1 of the best things we can do 2 get out of the cabals control matrix is 2 shake off the shackles of dependency by being self reliant.this week,I have had several people tell me they cannot opt out of the system,because u need a million dollars 2 buy an organic farm on 40 acres 2 do so.Frens- this is not an all or nothing thing.I dont know why this is a prevalent idea,only thing i can think of-people have been brain washed 2 think this way.there are a million things u can do 2 be more self reliant in small ways that really add up over time.anything u can do to do it yourself,save money,work for yourself,not rely on the doctor,big corps,tradesmen,food conglomerates,university, government,etc.all actions u take4 yourself add up over time 2 make u capable, more intelligent,& less reliant on any1.we do this routinely,4 many years out of necessity, now because its cool 2 learn new things¬ pay 4 them.Im probably preaching 2 the choir,but im going 2 do a series of posts 4 any1 interested.