3/3So lots of newbies,who never gained a thick skin,never waded through hours of trolls posting horrific porn to find truths,never got called mean names for whining,are scared to death&digital battle-hardened warriors tell them to shut up&go home if they can’t take it.The way people are being treated is rather mild,in their view.I get it-they feel that they don’t deserve any help because they haven’t earned it.They feel like they shouldn’t get for free,what they earned through hard work/digital battle.In my view,newbies don’t have time to gain the battle scars we got-that’s why the battle has largely moved on from places like 8kun.We need to help them-we need everyone.I learned a lot by hanging out w/autists-I’m eternally grateful for the education I got.But it's not for everyone.Don’t be offended by anons who say:this the work of God,then punch you in the throat-they are probably heroes.we need to learn their truth-then pass it on in a more socially acceptable manner for the newbies❤️