Frank Lee Scott Free
3 years ago

Frank Lee Scott Free

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LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

All men boys and women believe it or not are testing low for testosterone. They are literally causing all of this anxiety and turning men into weak shell of a man. sad but true. go test your testosterone. It may shock you.

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Joelle Clista to her Publication

look like an Owl.

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Mr. Boxoffrogs to his Publication

Super genius

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Melanie Rieger to her Publication

IKR. My aunt only gets 645$
this is such BS.

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Never Fuck with Kid's. to his Publication

A Male clone sleeve. from 1992

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

DUH.! It’s not a secret most of us patriots have known this for years.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Paul Robb to his Publication

LOL exactly!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response John Atkison to his Publication

I think it’s harp using the mirrors to isolate that city and set it on fire like they do in California.! really sad.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Dennis 369 to his Publication

They all made their choice! Now they all have blood and death on their hands and now they’re trying to kill our children with an experiment.! so infuriating.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Adrian Sornet to his Publication

click bait

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Elizabeth Sylvia to her Publication

Poor baby his parents should be in jail for child abuse. Parents are supposed to protect their children. Not offer them up to an experiment.! I pray for all the babies subjected to this abuse.

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Holy shit balls that was so funny I spit my fucking coffee everywhere!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Disclosure Library to his Publication

So heartbreaking.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Mike Anon to his Publication

lmfao I see poppies.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Joelle Clista to her Publication

Simply brilliant.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Digoy. MF. to his Publication

Good Question.

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response walker Fast to his Publication


LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Ramon Rivera to his Publication

They are real. clouds over a volcano.

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Miss Wide Awake to her Publication


LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Theo Farkas to his Publication

I’m looking forward to that interview! I guarantee she will not take an interview with Candace.! she’s too afraid.! and I will buy tickets for that!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Johnny Q -Z to his Publication


LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response audrey cooke to her Publication

does she have permanent panda eyes or is it just me?

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

as a parent and a grandparent I would meet that man in the parking lot! I would exercise my first amendment right first my second amendment would be right in my hand and then I would press charges. The police need to be there for his safety.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication

pull your kids out of public schools & defund the schools.!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response walker Fast to his Publication

that’s a fact! But when we stand up and we protect ourselves we are the racist. One day we’re going to stand up and not take it anymore and there’s more of us That are fed up enough is enough!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Trumpsara45 WWG1WGA to her Publication

The conspiracy theorist have been right all along long. Slowly drip drip drip drip mother of all bombs!

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Made In America to her Publication

Awez.. Your so right.! I have so many anon/christian family globally. Makes us more blessed to have each other in this moment in time. I truly am grateful for your warmth tonight. Blessing come in so many ways. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Im so truly blessed to have crossed your path way tonight. Was walking alone then you took my hand and i dont fell so alone right now. May i be there for you in some kinda way. Blessings Made In America. sending you some heartfelt love......

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Candie Mattos to her Publication

Thank you Candie. Im truly Blessed in more ways than one. Sending a virtual hugs.......Send. Blessing. sweetie.

LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Made In America to her Publication

OMGOSH. Thank you. made me tear up. Ive not said nothing anymore to them. Enough is enough. Its quite hard watching then line up with their childern. VERY HARD.! I want to save them all. but i just cant. why? BECAUSE they dont want me to. They call me the nut job.! its ok.! i dont mind. LOVING YOUR LIFE AND FAMILY IS THE KEYS TO MY HAPPINESS.! Sending you the biggest vitural hugs............... send.....
Ive been keeping personal thought journals. mostly for my own peace of mind. I truly want to help/save as many as i can.Not worth losing someone you love.!


LOVE IS THE KEY.! TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I follow people that post things I want to share to ensure I see more great post. Blessings

In response Enchanted Mermaid to her Publication

Thank You so much. i needed this hug.! Blessings.