B.. J..
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do you have anyother link to this video outside of anonup. i want to share it with family.. thanks

thank you for sharing the article!

Trump is the shield for the American people. DS can't sleep knowing he's still out there. DS is after us, but they have to get pass the shield.

Juan is a true patriot, like many others. I always look fwd to his interviews. Hes very positive and cheerful. Some day we'll learn his true identity.

Making me hungry!
My day is peachy, I think i'll top it off with cream!

you're doung a great job, continue enforcing the sites policy.Everyone needs to Play by the rules or you're removed from the discussion!

Raise your hand, if yoy're surprised at the Republicans that agreed to umpeachment.
They will burn in Hell, when America Wins.

i'm sorry for saying this .
But, What the HELL FOR?
the evidence has already been exposed, yet nothing happened.
i'm sick of signing petitions that are meaningless.
The last few years have drained me.

I hope the wall that encloses Washington DC also encapusates the Castle Rock Movie Studio.
These people are stupid.

pucture is phony, the blades aren't moving,

D-Day commemoration in England.
75th anniversary


kabuki theater🍿

It was Q that open our eyes to the dark. Poiticians are a den of theives. They steal our freedom, our money, and way of life. Courts are corrupt, main stream media is a joke. Big tech spoon feed us garbage.
Their common agenda destroy America.
Not happening on my watch. America is bigger than the handful of criminals. No Deals, Punishment will come.
Take a deep, ..Never Give Up, Never give In!
Pray for America and our Military

Someone setup that Fake account.
Not true

I'm all in.
Nothing Can Stop what is Coming
Pray for America




Hold the Damn Line!

Trump blowing up the swamp and taking their property.
Send it to Biden's BUILD BACK BETTER band of cohorts and conspirators.
🇺🇸 Panic In DC 🇺🇸


why did she wear the White Hat dress at Trumps State of Union Address?

I remember when Melania sick, I thought the same thing. Pure Evil!

National City CA, Navy base.
We used to refer National City as "Where the Sewer meets the Surf"

Watch the water.

I hope Hillary doesn't suicide him.