Amy Freedom
1 month ago

Amy Freedom

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In response Michael Phillips to his Publication

Thank you, Michael. Means more than you know.

In response Lisa Shepard to her Publication

❤️Thank you, Lisa

In response April Evans to her Publication

Pasadena, CA is the worst!!

In response Ché Trust-The-Plan to his Publication


Good one!

In response Odis Trull to his Publication

Yes, agree. I worked at an airport and we had to keep a very wide perimeter around planes on the taxi way, even in vehicles to prevent getting blown over.

In response P.Q.Anon PCP to her Publication
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication

Right when Trump says Jesus Christ (43 sec) the flags behind him start waving like crazy! Pretty cool!

In response P.K. PKL to her Publication

It was stated in the email it's supposedly anonymous. I doubted it, which was why I was careful with my answers.

In response r363l l10n to her Publication

Every one of my co-workers who have gotten vaccinated have also had to take on average 2-5 sick days after.

In response Robert Travers to his Publication
In response LightHeartAnon • LHA to her Publication

Which season/episode?

In response The Real One to his Publication

Or work, in executive meetings, unfortunately.

In response Jamie Wagner to his Publication

Weren't a lot of these taken down?

In response Marie Nutz to her Publication

What the... ???

In response Lisa Hill to her Publication

A few have posted this, but it's been taken down...

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

What are they trying to sell after this incident?...🤔

In response _Z_D21_ ... to his Publication


In response WyomingFree Girl to her Publication

Nicely said. Agree.

In response NEO ONE to his Publication


In response Jim Cue to his Publication

Agree... and to top it off, the security guard wearing the same mask proceeded to put my description out on his radio and called for backup when I refused to wear said mask...

In response mark kub to his Publication

Yes, it would. I don't know who the original source was... Santasurfing posted it on her Telegram.

In response Lion ess to her Publication

Insanity... clown world for sure

In response Miss Kek to her Publication


In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication


In response Samantha Greenwood to her Publication

😂 "Who cares!"

In response Samantha Greenwood to her Publication

😂 "Who cares!"

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

He said "single solitary"... that's him, that's his voice, his smirk. It's just that now he has dementia and is a puppet.

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Agree. In L.A. and was chased down in Target when I walked in without a mask. I went to pick up an order at a restaurant and stepped in the doorway without a mask and the manager reprimanded me, while everyone else with a mask looked at me with disapproving eyes... I just raised my eyebrows, like, "Really?".... Individuals cannot do much to instill change with the sheeple following the masses off the cliff.

In response Rachel T22 to her Publication