@Freedomforce29Notice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/v2.anonup.com/themes/default/apps/profile/content.phtml on line 273
Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins

Have an AMAZING Sunday!

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher
"We will be back in some form...we will see you soon...I want to thank all of the people we worked with ... to put this miracle together." ~ President Trump 🇺🇸

old army medic 91b took the oath in 93 .

"I will always fight for you. I will be watching, I will be listening, and I will tell you that the future of this country has never been better. I wish the new administration great luck and great success. I think they'll have great success. They have the foundation to do something really spectacular, and again, we put it in a position that it's never been before. ... The things that we've done have been just incredible, and I couldn't have done it without you.
We will be back in some form."
- Donald J. Trump
A peaceful transition to the Military.
No mention of B1d3n.

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
The teport on WHERE'S HUNTER? https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC_Finance_Report_FINAL.pdf

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
#After the storm there will be a rainbow! #silver#TheBestIsYetToCome#buckleuppatriots#thestormisuponus

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
one of my favorite memes tweeted by Dan Scavino.#NothingCanStopWhatsComing

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
DO YOU THINK HE KNOWS SOMETHING???https://twitter.com/hellokendraheff/status/1347664618995515393?s=21.#pain.#boomsincoming

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
YEP! Enemy#1!

Digital Creator ✯ Memes ✯ OG Content ✯ #Based ✟ ✯ #MAGA ✯ #OnlyFrensMemes ✯ #Dilley300 ✯ #SaltyArmy
OMG FOLKS "Absolutely Nuts" https://www.reddit.com/r/cthulhuwhite/comments/kyo6hn/dc_under_full_military_lockdown_jan_16th_2021/
12 members in the cthulhuwhite community. Information Warfare and Memetics
Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/state-department-says-new-evidence-points-wuhan-lab-accuses-china #pain #Chinadidit #Chinavirus #planned
State Department says new eviden..
"Only through transparency can we learn what caused this pandemic" - State Department
Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
The owl is caged! #pain # thestormisuponus

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins

CalmInTheStorm 🇺🇸 FollowerOfJesus * FamilyIsEverything * Eph 6 ArmorOfGod * 2 Timothy 1:7 * PrayerWarrior/Writer/Researcher
Sec Pompeo tweets are getting closer. There is something to the countdown/timing and content. All about China now. Remember he said he was standing "aside" (not down) next week, and he pointed us to his personal account to follow:@mikepompeo 👀🍿

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
#NothingCanStopWhatsComing#PainIncoming #

Digital soldier! Lover of God, country, and POTUS! Holding the line and trusting the plan. #nothingcanstopwhatscoming. #WWG1WGA #Godwins
FOX NEWS IN THE TOILET https://www.dailywire.com/news/fox-news-ratings-crash-trailing-cnn-and-msnbc-for-the-first-time-since-2000!!!!
Fox News Ratings Crash: Trailing..
After years of dominating cable news, Fox News has found itself in an unfamiliar spot: the bottom of the ratings charts. Last week, for the first time
PANIC in DC . Enjoy the Show! 😎❤️🍿🇺🇸🦅 5:5

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.