Jack Beanstalk
@JackBeanstalkNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
A patriot who loves their country and God.
Yep, it happened after this website and information were published. We owe it to each other and humanity to share it however and wherever we can. This is in regards to the financial reset and the evil plans around it. Be warned, it will shake you. https://oculumlabs.com/interview-with-gideon-csrq-sm/
Interview with Gideon - Oculum Labs
Gideon discusses the coming Financial Reset and secretive software that will be used to implement social credit scores, called CSRQ-SM.
https://oculumlabs.com/interview-with-gideon-csrq-sm/Yea, he had the prayer, but he also called for a one world religion and BEFORE both of those, he wore a shirt with the pedo symbol swirls on it. He posted it to Twitter in 2020, so he's been "telling" us via his actions and words who he is for a while now. I also follow Lin and can tell you that I haven't seen anything suspicious yet and he doesn't beg for money (or command $20k to $70k per speaking engagement like MF does) like a lot of these other Paytriots are doing. Lin also allows comments (and responds) on his Telegram channel, which also says a lot about him.
Did you know Flynn is making $20,000 to $70,000 per speaking engagement? Did you know he recently led an occult prayer during a church service? (Trunews covered it). Did you know he believes in one religion for the US? (It's on tape) Do you remember when he wore that pedo symbol shirt in that picture he posted on Twitter in 2020? I could go on, including him trying to profit off the slogan 'digital soldiers', but I'll stop. Flynn is a PAYtriot who is not interested in overturning the 2020 election. Instead, he's looking to run for President in 2024. Oh, and Sydney isn't clean either, nor is Patrick Byrne, but I'll just leave that there for those who choose to research it. We have a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing in this movement and everyone has to be paying attention. Flynn is not the patriot many thought he was.
If I had to bet my last penny which scenario will happen, it would be yours. This fight is far from over and I believe it is going to get much, much uglier before it gets better. This evil is dug in and they aren't going to let up anytime soon. Let's see what happens.
....nothing happened, like the other 100 times Mr. P has sent out some cryptic message. Don't believe me? Look over what he's posted even just the last six months. We better wake up and realize we might be all that stands between misery and death and those that want us dead. They are fighting as hard or harder than ever to accomplish that and we need to quit just sitting back and thinking/hoping/praying for some white hats to come along and save the day (and us). There's plenty of things out there that make this clear, if you are paying attention.
Let's not forget about the Marburg Virus either. That has been mentioned in the past as well and has some pretty nasty symptoms.
That's a good question. Some believe it's not real, but then supposedly Biden wasn't really installed as president, either, but he's being saluted by the military and boarding AF1, so it's looking like he IS President, even if only temporarily, and all of his executive orders are probably not "fake" either. At this point, it feels like it could go either way because none of the "clues" or other things Scavino, McEnany (sp?), Flynn, or any of the others have dropped in pictures or tweets or whatever has amounted to anything. All the 3 letter agencies still seem to be super corrupt. I have seen the fences come down in DC, but now they are pushing to make it another state and that wouldn't surprise me if they did. I think many of us just want this madness to end.
You can't blame anybody for being done with this whole "movie". We've been being told big things will be happening since at least last July. It keeps being said, yet nothing ever comes of it. Recently, we were told Biden isn't being saluted by military or using AF1 as "proof" he's not legit. Now we are seeing him being saluted AS he boards AF1. Flynn posted back in Dec. the quote from Washington about giving him 30 more days. I'm trying to stay patient, but when you redpill folks and tell them things (like Biden won't be pres.) and then it doesn't happen, you lose credibility. Why did Q start all of this so long ago if we were going to have to wait years to see any of the stuff come true? Why not just start posting in Jan. 2020? And if they want to wake people up, they need to start w/ MSM. If the news actually reported the unbiased real truth, people would wake up real quick. Seems Trump should have cleaned up the voting before the election to get rid of the bad apples faster.
Julian is on Gab. His user name is@JuliansRum. Some have had trouble finding him because Gab's search isn't working well/too well, but Julian is there and is posting regularly, just fyi.
This one isn't the one I lost either, but I'm going to put it here in case anyone is interested in having another one to their collection. https://qposts.online
That's not the one I had up, but it's one I have now! lol Thanks for the help fellow night owl! 😉
The video in this link might shed some light. Apparently, if you get the covid vaccine, you are opening yourself up for death from another virus that comes along later that won't be attributed to getting the covid shot (per animal studies done). It's all VERY frightening.
This was shared by Lin Wood originally.
That's EXACTLY right. Here's a link to a website Lin Wood just shared with a video that talks about it all.
Every platform I've been on, I've had to suddenly stop following some big seemingly reputable accounts after they started saying things like "I trust Pence 100%" and "There is no plan". To feel that way in a moment of disappointment and to actually type it out loud are two different things and the mixed messages by those types do hurt the overall message, especially to those that aren't 100% on board with what's going on.
Several months ago on Twitter I read a handwritten account of the accident and the details that the driver of the truck supposedly wrote to a judge or someone. It was quite the read and seemed to suggest that it was all a planned event, including Jill following behind Biden's wife and using her own car to push Mrs. Biden into the path of the truck, and then fleeing.
Han ANYTHING about this new building thing been covered by any news network? Seems a reporter or two would have asked at the very least.