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TexasTrumpGirl Tammi
TexasTrumpGirl Tammi
8 hours ago

TexasTrumpGirl Tammi

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Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

🥳 I don’t care WHAT you call it.

🦅🇺🇸🪖 President/CiC Trump, Economic Club of NY
Why don’t we have a wealth fund?
Other countries have wealth funds.
We have NOTHING.
We’re going to have a SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND
or we can name it something different..
We’ll put tremendous amounts of money
through all this money that we’ll be taking in
through tariffs & other intelligent things.
And that will be used to do things
that will be great for our country
including to invest & wisely invest & build it up
We will build extraordinary National development projects
everything from
→transportation infrastructure

Releases enormous sums of money for Humanitarian purposes 😉


Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Night Prayer-Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Dear Lord, we are eager to surrender our lives to You, so we may live according to Your will. We need to lay everything down and follow You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Night Inspiration-Saturday, September 7th, 2024

When planning a trip or vacation, there are many expenses to consider. We calculate the overall cost for lodging, food, and transportation. When looking for a job, we examine our overall cost of living to determine our necessary wages. Jesus is upfront and honest about the cost of discipleship. He clearly explains that we must surrender our lives completely and follow Him.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Night Verse-Saturday, September 7th, 2024

“Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”

Matthew 19:21 KJV

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

🙏❤️🤗🕊️In closing. Thanks for joining me for today's Guided Prayer by You Version.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”
“Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21 KJV)

Sit with your conversation with God for a few moments. Give yourself time to reflect on this time before moving on. Wishing you all a blessed and beautiful Saturday.🙏❤️🤗🕊️

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


God, I am so grateful that Your steadfast love endures forever. Thank You for giving me victory over sin, death, and darkness through Your Son, Jesus! As I think about what You have done for me, I am overwhelmed. You have been so good and faithful to me. Thank You! All glory is Yours, forever and ever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


God, I confess that I have not always been the person You've created me to be. I sometimes fail to love You with my whole heart, mind, and soul. I do not always love my neighbors as You love them. Please forgive me, God. Transform my heart and renew my mind so that I can draw closer to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


God, You know my heart better than anyone else. Please test my heart so that it would look more and more like Your heart. Know my thoughts and realign them with Your thoughts and will. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


God, thank You for sharing Your wisdom with those who seek it. As I grow closer to You, help me to think more like You. Today, I invite You into my decision-making. Help me to make wise decisions. Show me how to handle challenging situations well. Allow Your love to inspire my actions and words. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


“(To the chief Musician on Neginoth, Maschil, A Psalm of David.) Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication.”
Psalms 55:1 KJV

Make a list of your concerns, and say them out loud one at a time. After each concern, recite this verse. Do this exercise for as long as you need, and make this Psalm your prayer today.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


“Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.”
Romans 1:19 KJV

The God who created the universe is eager to spend time with you. Come as you are, and draw closer to your Creator. Your presence matters here.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

🙏❤️🤗🕊️Grand Rising. Welcome to today's Guided Prayer by You Version. Imagine you are sitting on a bench next to God. As you sit together, He smiles at you and asks, "What's on your mind?" Use today's prompts to answer that question.🙏❤️🤗🕊️

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


God, I want to grow in wisdom. Please help me to approach my relationships with a willingness to learn and listen. Allow me to develop relationships that draw me closer to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Devotional-You Version-Saturday, September 7th, 2024


"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."
Proverbs 13:20 NIV

It makes sense, doesn't it? If you surround yourself with people making terrible decisions, it won't be long before you start acting like them. Or you might be blamed for another's poor decisions simply by association. You will inevitably "suffer harm."

We always want to love those who are far from God, but there's a difference between loving someone and joining them. Instead, if you walk with the wise-watching, asking, learning, mimicking-you will also become wise in the process.


Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Verse of the Day-You Version-Saturday, September 7th, 2024

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
Proverbs 13:20 KJV

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Devotion Prayer-Saturday, September 7th, 2024
By: David Jacobs

If He had told us to do evil things, we would probably do them! Conforming and being obedient is often viewed as a bad thing by society, but conforming and being obedient to God and Christianity is certainly not. Follow God's Word closely and you will make the world a better place and enjoy your just reward in Heaven. Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Devotion-Saturday, September 7th, 2024
By: David Jacobs


I enjoy reading about psychology, especially social psychology, in my free time. One subject that has been studied closely is obedience. How can people follow along when a group is telling them to do something they know is not right? The answer is simple: people generally do what they are told. The more people or higher the authority, the more likely it is that they will obey.


Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


Searching for God's calling for us.

“Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.”
"Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:”
“Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.”
“If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again.”
“If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him.”
“Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause.”
“Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.”
“And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous.”

Exodus 23:1-8 KJV

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Verse of the Day for Saturday, September 7, 2024

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9 KJV

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Grand Rising Prayer-Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Dear Father, we are distracted by our schedules. Teach us to redirect our attention so we always keep You in focus. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Grand Rising Inspiration-Saturday, September 7th, 2024

We become distracted in our walk with the Lord. Our busy schedules prevent us from attending church or assisting with ministry projects while also making it challenging to work in time for Bible Study. Just as Jesus redirected Mary, He also steers us back to the right course. We must slow down and stop being anxious about life events so we may spend more time in service to the Lord.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Grand Rising Verse-Saturday, September 7th, 2024

“And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:”

Luke 10:41 KJV

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Night Prayer-Friday, September 6th, 2024

Dear God, You are amazing! We respect Your power and are grateful for Your presence in our lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Night Inspiration-Friday, September 6th, 2024

The people were amazed when the disciples began to speak in tongues, making it possible for all nations to understand them as they shared the Word of God. How many times has God left us speechless? We have encountered many problems He has helped us solve. We have also celebrated many joyous occasions, always knowing that He is responsible for the incredible outcome. We are in awe of our amazing God!

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Night Verse-Friday, September 6th, 2024

“And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?”

Acts 2:12 KJV

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

Oh my gosh, way too cute. I want one.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP

🙏❤️🤗🕊️In closing. Thanks for joining me for today's Guided Prayer by You Version. Take a moment to process what stood out to you, and feel free to stay in this space for as long as you need. Wishing you and yours a blessed and beautiful Friday. Remember to love and watch out for one another. Check on your neighbors, call a loved one, and continue to share and spread God's love to all. Light overcomes the darkness. Love conquers Hate. Peace and Unity is what strengthens us. Stand up for GOD. He is our provider, protection, strength, guidance, peace, comfort, joy, and love through it all. Turn to Him and let it all go. Let Him fight for You.🙏❤️🤗🕊️

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
Psalms 118:8 KJV

Take a moment to think about where you put your trust. God wants you to come to Him for protection and guidance. Right now, ask God to show you where you need to trust Him more.

Child of GOD. Love GOD, JESUS, Hubby Mick of 33 yrs, Kids and Family. NO DM'S #GodWon #WWG1WGA JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR #ISTANDWITHTRUMP


God, thank You for the truth of Your Word. I rest in Your promises and the knowledge of who You are. Fill me with a deeper desire to read Your Word and pursue an intimate relationship fueled by prayer. I want to draw closer to You-my loving Father. In Jesus' Name, Amen.