Jay Sea
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OCCUPIED - A Stew Peters Film
OCCUPIED - A Stew Peters Film You can find Stew here: https://x.com/realstewpeters
It's all nothing burgers until the $ews are permanently removed from positions of power. I see zero signs of that so far. How many people on Team Trump are Jewish????? The fact that there's been zero fallout from the election results bother me - where's the big event - goal posts moving yet again........how long are people going to fall for this?? Good people are dying daily and those in control (white hats) have the ability to stop it anytime and choose not to.....
No false god's - no idols - quit worshipping the golden calf.

It's amazing how many people are still supporting the $ews.

Quick question - how many times has Trump mentioned the possible side effects of the jab in his rally's? How many times has he brought up the increase in youth deaths and increase in cancer rates and whether or not he will look into it? It seems strange that he never mentions this at all or am I missing something?

To those that haven't figured it out yet, we are being tested. The final test will be forgiveness which I'm afraid many people will fail, and we will be forced to do it all over again. I wonder how many times we've been here before only to fail.
How many so-called patriots/anons even mention or talk about forgiveness or is everyone so focused on revenge and blood for blood?? That makes us no different from the ones who have committed the crimes. I'm afraid many have truly lost their way and their connection with the greater GOoD. You can't conquer evil with evil. If you are truly a follower of Jesus you should already know that this is the only way forward, and no it won't be easy, it was never supposed to be.

Patriot, Disabled Veteran, Ex Firefighter. I will follow back all patriots and anons.

Looks normal to me....

BitChute puts creators first and provides them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.
THE ARCHITECT PT 1 l Dom Documents
BitChute puts creators first and provides them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.
"The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." "The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world, built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this."
When you know, you know.
“What if I told you the only way to escape the matrix is to unlearn everything that you have been taught and rebuild your entire belief system based on critical thought & analysis?”

Political curiosity brought me on a much needed spiritual journey ThanQs to #JA #Digital Soldiers #17 #45 #SaveTheChildren #WWG1WGA #GodWins
You watched as they priced the cost of living beyond what most can afford. You watched as the homeless go unfed, the sick go untreated and the poor have had to relinquish their modest homes. You watched while they burned your cities. You watched while they stole an election. You watched while they set-up your fellow Americans with the J6 bullshit and incarcerated those who were already willing to take a stand.
But it's the guns? THAT is your red-line?? - THAT'S when you're willing to take a stand???
Just out of curiousity, what is it that you will be defending at that point? Your country, your rights & your freedoms will already have been lost!
So, what exactly is left for you to defend?

Political curiosity brought me on a much needed spiritual journey ThanQs to #JA #Digital Soldiers #17 #45 #SaveTheChildren #WWG1WGA #GodWins
All you folks with your arsenal of guns don't impress me much. While you shine that piece of metal with a pumped-up chest proclaiming that, "when they come for my guns, I'll take a stand".
You watched as they killed your elderly. You watched as they introduced men dressed as female strippers to your children. You watched as they destroyed businesses and threatened your livelihoods if you refused to inject a bioweapon into your veins- over and over again. You watched as they destroyed the public school system with their woke agenda. You watched as they turned your children into dogs & cats and confused them with their sexuality. You watched as they weakened and poisoned your most patriotic fellow Americans - the military. You watched as they flooded your country with illegal and dangerous migrants. You watched as they trashed your Constitution and suppressed your first amendment rights.

For the Canadians out there...
Tucker Carlson's Message to Canadians
Tucker Carlson speaks in Alberta, Canada. Watch the full speech and a panel discussion with Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, and Danielle Smith here: https://bit.ly/3RCq6cc Follow Tucker on X: https:/
Does anyone have any details about the Miami Mall incident?
too many cops for a stick fight. Something big went down

The Mystery of Israel

At this point it's pretty easy to figure out who to trust or at least listen to. Anyone who still supports Israel at this point is not an ally. The truth about the J_ws is finally being exposed on a large scale. Time to question and relearn history once again, but how far back does a person go? I'll give you a hint...before WWII. BTW this war going on right now that everyone is freaking out about is nothing new. It has been going on for decades. People have just decided to pay attention for once.

Not everything in the world is evil. Good will always prevail!!

Major conflict in the world and Trump is delivering a calm relaxed speech. He doesn't look bothered at all. That could be taken one of two ways. He is showing us that it is all fake and not to worry about it, or he not who/what you think he is. I truly believe there are volunteers on this planet that are helping to rid the evil that is all around. Earth is about duality, you can't have evil without good and I believe good is about to make a major comeback and restore balance.

Has anyone considered the possibility that "Q" is AI?

When you know, you know. You weren't picked by accident....

I finally watched The Sound of Freedom. It is now available in HD on most free streaming sites. The one part that jumped out at me is when they go to rescue the girl. They decide to go in as doctors because the area is impossible for any other group/person to enter alive. So they decide to claim there might a "epidemic" in order to enter the area....what if we got it all wrong and covid was a front to rescue the children. Who really released covid? Oh well it's just a movie.

People thinking that they are awake:
Shop at Home Depot
Own a Apple product
Order from Amazon, Ebay etc.
Have Cable TV
Have a Netflix account
Pay taxes
Use a major Bank
Have a facebook, instragram, twitter account.
and are wondering why nothing is getting better........
Quit supporting those that inslave you

Until Podesta starts making the news headlines, I won't be falling for any dates or promises. For those that follow the "Q" narrative you may want to reread some of the drops explaining this.......That is unless it's all one giant pile of BS which could always be the case too. Until then I'll stick with intuition, logic and faith in the creator.

Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!

Take note of the individuals on various platforms claiming something big is going to happen on a specific date. It makes it easier to figure out who is a fake and who is legit. They do it time and time again. It's a shame they don't shut up go away after those dates turn out to be nothing....again. I am surprised so many people still fall for it.

Elon goes to check out the border............CNN - reports about some old bitch dying. At some point you have to wonder - "if people can't see this clown show that's in front of them by now, they never will."