@NCForAllTheMisguidedI’m here for our President and Humanity, I could write a book. I come from military family background! I am a mom this i...
Teacher _03
@teacher3Wife of Patriot_55, Mother of Twins, Grandmother, Retired Third Grade Teacher, Texas Patriot---In Jesus I live, move, an...
@mostcommonsenseangelJESUS IS REAL! AND MY SAVIOUR! Trump supporter 100% - (You'll find out!) A loving BOOMER Grandmother & A Texas farme...
ca_ inspired_ex..
@ca_inspired_excitedOne with my Creator; a mom, grandma & great grandma; a lover of animals; And an UNYIELDING DJT supporter!
Qs Pawn4- Z17
@jgkagen5From tropical waters to desert sands to temperate farmland. Imperfect child of God. #MAGA, #Savethechildren, WWG1WGA, ...
ol_ cowboy
@ol_cowboyFor Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General ...
Bob Enslow
@cmbwsuUSAF 1966 - 1989. This my final decision is not necessarily the last one I'm going to make!
Odis Trull
@Brighthammer1961Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my fir...
Sunny Smiles
@SunnySmilesPatriot, 1 with God, #WeAreWinning, Encourager, Love is the Key, WWG1WGA~ #FREEDOM~ Sovereign~ Gratitude~ Grace~
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Vincent Ke..
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Ghost Ezra
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Santa Surf..
@SantaSurfing -
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Kim Runner
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