Fuck masks. Fuck Fauci. Fuck anyone wearing a mask. I don't care if you think you have to. You continue to make the world shitty by accepting bullshit. The mask thing will NEVER end if you cowards continue to put up with this insanity.

I am a hairdresser if I do not wear a mask I'd lose my clients I have worked for for 30 years only because they are not red pilled Do I take the chances of losing 50% of my income?? Not everybody can make the choice not to wear a mask something needs to be done now!

Formally known as 1RedCracker, God Lovin’ Bible toting, Gun slinging, Crusader of Truth! I support DJT! Navy Vet~Not looking for Love 💕
You forgot ~Spine! These MOFOS need a dam spine! OH and where has the Flu gone?

Toss them rags!!!!!

Christian, Mother, Southern California conservative #MAGA #KAG
i live in socal i do not wear a mask 😷nope 👎people need to stand up and say no more. i will not take the vaccine. nope 👎

Father, husband, Patriot, combat vet and defender of the constitution.
Fauchi is essentially "i cough" spelled backwards. credit to me. lol

Family is everything. I am here to stay connected with family and to support President Trump and patriots 🇺🇸
my 86 year old mom went into the tag agency and they told her to put a mask on she refused then they brought her a mask and told her she needs to out it on. she refused and called them nazis. Im proud of her😊

I agree and am doing my best to buck the trend. However; there are those that fearfully drive the agenda and HR, H&S and management comply and mandate them. Company Doctors are instructed by government officials to rarely give exemptions for health reasons. Workers rights are being violated and Constuitional rights overuled wrongly for the so called greater good.

A believer in truth, love, and kindness!💞 Donald Trump, is my President! Trust the plan!🇺🇸❤️🦅❤️🇺🇸
Those that are not awake are the problem and there are many of them, unfortunately.

A believer in truth, love, and kindness!💞 Donald Trump, is my President! Trust the plan!🇺🇸❤️🦅❤️🇺🇸

ANdON ANdON We Go ~The Best Is Yet To Come ~ Family Is Everything ~ Mind/Body/Spirit Health
With you, Doq! Unfortunately too many sheep where I live, still seeing 99% of them wearing a mask even while jogging solo outdoors. It's maddening to be in the company of so many complicit cowards who in turn shun me for not being a masked SJW.

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!

God loving American seeking truth and freedom. Will never back down to demons!
I am from Wyoming and this is a recent news interview about our great state. Masks are for suckers. lol

A big portion of the population is in a mindset of "go along to get along" I HATE that mindset! Come on people!

"Family Is Everything" We are 1 Family PURE BLOOD FREE THINKER WWG1WGA Pro2A Conservative ULTRAMAGA KAG SiVisPachemParaBellum GOD BLESS ✝️
I got kicked out of the gym again today for refusing to wear a mask. So in the backyard again.

Doq it's crazy! In NY we have people getting pissed and asking how we sue these stores refusing service for no masks and then you have people lining up for the vax and now wearing 2 masks 🤦♀️

Agree 100 %.
#Fuck masks and fuck people wearing a mask

God, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot, digital warrior, American State National, Common Law lady.
My husband was in the hospital recently because he was having a hard time breathing and thought he was having another heart attack. They made him put a mask on when he couldn't breathe!! Talk about trying to kill someone. When they admitted him to the hospital, all of the elderly people on the cardiovascular floor had masks on while in their private hospital rooms. We had the nurses and doctors down our throats telling us to put our masks on when they enter our room. By the way, the hospital was not crowded and the emergency room only had a few patients. Our state has a Democratic govern

God, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot, digital warrior, American State National, Common Law lady.

WWG1WGA I am a child of GOD and only god for I-AM 9
Get this i just found out that MATT HANCOCK in the UK got his pandemic stratagy from the movie contagion yep he listening to a movie and not real experts UK is doomed

They tried to bury us, [They] didn’t know we were seeds
Turns out, Men In Black is a documentary. Stock up on Tabloids! lol. Crazy times.. Keep the faith!!! ❤️

Awesome. Totally agree. Fuck masks. I hate them so much. I refuse to wear one at work. Luckily my boss lets me.

🙏 GOD WON. 🙏 Jesus is the Way. 🙏 Love Won. ❤️ Love and Light ⭐️💙WWG1WGA 🕯I Love All Y’all 🥰 #KennedyVision #FamilyIsEverything 💙☀️🦋
I agree ✅💯#FookMasks . Ya should check out My FB. I cannot believe people still wear a mask 🤦♀️#NOMask#NOMaskEver.#FookFauci

I have never worn one. People look at me like I'm the crazy one. LOL

God, Family, MAGA, Truth Seeker/Follower Trump is my 19th President!
Ah Doq- have been thinking this all day! I live in a very small town- less than 1500 people between 2 town (in Cali), This mask thing has reached epic proportions here . We have one grocery store in town. One. The nearest other is 25 miles away. BOTH now reqyuire masks to enter. Yesterday I was kicked out of our store (with a medical exemption yet), Now we haveto drive 75 miles EACH way to go to a grocery store in another county. Yes FUCK MASKS and FUCK this California Commie gov't who deprives me and everyone else of our God given basic human rights. Oh and by the way our sheep filled communi

I am a nurse who works with the homeless in a shelter. i am 2000% against masks, have no belief in the lies about CV and would sie before taking the very dangerous and satanic 'vaccine' BUT because our funding this year is from CV grants and there are strict 'rules' and stipulations in the grants outlining what we can and can't do, i have to wear a mask and so do the guests in the shelter. many have respiratory health issues and also mental health issues that are increased by the use of masks. It's been bery tough to say the least. I won't abandon my work or clients so I have to so my best to

we are the RESISTANCE!

I agree completely, so can someone please tell me why every Military officer in DC is wearing one? The secret service wear. It makes no sense to me. They should be setting rhe example IMO.

Navy Vet || WV Proud || The best is yet to come! || WWG1WGA
I won't wear a mask. Makes me feel like I'm helping the traitors.

I have never worn one of these masks and I never will ! As for the vaccine let me say they can shove it up their ass !! 🤢😷😂

I had some great pics to add but now the photo loading isn’t working !!

fuckin' a right brother. it ends when we say it ends.