Major Thomas
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Personally I repost if It catches my eye and makes me think. I would assume the people who followed me are like minded and it will persuade their mind to dig deeper if they feel the need. My mission here isn't to post my beliefs because truth be told none of us know exactly what is going on, it's all speculation until the hammer drops. My goal here is to obtain information that I can use in conversation with those around me in my personal life. Everyone else here (aside from shills, bots, and fake accounts) are all doing the same, they are here to help make sense of the world around them because the narrative that they get on TV just doesn't sit right with the reality they live. Many of us are waking up and have been for quite some time, we're in search of the pieces to the puzzle that help us understand ourselves and our own truths. The main reason I don't post anything personally is because I don't want to mislead anyone as I have ran down some rabbit holes that were just that!
Welcome to the platform, there are a lot of like minded people here. Sounds to me like you will fit right in, I have met many people here that I would now call friends. It's a breath of fresh air away from the mainstream platforms and there is more than enough great info if you find the right accounts to follow! Hope you find what your looking for and welcome home!
. 🙏 Thank you for all that you have done for and with us all. The tesseract is also pretty darn cool!
Dewormer but not the holistic type. We used evict and it worked! However we have t been able to find it for years.
I'm a mechanic and bust/cut my fingers/arms on rusty and worst all the time. Tetanus is from animal feces on rusty objects and was common when there were more farms than convenient stores. Treat it like any other wound. Keep it clean and dress it if your afraid you will get bacteria into it. Other than that let it breathe and heal.
Death penalty
410-128 trump won by a landslide.
Couldn't imagine losing my best friend, I'm glad you found each other and had the time together that you had. A million prayers that he will still be by your side untill the day you meet again. 🙏 never stop talking to him, he will never stop listening, wheather you can see him or not he is still there with you.
always here for a fellow friend if you need someone to talk to. we all go through stages where the lines begin to blur and we dont know where to go next. sometimes we need someone to listen, sometimes we need a shoulder to cry on and at times we just need someone who understands to help get us through the tough times. just know your not alone and there are people you dont even know that care about you and will help where they can! ❤️
sent out the twin, claimed it was unsinkable, invited all the rich bankers killed them off and created the federal reserve. kindof a short story.
You are loved by many, never lose hope, zero hour is when the winds of change come rolling in and rearange everything. With gods love and his children by your side, anything is possible. 🙏 we love you Photon, you are family to us. for now and forever, from here to the great beyond.
graphene oxide?
In the very beginning the statment was made that to know the truth will be your decision. I believe thee can be a soft awakening that creates the same outcome. We think we know what these people are really guilty of and if it be true then they deserve everything they have gotten or what is coming to them. Some of what they could be guilty of is a horriffic truth. A large portion of the population would never sleep right again, and people sensitive to the truth could hurt themselves or others.
There are other things they could be guilty of that would carry the same sentence, treason is no small offence. the whole world could watch them go down together for crimes against humanity or other serious offences and those of us who chose to see the true crimes will also get to see them be removed from this earth.
Either way I see it i believe the world could be such a beautiful place where we all work together and look out for one another. When we have what we really need, eachother
The only way to it, is through it. Lets GO!
Given my current situation, today was ok. one day at a time... I'm going to get through this.
So sorry for your loss, sending love and prayers for you and your family. 🙏❤️
🙏 You are apreciated ❤️
Nobody in my life has any idea how badly I could use this right now.
Dont want to let anyone down but this clip os just saying what the conspiracy on the internet said was happening. its cut perfectly and a bit misleading when ya watch it. although I wouldnt mind even a little bit if it was actually happening! surely cant wait till these days are far behind us and the truth is out! Biden didnt win, this false administration is killing our econemy, all these losers need to hang for what they have done, and I really do think that most of them are actors and the real person they are. playing have already been dealt with. go back and watch the. old biden versus the new, they look very very different! Is that a fact, no just an observation but I do believe theres more to this all than what were seeing!
Thats how they feel, and thats why we home school! Over the past 3 years from remote learning to total home school my daughters mental health has improved by so much that we would never even consider putting either of our daughters into public schooling again. Its not just the teachers or staff, its the other kids that they are being influenced by. My daughter was deeply depressed and all that has changed since we cut public schoolling out of the equation.
I did the same and thats why i warned to only use it to help get off, theres no good way but you caant. fix a pill with a pill, or a powder. Used sparingly kratom can help ease the symptoms greatly.
I love how the bottom says the bilderberg group and the trilateral commission dont want you to recycle this paackage! 😅
depending on what state you are in some smoke/head shops carry a powder called kratom. use it temporsrily and only as long as you need. but. it will help greatly with the withdrawl symptoms and help you get some rest. praying for you friend, everything happens for a reason, maybe its gods way of preparing you for the beautiful future, afterall the best is yet to come! praying for you friend, you got this, your about to see how strong you truly are! ❤️
had a. weird haze to the sky this morning and im assuming that this was. the sun but looked oddly like the moon! was a weird day but caant say that it was much different from any other day. hopefully just one day closer to seeing the rightful president return to his rightful place in the real whitehouse.
celebrating the signing of the 1996 Nuclear non-proliferation, 🤔
a good invention or two would generate royalties for a long long time, were coming into a generation where hopefully supressed technologies will no longer be kept from society. therefor everything quite litterally will need to be reinvented! magnetic energy will power our citys and towns in the near future perhaps! imagine a world where the greats weren't suicided for producing a new source of energy! given tesla had so many patents there are still thousands yet to be unleashed to the public!
cloning, watch the clip where he says well I was human... I mean I am human!
these people are sick. in the head, theres a shot that cures pedophilia. its quick easy humaine and guarantees there are no repeat offenders. if you think for even a second that its ok to mentallly dammage a child for life so you can get off then you belong in a pine box pushing daisys! theres my 2 cents. condition all you want this will NEVER be ok. and what knd of sick fuck wants to habe sex with a child anyways. were here to protect them and help them grow, not to abuse them.