Follow the Constitution
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We love our Father, so we trust Him.
Because we trust, we obey.
We praise and thank you.
Dad is love and light.

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion’s belt?Job 38:31

Kim, how R you?
We R in love and light, serving Dad.
Dad is love.
Dad is light.
Dad is sovereign.
Our food is to do His will.
“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion’s belt? Job 38:31 (NIV)

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion’s belt?Job 38:31 (NIV)

Father in Heaven. Sovereign and provident.
The best friend.
The best advisor.
Perfect love.

And to all these virtues add love, which is the perfect bond.
Colossians 3:14

Daddy is in us. The intensity of his presence depends on our ability to stay on his frequency. It's been that way from the beginning. Love is the way. The only way. His law is love in essence. Practicing depends on our ability. Subject. Perception. Intuition. Discernment. We are the ones who establish the level of intimacy with our father.
I love my daddy.
I love my brothers.

Daddy is in us. The intensity of his presence depends on our ability to stay on his frequency. It's been that way from the beginning. Love is the way. The only way. His law is love in essence. Practicing depends on our ability. Subject. Perception. Intuition. Discernment. We are the ones who establish the level of intimacy with our father.
I love my daddy.
I love my brothers.

TAV, it's me, Justice For Kids. How R you?

Archangel Michael.

Beloved brother,
I finally found you.
I hope you are well

Psalm 26
Vindicate me, Lord,
for I have led a blameless life;
I have trusted in the Lord
and have not faltered.
Test me, Lord, and try me,
examine my heart and my mind;
for I have always been mindful of your unfailing love
and have lived in reliance on your faithfulness.
I do not sit with the deceitful,
nor do I associate with hypocrites.
I abhor the assembly of evildoers
and refuse to sit with the wicked.
I wash my hands in innocence,
and go about your altar, Lord,
proclaiming aloud your praise
and telling of all your wonderful deeds.
Lord, I love the house where you live,
the place where your glory dwells.
Do not take away my soul along with sinners,
my life with those who are bloodthirsty,
in whose hands are wicked schemes,
whose right hands are full of bribes.
I lead a blameless life;
deliver me and be merciful to me.
My feet stand on level ground;
in the great congregation I will praise the Lord.

Hi, K!
May today be another day of honor and glory in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
And where there is sadness, joy.
O divine master grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive-
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
And it's in dying that we are born to eternal life.

I wish you have an excellent week, with the best growth possible.
Grow, develop, evolve.
Everything within the divine right to choose.
Go to a more advanced state of perceiving, intuiting, discerning.
Life is an athletics streak in which you are against yourself.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.

Jesus lives in each of us.
I wish that with each breath we choose to be reborn to be better.
Please allow me to leave a message for our dear patriot.
My dear brother Juan O Savin,
We are breathing deeply and growing, all of us.
Who can find the first message on the DJT tweer in which he warns of electoral fraud?
How many days before election day was this message published?
Has the military structure under DJT's command since 01/20/2016 been aware of digital Pearl Harbor against the US in the 2020 election?
Was there enough time and resources to devise a plan to avoid the attack? Or that it would allow the attack to subsequently identify and hold domestic and foreign attackers accountable?
The reality is that 74 days have passed since the presidential oath.
We are aware of the signals being sent.