Breaking Bad
3 years ago

Breaking Bad

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Let's get to the Point - Ukraine history lesson.

Let's just get to the point of Ukraine...

Guys - This doctor just joined GAB and dropped this film he is in. This is a must watch period the end. I hadn't even heard of it until he joined GAB.

A New Creation, Conspiracy Realist, ICU/ER RN. Are U grafted in the Tree of Life or still part of the tree of the Knowledge of GOOD & evil?

Get Ready for the Event 11.3

DeepRig watch for free -

Need help - do you guys remember the eyewitness to the twin towers talking to the reporter, this was like just some 'Joe' on the street but he set the narrative. He acted as if he was a structural engineer, claiming the towers fell down 'due to structural' failure caused by the fires. Seems that video has been scrubbed of the me find it.

Please following me on GAB - I'm more active there. HoganPipeSupply

This is pinned on my GAB

You know what to do -- support this tuber#wwg1wga good for those just waking up.

Thank you Patriots! Arizona updates, Trump’s MSM red pill, Are we living in the times of communism ? - YouTube

Patriots Helping Patriots!I’m hoping to inspire y’all to use your voice as I have been inspired to do!Arizona audit updates ,Trump delivers a red pill statem...

Is the George Floyd - at 13

Judge Judy 2017 Quickest Episode 166 - YouTube

Judge Judy 2017 Quickest Episode 166. Thanks for watching our videos.


Must see - and subscribe to this guy he put in alot of work.....


Where is Joe Biden? Analysis of Joe Biden through the years. - YouTube

Where is Joe Biden? Analysis of Joe Biden through the years.

Dig on this guys - stick to it let him get into it.

I had a dream – I was beside Trump whispering in his ear I could feel the ‘Product’ in his hair it was stiff. I’m not certain what I said but he said it ends tomorrow, with that ‘Cat just ate a Canary’ look on his face. Then suddenly I was a fair distance from him outside, he was seated as I looked up there was a Harrier Jet above and an incoming Missile. I started yelling Mr. President over and over, the Missile came in and did nothing. It hit a wall and puttered out, much like that scene in Ironman ‘The Ex-Wife. Dream date 4/18/21 – ‘Tomorrow’ would make it 4/19. I haven’t thought about a Harrier Jet in ‘Never’ haven’t seen a movie with one and have never had a dream of Trump. Although Harrier Jets don’t carry troops I did see Marines coming down from ropes but didn’t see the craft. As they hit the ground one Soldier took aim high, fired several shots as if into a building. At that point I started looking for my wife as it felt like a fairly big outside gathering. As I s

If you watch nothing else - watch this and tell me what does your gut say - who is the real enemy we're up against. Then go back and watch all of it starting with Part 1 of 'The fall of the Cabal' then watch 'The Sequel to the fall of the Cabal' and if you say I can't watch all that it will take too long...then that's on you!! Share and spread because its biblical...…
Nancy says 'no we don't want him to talk' -

Directly from the CDC....try to get people to ask the question, question everything.

This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy

Television Watching News Believer - Conspiracy Music Guru - YouTube

Conspiracy T-shirts from this video here: https://conspiracy-merch.myteespring.coSong available to download from these digital stores:iTunes, Apple Music, Yo...

I do find this interesting - first the link to Bidan in the rose garden at the Same time Richard is near the WH and hears and sees nothing - but it's playing "Live" on CNN - Dont watch the link but only to get context. Then click on the link for Telegram ''

#BREAKING: President Biden delivers remarks in the Rose Garden on passage of American Rescue Plan - YouTube

President Joe Biden, flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer delivered remarks from the ...

I Told You So - New Single - YouTube

Conspiracy Merch: https://conspiracy-merch.myteespring.coSong available to download these digital stores and more:iTunes, Apple Music, YouTube Art Tracks, Sp...

@Obligatetruth Texas Strong -

We are taking back the movie industry.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Good Morning Patriots.
Crazy past 2 days.

Texas judge and three others arrested on 150 counts of voter fraud

A south Texas justice of the peace was arrested along with three other individuals who face 150 charges of voter fraud altogether. Medina County Justice of the Peace Tomas Ramirez was arrested on Feb. 11 and is charged on one count of organized election fraud, one count of "assisting voter voting ballot by mail," and 17 counts of unlawful


It's not so much about the Matrix Movie being stolen - Listen to Tom and Jess - you get an inside view of how the inner system works.
Watch it!