Toast Jones
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Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
all you have is lessons for people to learn. ever thought that youre not the teacher? I have ONE person to answer to, and YOU AREN'T IT. YOU have no idea WHO you are even talking to. SO I suggest you stop while you're ahead.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Listen, Old lady, You are the pathetic one. You have no control how any thinks, speaks or acts. Take your tea and go home. Stop trying to control what you cannot. Move on.
Honey- I was born during the booming of electronics. I have the best of both worlds.
Brutal- WW2 definitely was. but you know what? Life carries on! Remember them, yes, Move on YES.
Let it happen again- NO.
Get over yourself. You're the one still carrying on this morning thinking that your last word is really gonna teach us young ones a lesson. you arent. Move on. You're done.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
This lady is nuts!

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Who are you to even sit here and characterize people based off the whole of how you misinterpreted what she said because it benefits you and your offended lil feelers. Just because you claim to be older certainly does not make you wiser. you are a stranger on the internet- nothing more. Dont go patting yourself on the back with your "wisdom" and what you would and would not do. Fools claim they are wise. Back off. Quit telling people how to speak. if you dont like something then keep on scrolling. if you are going to come from an education side of it-- then learn to word it in an educational fashion: IE: "DID YOU KNOW" goes a lot further than acting offended because you misread things and have zero sense of humor. Guess what? I make gas chamber jokes! Im a jew too! I have ancestors that were in camps. Get over yourself.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
You sound like a child.
Go to bed grandma

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
under this logic- then no one should say rape, or molestation, or human trafficking. do you see how dumb you sound right now? bow out gracefully while you still have some dignity left.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
does it feel good being a word / sentence structure nazi? i mean; seriously. grow up.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
stop being sensitive- you little liberal. jesus christ! your high and mighty attitude is pissing me right the hell off.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Your laugh is great!

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
If abortion is a privacy issue-- then why are taxpayers paying for it? Joy has no brain cells left.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
The Great Reset??? Yikes.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Thank you!!! I have been seeing hsretouchers BULL SHIT go around and I just roll my eyes. I just saw that someone shared from telegram that he is claiming President Trump is sending out $7500 checks as celebration. WTF? People are falling for this shit! blah.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
This legit made me laugh so hard! LOL LOL

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
1776 was bloody!

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
The DOJ website shows that there is plenty being done. its just not all over the tv and social media. why? because it keeps you weary. Because it keeps you down hearted. It makes you frustrated. it makes you mad. it makes you tired- and after being tired-- you give up. when you give up - you comply.
Its ok to take a beak from all of this. No matter what- plenty will still be done whether anyone is watching or not.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Yea- must suck to live in a world where everything must be on your time schedule and it just isnt. I can understand why you would be frustrated.
You still have more internal growth to do. We all do.
Much like the return of Messiah- no one knows the day or hour....
just know all their deeds are known. they have it all.. but the wheel of justice is slow. How can anyone help that legalities is a slow process? How can they help that there are millions of brainwashed/dead people? Hell - I want it to happen now- but guess what. Its not. Keep raising awareness- live a happy and healthy life- fight for what is right. Justice comes just when it is the right time.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
anything the president said he doesnt like- imma stay away from it LOL

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Hello Nana!
burnt toast is a no go! I find it quite hilarious thoug--- people already getting their stimuls and theres already reports of bitcoin jumpin sky high. SMH

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
You called ?
LOL jk

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Thank you for replying!!
I see! that definitely looks more than promising!

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Why do you think so?

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
tomorrow came and went l

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
I have not seen that Ghost has claimed foreknowledge... and I know I havent seen him ask for money in any way.. so Idk why everyone is after Ghost so much

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Another one bites the dust!

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
It is my moms favorite!! haha! i like to say it separate just to see her smile! it is absolutely true though!!

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
The meek inherit the earth. So "rapture" must mean something completely different.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
LOL Naturally! of course!

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
Disease ---> DIS -EASE