Pamela Felten
@PammiesueNotice: Undefined index: user_follows in /home/admin/www/ on line 273
"The World you Desire can be won. It Exists...It is Real...It is Possible...It is yours". God, Family, Country, Vets, Our President Trump,

Because (GOD), (COUNTRY) no further explanation needed!

GOD | ELVIS | TRUMP | MAGA | TruthSocial: Rena1776 | Gab: rena1776 | Twit Account #42 > @Ren_a1776 || #FamilyIsEverything

🇺🇸🦅 “30 BIRDS” - from darkness to #LIGHT. WE R the #ARMYofLIGHT. #LoveWins #GodWins God Bless America
During the worst political,social and economic crisis, this man is the "apostle of Justice" who can turn everything around. It is time for you to come back...
Share this video if you believe that Trump must return to office and save the Republic! 🇺🇸✊

Former Twitter Namaste Howard Marks Rule your Mind or it will Rule you

Is it just a coincidence that whatever the Michigan Governor does has a negative compounding affect on the rest of the US?
Wonder why she can’t wait until the Colonial Pipeline comes back online. Better still, why doesn’t Joe tell her to wait? Unless of course the goal is to cause a nation-wide gas shortage.

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴
Vitamin K shot is not a vitamin it’s a drug.
It comes with a Black Box Warning-
A black box warning is the FDA’s most stringent warning for DRUGS and medical devices on the market, alerting the public and health care providers to serious side effects, such as injury or DEATH.
Say NO to an injection with death as a side effect for your new baby!

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
Couy Griffin of#Cowboys4Trump was arrested on Jan. 6th, for praying for Our Nation.
Couy needs our help now.
I donated $100 because this shit doesn't happen on

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.
I will be creating a 'sacred space' on Our Bridge on Memorial Day.
I would love to invite Veterans to come stand with their brothers and sisters, on this 'Day of Rememberance' to stand for their brothers and sisters, who paid the Ultimate Price, in defense of our Liberties and Freedoms.
If you are a Chicago Vet, or know anyone that served...
Can you please pass this information along.
I will be on#ThePeoplesBridge at 2:30 on Memorial Day.

Proud Patriot NYPD 113pct (Ret) “FortDespair” Law & Order Liberty & Justice for All~ God Family Country President Trump 🇺🇸💪🏼🙏🏼
Our PatriotSister Preaching Truth 🇺🇸💪🏼❤️
You can't wake a Democrat up...
If you don't get Democrats calling your house for money... ☺

Medicinal mushrooms seller and wholesaler. Naturopathy. Wild medicinal plants. Intuitive, wwg1wga
Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report as of May 11, 2021 | Dinar Chronicles
The Black Swan Event would be the start of the new ISO flare network monetary family where everything would be switched Dark to Light: SWIFT to the Quantum Financial System and gold backed currencies; BTC to Blockchain regulated asset backed metals; fake Mainstream Media to Starlink and Project Odin..

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
I’ll break everything down in very plain English for everyone to understand what is going on in the world right now:
There are bad [people] that hate Jesus, and they are pissed off at the good people that love Him because they know we are winning and they are all about to go to hell.
That’s it.

Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.

I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️

I am Sylvia Diane 🔥1221🔥 GOD WON ... HE HAS NEVER LOST A BATTLE He isn't about to start now It's time to talk to Jesus

Patriot Party Save America Share link:

The real Mr. Rogers neighborhood................

You Must Wear A Mask Law --- No Guidence
You Must Social Distance Law - No Guidance
You Cannot Protest Law - No Guidance
You must stay to the Rule of 6 ppl Law- No Guidence
Why did it take a 12 year old Girl to fight for You have You no backbone
The Police have abused their Powers - Governments have over - Stepped the Mark Like General Flynn said " Time to get off the couch" ! And step in where Kid`s are brave enough to step up and Adults just enjoy the Show -- Nut Up or Shut Up when Kids are telling you how to act !

• I principali centri di traffico di bambini / esseri umani nel sistema di tunnel sotterranei sotto China Lake, Kansas City e l'aeroporto di Denver, sono ora sotto il controllo totale dell'Alleanza, così come tutti i DUMBS in America. C'erano 8 grandi città sotto l'aeroporto di Denver, in alcune parti avevano un diametro di 20 miglia e una profondità di 20 piani.
• Il 2 maggio 2021, Gene Decode ha dichiarato che il salvataggio dei bambini del 95% dei principali DUMB è stato completato. In tutto il mondo, i bambini sono stati salvati nel 52% degli oltre 16.000 km di tunnel e 3.000-4.000 DUMB. L'Alleanza ha ora la stragrande maggioranza dei controlli sui DUMB.
@infonesh 👈

Red Pilled For 30+ years.🐸 Exposing Govt Corruption, Fraud & The NWO. Truth Seeker✨USAF Veteran✈️ #GodWins🕊️ #SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 🦅#Agenda47

Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.

Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.

Canadian Patriot. Love Trump. Dark to Light. Great Awakening. Truth Sayer. God Wins! Banned from Tw*t and Fb. We will NOT be silenced.
Finally! Over 500 Canadians (because visitors and immigrants dont have to quarantine) have said NO to the BS federal order to quarantine healthy people at hotels upon returning to country.

Patriot Party Save America Share link:

Journalist. Mom to a vaccine-injured son. Waking up. Learning. Holding the light. Grateful for the truth-tellers.
Vax could cause fatal, degenerative disease (among other things!)
Deadly Prion Brain Diseases & Experimental mRNA Covid-19
An important and highly concerning study published early this year in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases titled, “Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Diseases,” addresses one of the many potential, unintended, adverse health effects of the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vac..
🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴