Loxie Lou Davie
1 year ago

Loxie Lou Davie

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An "awake" Grandma!

We have been tricked into thinking that the "God" of the Old Testament is the Creator of All. That Belief System happened because of the mistranslation of key words in Hebrew. "elohim" is a plural word, should not have been translated "God"!! Check out Paul a Wallis on YT.

In response Kim Runner to her Publication

As long as we remember the "God" of the Bible is NOT The Creator of all!! A mistranslation of the Hebrew word, "elohim"(plural), tricked us into thinking that!! Check out Paul A. Wallis on YT

In response New Years Day to her Publication

This Grandma would like to thank you, Kim, for all the posts you put up!! 😊 Hugs!!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Lighting struck the George Floyd wall too!! 😊

In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

Check out Jason Breshar's channel for some interesting info!!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

For complete clarification on this point check out the YT videos by Paul A. Wallis & Vat. Translator, Mauro Biglino. "They" really put one over on us in making us believe the "God" of the Hebrew Scriptures is The Creator of All. It has confused the heck out of all of us!! Correct translations, as Mauro shows, demystifies the entire picture & shows it was a race of Higher Beings that terraformed this planet & seeded it.
One has to "unlearn" childhood brainwashing & go with correct translations, not accept what others have told us for centuries!!

In response Ana Tate to her Publication

The "God" of the Hebrew Scriptures is NOT The Source of All or The Creator of All. The "elohim"(plural) of Genesis were a Higher Race of Beings intervening in a chosen faction of humanity, fighting & squabbling with other Races of Higher Beings!! Is it any wonder we humans do the same thing??? 😜

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Figuring out that The Bible has been one of The Controllers best Tools in their Toolbox was a lightbulb moment for this Baptist Preacher's daughter!! After 70+ years!!! 😜

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

For people like you & me who have the childhood brainwashing to overcome, it helped me tremendously when I finally figured out that The Bible has been one of the best "tools" in the Toolbox of The Controllers!!! We don't even know for sure if Jesus WAS crucified, but it's for sure the tale passed down to us was manipulated as a means of controlling the masses!! AND.....it worked!! 😜 To be able to break free of all that programing is indeed invigorating!!! It also allows one to cope with a Bigger Picture in an easier fashion!

In response Devout Patriot to his Publication

I seriously wonder why we still accept the Book of Revelation as fact when there are so many other prophecies in other Ancient Writings that we need to look at??? After a lifetime within the Biblical Mindset, I came to the conclusion that The Bible has been one of the Best Tools in the Toolbox of The Controllers. How better to maintain a passive, controllable population?!! 😟 😉

In response Jason VanDerpoel to his Publication

Just so we understand that the "God" of the Hebrew Scriptures is NOT The Source of All. Check out Mauro Biglino & his diving into the correct translations which show that the "God" of the Hebrews(Yaweh) is only one among many "elohim"(gods). It was a mistranslation we have in our Bible in Genesis which made the plural 'elohim' a singular word.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Right on!!! ☺️ What is your opinion of Phil Godlewski....he seems to ring true for me! 👍

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Thanks for putting the "Charlie" article up!!! 😉

In response Jason Webber to his Publication

Top Man on A.I. is CYRUS A. PARSA!!

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

I worship no on because "I AM"!!! Each of us is a Spark off the Eternal Flame....lift your heads up!!! Hugs to All & a Happy New Year!! 🎉

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

We need to go even further!! I have discovered that the "God" of The Bible is NOT the Creator of All & we don't even know IF Jesus was crucified? Joseph Atwill in "Caesar's Messiah" makes a case that he was not! The author of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" found in the Roman records that Jesus was alive in 45 A.D. & bought a lot outside Alexandria! Then Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis presents the theory that Jesus was taken down from the cross after 6 hours & lived out the rest of his life in India, where there IS a gravesite purporting to be his. There are legends of his having been in Japan, as well. Everything we have been told from birth are LIES!! We need to wake up & smell the coffee!!! 😜

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Each of us is a part of The Whole!!!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

"God" is a Frequency you tune in to!! There is no Mean Man sitting in a cloud judging us.....we judge ourselves!!! 😇

In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication

We are each free to believe whatever we wish to believe! Blessings on you!! ☃️

In response Kim Donaldson to her Publication

One has to define what exactly means by "God"!! As a Grandma after over 70 years within the Christian System I discovered that the Creator of All is NOT the "god" of the O.T. Check out Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis & Vat. Translator, Mauro Biglino. Because of incorrect translation of key words in the Hebrew Scriptures, we have created a Monstrous "God" of our own making. The word 'elohim' is plural, but was translated as singular. I have found more substance within "Compendium of The Emerald Tablets" which Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge put forth as few years ago. It is The Journey of Thoth & he explains to us that we can make the same Journey. It gives a better overview of who we are & our place within the Grand Scheme of Things!!

In response Spheroid Earther to his Publication

The Star of Bethlehem was a UFO!!! Just like the "elohim" of the Genesis Creation story were a group of Higher Beings terraforming this planet!! Let's get real!! We've been fed lied from the time of our birth!! 😜

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Piers Morgan???

In response Truth Seeker to his Publication

Check out Henry Makow's Gab acc't!!!

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai would agree in a "systems" approach. He had a Supreme Court case showing how TW. had a direct connection to Gov't.....haven't heard how that turned out!! Love how your mind works & there is NO denying you incarnated to play the part you have been playing!! 😜

Personally, I keep wondering why the Awake Ones are still buying into a Script set up by The Controllers.....The Bible??? At age 78 & having been the dau. of a Baptist Minister, it took me the last 7 years to start figuring things out. We need to look into ALL the Ancient Texts & not hold one above the other. A good place to start is with Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis. He & Vat. Translator, Mauro Biglino are doing a good job of giving us the correct translations of The Bible. Key words, being mistranslated, have given rise to a false construct which kept us all locked within someone else's "box"!! Why does it NOT matter whether we received a correct translation?! 🤔

In response Divine Dirtclod to his Publication

IMO, after spending over 70 years within the Biblical framework, I have come to the conclusion that The Bible has been one of the best "tools" in The Controllers Toolbox in the control of The Human Race!
Think about it, we have never received a correct translation, so who knows what it REALLY says?!! 🤔 Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis & Vat. Translator, Mauro Biglino are endeavoring, right now to do that very thing!! Turns out the "elohim" of the book of Genesis are a group of Higher Beings, after all it IS a plural word that has been translated in the singular as "God". Mistranslation right at the start, so who knows what the rest of it says??? 😵

In response UM EK17 Q1111 to his Publication

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai had a Supreme Court case showing that Tw. & The Gov't were connected!! Never heard how it turned out? 🧐

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

What I have realized is that The Bible has been one of the Greatest Tools in the Toolbox of our Controllers!! We have accepted another human being's word about what the Hebrew Canon says, never knowing that we received an incorrect translation of key words therein!! Turns out the Yehwah of the O. T. is one of the lesser "gods"(elohim--plural word) of a hierarchy of Beings. Key stroke of "genius" to weave the Jesus Story into it, thus creating a Control System that has worked for centuries!! Talk about dumbing down the masses!!
Having been under that Control System for over 70 years, I can speak to what I experienced & observed around me!! Thanks to Mauro Biglino & Paul A. Wallis, we can learn exactly what Control Mechanism we have been subject to & it certainly is NOT The Source of All!! 😵

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

This is precisely why I have come to the conclusion that The Bible has been one of the best tools in The Controllers Toolbox!! Quoting Dresden James here....."When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

Consider me one of the Lunatics!! 😜

In response Martin Geddes to his Publication

😜Doesn't play!!! Surprise! Surprise!!