Lisa Krohn
@GraceGal220Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273

Banned from Twitter & will never go back. They only want people for advertising...I won't give them that satisfaction & their stock needs to crash!

🤣The "nurse" with a mask on & no gloves...perfect for a fake "shot"!

😞I clicked on the says video not found

That YouTube link has been removed...what was it?

Posted by the BBC & then "quickly & curiously removed"

I can't remember who on Telegram posted it & can't find it again, but I do remember someone saying they put the jpg into photoshop & found an embedded code! Will post link if I can track it down.

Please tell us who!

Whose are they?

where did you get that number from? When I called, I called the number listed above in the original post. That number also matches the number for the White House when I did an online search for that number. someone answered, but did you ask if they were actually open or when one could tour?

I did call that number for the White House & heard the following recording: "Hello & thank you for your call, out of an abundance of caution, White House Tours are suspended until further notice. We appreciate your understanding & hope you have a nice day."
WWhhaatt?? "out of an abundance of caution"??? WHY-what's habbenin'? 🤣🐸

This has to end NOW! The pedos must be put to death for their crimes!

I followed the link, saw the "cease & desist" & opened the pdf of it that people can supposedly use...I have a real problem with the end of the 2nd pg that says "-Queen's Official Seal & Signature" & IT IS BLANK!

This post says 6:22PM. I'm is 5:47 now Central here right now which means it's only 12:47 there so how could this be?

Maybe that is why the POW flag has been flying over the Capital?

RELAX! Trust God, Trust Trump, Trust The you still not get it? GOD is in control! Do not worry, trust & watch the is all playing out just as planned & we are going to be just fine-better than fine according to our President! Let nothing shake you!

If this is forwarded from Ezra Cohen, why does this post say above the pic, the German word Uberstzen???

I saw these at Costco as well, & the warning on the side of the box states: "

🤨I'm confused...Why would Mike have Dershowitz on his new show??? I saw Alan Dershowitz's name on Epstein's Pedophile Island flight logs (link below). It is said that he has been there 4's hard to read the pilots hand-written notes, but you can see, at least twice, on Feb 5, 2004 pg 24 & Nov 17, 2005 pg 35...Alan Dershowitz's name is clearly on here:

When you wake in the morning, pray Luther's morning prayer:
"I thank The my Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ Thy dear Son, that Thou hast kept me this night from all harm & danger, & I pray Thee that Thou wouldst keep me this day also, from sin & every evil, that all my doings in life may please Thee. Let Thy Holy angel be with me, that the wicked Foe may have no power over me. Amen!

Every night my husband & I pray Luther's evening prayer...
"I thank thee my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Dear Son, that Thou hast graciously kept me this day, & I pray that Thou wouldst forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, & graciously keep me this night. For into Thy hands I commend myself, my body & soul & all things. Let Thy Holy angel be with me, that the wicked Foe may have no power over me. Amen!"

Where & when did this take place? Sadly, the gold-fringed flag behind him says otherwise🧐😔

In fact, we are love so much, that God gave His one & only Son to die for us on the cross. & Jesus did exactly that, because He loved us. & He rose from the grave, & conquered sin, death & Satan in our place, that we may live with God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit forever in perfect peace & happiness in Heaven forever. No greater love, than His!

Ally (human traffic survivor) mentions these shoes & more here:
Human Trafficking Survivor Exposes Secrets Of Evergreen Shipping Containers, CPS & More!
SPREAD THE WORD Unite With Patriots Today! Click The Button Below & Join MyPatriotsNetwork For FREE! YES! SIGN ME UP! Human Trafficking Survivor Uncovers Secrets…
That posted pic of people coming out of containers (while tragic) does not appear to be the same ship as the one in the Suez Canal, as satellite pics from various sources show the Evergreen looks like it has different containers configured differently with no open area where people might be. We all need to see what is really in those containers on the Evergreen!
Satellite Images Show the Ship Blocking the Suez Canal
The Ever Given has been blocking the Suez Canal for more than three days. It's unclear whether that'll be changing anytime soon.
🧐the flags on the vehicles had gold fringes. Maybe they were moving some of the criminals of the now defunct USA Inc.

And also the 1978 movie Coma.
These people are sick...& they flaunt it in our faces. PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP!

1 Corinthians 7 is all about Chritian marriage. The above is a quote by Benjamin Franklin.