well well well
circle what?!
guess the camera person mis understood took it as a cue😂😂😂😂😂
H/T to Douglas Belmore on Gab

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President Donald J. Trump Is Our Commander In Chief. U.S. Army Vietnam Era Veteran 6/72 -7/79 Ex Lead Guitarist

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication
In response Mike Littlejohn to his Publication

There is a camoflaged door in the oval office, which is common in buildings of the era. In this image, it's ajar... maybe staff were bringing in or taking out something.

In response Mike Littlejohn to his Publication


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In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Wow! morons! This is not a game and i don't appreciate trying to play with us like their food.

A Christian Patriot from the Beautiful state of Oregon. Praying and interceding for ALL Patriot Warriors. Pres Trump is STILL my President!

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

They must think we're stupid! There is nothing this close to the White House, the real one not the fake one! Lol

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

there is a red brick building on one side of the white house, but I don't think it is close enough to this room to see this clearly. I could be wrong.

Only followers of this user (@TrumpPatriot226) can see their posts

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In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

What a piece of badly constructed crap! i have been in that room...that is NOT that room!!!

#Yeshua #DigitalSoldier ... Adonai demands of you — no more than to act justly, love grace and walk in purity with your God. ~ Micah 6:8

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

THis was taken the day President Trump was pulled from the press briefing room when shots fired outside Whitehouse. Secret service standing outside. REd building top left corner can barely be seen here

Only followers of this user (@TrumpPatriot226) can see their posts

In response Faith 777 to his Publication

you cant see that part from press room

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In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Looks like we're looking Northwest outside of the window. The green booths would be press booths, the white building behind is the blair house, and the brown building behind that is the office of management and budget

Lived whole life in South Australia and am a huge Trump supporter. Married for 50 years

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

If you pause the video just prior to the photographers walking in the door you can see the cars parked outside the building

Patriot / Health & Freedom Fighter / Holistic Healing/ Spiritual Conservative / Truth Warrior #WWG1WGA #GodWins No DMs Please

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

So in this vdeo, it's showing JB's Oval office at Castle Rock, but I think the "Press Room" is at the other end and that is the red building seen outside the window, right across the street.


For God, For Peace, For Love, For Freedom. Focus on Jesus, Not the storm. In need of encouragement? Provider of uplifting messages.

In response Chula Firefly to his Publication

I thought that as well but upon investigating I no longer think that.
Here is 3D imagery of the studio whitehouse. The photo shows windows with arches on top. The studio WH windows dont have arches. You can explore here: https://www.google.com/maps/@34.0254875,-118.3928186,87a,35y,175.87h,75.03t/data=!3m1!1e3

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"Seek wisdom, not knowledge, knowledge is of the past, wisdom is of the future." - Proud California Trump supporter ... 🔥

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Culver City

#wwg1wga #thegreatawakening #godwins im a patriot from the land chosen by the true order of templars

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

im on 80 /20 % the only thing i still dont get the red house is too close

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

I love you all and I love President Trump #wwg1wga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

In response Angel’s Heaven to his Publication

awww...shucks 😥

In response Angel’s Heaven to his Publication

ok so we need to figure out the other meanings for Castle Rock

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GOD WINS - Humanity Wins - Share Love and Light- 111 #SaveTheChildren #MAGA #Q #ANONS #WWG1WGA

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

They are getting sloppy.

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

I hope the wall that encloses Washington DC also encapusates the Castle Rock Movie Studio.
These people are stupid.

Patriot, Love America, Hate the D.S.

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

The pics match?? I don't get it.


In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Mark Zuckerburgs hair is lovely!

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

George News posted a pic on 1/4/2021 of Kayleigh in the briefing room. Compare to Psaki.

In response Miss sc sunshine to her Publication

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣

In response Miss sc sunshine to her Publication

To quote Elaine on Seinfeld:

Fake, fake, fake, fake

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ANdON ANdON We Go ~The Best Is Yet To Come ~ Family Is Everything ~ Mind/Body/Spirit Health

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication


Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...

In response Tiffany R369 to her Publication

LOVE that meme!

ANdON ANdON We Go ~The Best Is Yet To Come ~ Family Is Everything ~ Mind/Body/Spirit Health

In response Tiffany R369 to her Publication
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Only followers of this user (@SweetTinTexas) can see their posts

Care about my family, friends and population of this Earth. Don't know much but care about truth, hope and a higher consciousness

In response SweetTinTexas ... to her Publication

I am understanding that the seal is only up for when the President is behind the podium. I want this as bad as anyone else but....

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Hold the line is at 9.412.10%, let's get this done!! #WWG1WGA

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

😎Take a look at this photo, I like to back up a claim. the real press room.

Greenville SC Trump 19th President of the USA

In response mark kub to his Publication

but cant be used bc of stupid covid right?

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Care about my family, friends and population of this Earth. Don't know much but care about truth, hope and a higher consciousness

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Care about my family, friends and population of this Earth. Don't know much but care about truth, hope and a higher consciousness

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

There are green awning off on an angle from press room as well as gates on the other side of the walkway outside the pressroom.

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Now that we know where Pedo Joe is hiding, we should organize a ralley to smoke the little rat traitors out. Gov Newscum would probably have the cops down to Culver City in no time to arrest everyone. You know, now that us Americans are the only terrorists in our own country while the commie scum is allowed to loot, burn, and destroy stuff with no issues.


In response Chris Duke to his Publication


In response Chris Duke to his Publication

if you take more than they can arrest then yall could citizen arrest the cops for working for terrorist. its time we do some of this ourselves.

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Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication


"The official announcement of military law was on January 20th at 12:00 a.m. The mainstream media were all notified by the U.S. Military Goverment. They turned a blind eye to it. Biden, 355 congressmen, 109 senators and 464 elected arrested."


In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication

Charlie Ward great nice guy, but he off terribly. Joe Biden is dead. There's an actor playing him somewhere in the USA. No he wasn't arrested recently because he's been dead since 2019. It's why I hate Youtube. I believe Charlie means well but is highly misinformed with regards to actual Q drops. Great movies have great actors. Joe Bidan is an actor.

Here for God and Country. WWG1WGA Psalms 23

In response Q2Infinity 5D Earth to her Publication

🤣🤣🤣 We could only pray this is true. We keep hearing so much yet seeing so little.

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🙏 GOD WON. 🙏 Jesus is the Way. 🙏 Love Won. ❤️ Love and Light ⭐️💙WWG1WGA 🕯I Love All Y’all 🥰 #KennedyVision #FamilyIsEverything 💙☀️🦋

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication


Love God and country, nature lover, No fear only Faith✨✨The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want♥️

Like it, secret code? 👍😂

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In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

too funny!!

I'm here for a reason #FamilyIsEverything

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Castle Rock Productions 😂

Been digging since 9/11. Suspended by Osama Dorsey in the great purge. Here for the finale... NCSWIC

In response Grasshopper TAFKAG to his Publication

Last time I debunk this on here. Logging back on later....