thisnin live today he mentioned it is very windy there today. No sign of the American flag.

poor camels!

just recently blocked this person!

TRUMP is not waiting, there is nothing he can do at this point. The military is the only way and they have to wait until all legal options are exhausted. It is actually favorable that the sumpreme court shoot down the cases. The military has all the proof they need. It is all timing, hang in there!

do you see it?

i have lost 3 accounts since yesterday 🤬


mark of the beast

yes, caught on to that awhile ago. Sneaky bastards

suicide week?

i compare him to Cyrus the Great

i compare him to Cyrus the Great

that is what they want you to think. just more fear mongering

check the hotel prices in DC around that date, they are doubled

actually, this is the true set used by Castle Rock. it was used in movies Independence Day, The American President, and Nixon to name a few. The carept is blue.

the movie set was used in Disney movie Nixon and The American President.