Just Jesus
4 years ago

Just Jesus

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In response Emand Lio to his Publication
In response Frank De Frank to his Publication

Same thing when you buy the neoprene dumbbell hand weights.

In response Melody Lighthouse to her Publication

Thank you. There was a copy on Youtube that I had shared also. I appreciate the alternate channel info.

In response Lisa Hill to her Publication
In response Just Jesus to his Publication
In response Melody Lighthouse to her Publication


In response Just Jesus to his Publication
In response Breaking Bad to his Publication
In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Still not in prison? Hmmm....

In response Jane Doe✔️ to her Publication

Interesting that this is just after the Doctor shows a blank insert from a box of them. Perhaps that means It's Happening! :D https://anonup.com/upload/videos/2021/05/7npcbwYR32gjHb1GGOjK_07_a7cfa477041c3a09ddaf2a351d1f0f94_video_original.mp4

In response Lisa Hill to her Publication
In response Just Jesus to his Publication
In response 17Commentary 17C to his Publication

Last night I literally heard an owl calling outside and commented about it and looked it up to confirm the type of owl it was by the call it made. Hahaha.

In response Just Jesus to his Publication


In response Mr. Deeds to his Publication
In response Just Jesus to his Publication
In response Red 55S to her Publication
In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Someone posted this on Twitter.

In response The Ultra-Minotaur to his Publication
In response Trump Girl to her Publication

There's a video with a woman in Ireland that explained the same/similar scenario in that country. They didn't even isolate the first strain and questioned how could there be a second strain identified.

In response Joanne Sherman to her Publication

He hasn't posted on Twitter since May 22, 2020. Hmmm...

Only God forms life. Some people try to take the credit though.

Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

In response Just Jesus to his Publication

Many years ago there was a store called Levitz. They had a going out of business sale it seemed like every year but they would still be in business many years later and we would make jokes how they were supposed to be running out of business.

In response Just Jesus to his Publication
In response Just Jesus to his Publication

This warning was from a group called Donald J. Trump Supporters on Telegram. The post was from Donald J. Trump. I left the group and am considering that was the group that was getting me banned. LOL Posers.

In response Just Jesus to his Publication

Isn't it rather ironic that it's called a conspiracy...

In response Kly Fdt to her Publication


In response Just Jesus to his Publication

... accessing the machines—even though federal law requires all records to be kept for 22 months to make certain our elections are valid?? — Sidney 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Did you see Brigitte Gabriel's post that Rudy G shared today?