Anne Peters
@EithwenNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
Retired ER nurse & RAF officer. Lived & worked UK, Singapore, Ireland, USA &Canada. Critical thinker.

Former Twitter Namaste Howard Marks Rule your Mind or it will Rule you

Remove the mask when you approach me//Truth will prevail//Community Standard repeat offender

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

Patriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President-NO DMS-

Christ Follower, Husband and Father, Patriot till my last breath, and fucking pissed at what these globalist assholes are doing.
i would go on to add that the cabal is broke....

Christ Follower, Husband and Father, Patriot till my last breath, and fucking pissed at what these globalist assholes are doing.
get this guy a sticker. he nailed it

Proud widow of Navy Vet 12-15-2020. RIP my Luv!❤ Let his service not be in vain! Health & Life Coach Redpilled since 9/11! #wwg1wga 🇺🇸

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Good point 🤔

Break free of the illusion. We are Light! 🌟 Time to soar! 🎶❤💫 Pro: men & women with souls. Unity & peace among us.
I FEEL the way you do Anne but I don't have all the facts so I am not making a judgment on the timing. Who knows what we do not know yet, it's probably quite a bit. 🤷🏼♀️👍

Retired ER nurse & RAF officer. Lived & worked UK, Singapore, Ireland, USA &Canada. Critical thinker.
Nancy Morgan Hart the journalist who has " headlines with a voice" on YouTube. Gave a blistering attack on Lin Wood for calling out " human trafficing" she also called Q a death cult.
Time this women was ignored she is part of the problem not a solution.

Retired ER nurse & RAF officer. Lived & worked UK, Singapore, Ireland, USA &Canada. Critical thinker.
List the untrustworthy:_
Police officers
Once trust is lost it is very hard to regain; Decades of damage have now been done to these proffessions!

Retired ER nurse & RAF officer. Lived & worked UK, Singapore, Ireland, USA &Canada. Critical thinker.
Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA)
Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA) formerly Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) is a mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick.
People are not sick they are just "test positive"!

Patriot, Digital soldier, Anon, Memer, Empath, WWG1WGA, MAGA,, NRA, SAVETHECHILDREN, God Wins, Trump is my President-NO DMS-

"The World you Desire can be won. It Exists...It is Real...It is Possible...It is yours". God, Family, Country, Vets, Our President Trump,
Remove your Masks!

Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS

The Matt Gaetz news is disturbing. Let's hope it isn't what it looks like. Nevertheless, if it is true he must be dealt with. Republican or Democrat, if you traffic children you're finished. This is a bipartisan effort against global corruption. Not many in DC will weather this storm. Keep that in the back of your mind.

Patriot. Incessant seeker of truth and knowledge. Daughter of the King. Daughter of American heros.
Also masks reduce our oxygen levels which in time reduces our lung capacity. Read P.A.C.E. The 12-minute fitness revolution by Al Sears. In a nutshell lungpower is the best predictor of longevity. Masks are killing people slowly!

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP

These Chicago cops should be arrested & charged.
Five men accused of raping and trafficking a 10-year-old girl in separate attacks have been allowed to remain free for MONTHS after Chicago cops failed to pass on evidence to prosecutors
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, right, is demanding an investigation after five alleged abusers, including Samuel Brown, left, were allowed to remain free.
Only followers of this user (@carlacoelho) can see their posts

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R
Without a doubt, we must do more to hold the governor accountable for his abuse of power and predatory behaviors toward women, staff, and journalists.”(...)
Cuomo to be stripped of pandemic powers amid sex harass, nursing home scandals
Top Democrats in the state Legislature are taking steps to strip Gov. Andrew Cuomo of his pandemic emergency powers -- possibly as early as Friday -- as the administration is embroiled in dueling scandals over the handling of nursing home deaths and allegations of sexual harassment against the gover..
Retired ER nurse & RAF officer. Lived & worked UK, Singapore, Ireland, USA &Canada. Critical thinker.
Just thinking would Trump have allowed a vaccine to be released onto the market that had not been properly tested?
A vax said to contain nano chips and DNA modifiers, that does not sound like something Trump would go along with.
The usual testing was skipped to get it onto the market sooner (odd for a man who has long questioned vaccines).
I think the vaccine is the normal flu vaccine or just a placebo. The reports of deaths are like the reports of CV 19 deaths, unsubstanciated.
Is the DS trying to discredit Trump by posting deaths from the vaccine he rushed onto the market?
Tests on syptomatic CV19 pos patients have shown they have the flu!!!
My doctor and our local pharmacies are pushing the flu vax not CV 19 !
Flu symptoms are identical to the CV 19 symptoms is it really possible a virus would wipe out another virus and totally replace it?

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁
Our World was run by the dark for a long time!
Those days are now over! Thank You President Trump, and all the powers of the light alliance!
#wwg1wga 🌎☮️

Child of God, Farm girl, animal lover, Mom, Nana, Don't make me use my Mom voice! The righteous are as bold as a lion!
My DIL is a nurse & was 'required' to get the vaccine for her job at Hartford Hospital. It's been 2 weeks and she is having SHINGLES as a reaction from it. The medical personel at the urgent care she went to said they have seen several adverse reactions of shingles to the vaccine locally. DON'T GET THE VACCINE!