Ragia HRH
12 months ago

Ragia HRH

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In response Ragia HRH to her Publication

Does anyone has the video where the person said, on TV, that Mccain was killed?

In response Truth Seeker to his Publication

Is this for real? 😳

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

To me “she” looks more like Kevin Kline!

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication
In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Here is the current record

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Please provide first middle and last names. When we looked him up it was a while ago. Is his name William? Like Bill short for William?

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

My husband has an ancestry account and we looked him up. He is documented alive.

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

Isn’t tbis a priest iniform or something like that? They wear long large robes ?

In response Jay Dee to her Publication

Why is no one posting that he was pleaded not guilty?

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

With all due respect Ghost Ezra is not a patriot, in my opinion. If you want to control opposition lead them. Infiltration is key. He posted a lot of questionable things on Telegram and ended up blocking me when I asked for clarification.

In response Laurie Wilson to her Publication

Same here.

In response Justice Peacefully . to his Publication

All US flight were grounded for just a couple of hours.

In response Sara Legvold to his Publication

you are in the same bix as the “sleepers” cheers!

In response CWWard Ward to her Publication

Is this a trick to get all pedos move to CA then capture them? I Wonder how parents of small children feel now!!!!!

In response President Elect Kraken to his Publication

what about all the shots we God throughout our lives before the C19?

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

what should we make of his talking about Humanism and chipping human beings to mind control them with Neuralink? I cannot see good in him.

In response rQy Herman Kellerman to his Publication

What did you mean saying “Why going back to Egypt” if I may ask?

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Good morning snd happy birthday! hope you had a great one!
How do you explain Musk’s partnership with Neuralink to mind control humans? I have asked this question multiple times in various platforms, but I got no answer.

In response SMa rk. to his Publication

We have been wondering, trying to decode and guessing for the past 2 years. I am exhausted. I will keep my faith and find, in my community, a way to wake people up and that is it.

In response Mary Gessler to her Publication

no more people are waking up. Those who woke up from the C19 plandemic and 2020 fraud are it. sleepers live in thier boxes unaware.

In response Robert Franz to his Publication

Me neither. It will not be huge. I think he is playing the Cabal. Let’s see what happens.

In response Mike LSGA to his Publication

Oh! The sleepers are. They are in deep deep sleep.

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

How can we put an end to Feds? Whatever it takes. I am in!

In response Trump Is my President to his Publication

🎂🎊🥂Happy Birthday!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

@Kimrunner Happy Birthday, beautuful lady in every way. Glad we met here.🥂🎂🎉🎊

In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication

I can’t decide about Musk. he had an upside down cross all over hos Halloween Costume!

In response Robert Franz to his Publication

We know not all the Republicans good, either.

In response Lisa Groenewoud to her Publication

what does the book of Esther talk about?

In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

Brings to mind what Q said “The end won’t be for everyone” I think the 2 major shockers will religion and finaces

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

It is hard for me to believe this. 45 called for is to go to march peacefully knowing what the DS is planning to do. Does this mean he set them up?
or is this all propaganda? we know both sides use it.