17Ways FromSunday
3 years ago

17Ways FromSunday

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In response _Z_D21_ ... to his Publication

Welcome back Z. Thanks for the sentiments. Same, back at ya, mate.

In response Tom Carr to his Publication

Thank you for posting this Tom. The late Christopher Hitchens also mentioned the truth about this wretched child trafficker in his published works.

In response Cindy Whitney to her Publication

Same here Cindy. Redpilled by Alex Jones back then and more importantly, the late great Michael Ruppert R.I.P. He investigated the shit outta 9/11 and was the first to talk about the very confusing joint war games going on that day, presided over by the evil Dick Cheney. Ruppert's book on the matter: Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.

In response _Z_D21_ ... to his Publication

All good here. Holding the line and seeing great progress being made by the Patriots. I'm sure the momentum from those wins in the US will eventually come through and steamroller the bullshit happening in Aus.

In response _Z_D21_ ... to his Publication

As a father of a son in SOER, I thank you for this recognition and respect shown to our Aussie special forces. They deserve our full and undying respect for what they do and have done. Great work Z_D21.

In response Eric Larson to his Publication

And you sir, need to face the truth. Real Anons always search for the sauce. I never said the election fraud was not true... you idiot. I just said this particular dataset was faked. Now, how about you stop playing to the shills and spreading bullshit!
Go ahead and show me the proof that I am a tool of the DS. I have only ever sought the truth in supporting the greatest president that ever was and still is. If we believe in bullshit, then we look like the clowns. Do you get that? CLOWN!

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Aha!@ghostezra, I don't bame you for posting this without sauce, as I just saw that Gen. McInerney posted it to his Telegram account. I too though he was a trustworthy sauce. WTF is that old fox doing bullshitposting. Trying to get everyone worked up.
I guess we all have to be careful on believing what the old General says now. What a shame.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

C'mon Anons! We're better than that. Sauce!
To quote a great Anon@ghostezra "we don't want to appear gullible" :-) I'm just tryin' to work with you fren, not agin' ya.
A quickTineye search says:
Pic first found 24NOV2017


In response Jackie Joe to his Publication

And at the time, Silverstein (the guy who is recorded as saying "Pull It" for building 7 ), had a yuuuge problem with WTC1 and WTC2. They suffered from galvanic corrosion due to the mixed use of aluminium fascia panels attached to the steel structural beams. The buildings were set to be demolished in any case, by 2007. At a yuuuge cost to Silverstein. Unless of course... the buildings were "accidented" like a Clinton acqaintence car crash.

In response 17Ways FromSunday to his Publication

All I'm saying is that I and I'm sure ever Anon out there, wants truth from Juan O Savin. Not the obvious bullshit he was spinning about a very common mackeral sky pattern. :-) If he bullshits us about the sky, then what else might he be bullshitting about? We just want the damned truth at this crucial moment in history.

It's all good my friend. I'm not arguing with you. Just dropped in here at the link to Juan's video, to help find some truth for our movement.

In response Truth Seeker 4444 to his Publication

Yep. Agreed. There are definitely such things as Condensation Trails where airliners vapourise the ice crystals at high altitude. There is also most definitely a chem trail program going on in the United States at the very least. We know the evil Bill Gates wants to "block the Sun" [idiot that he is].

Let me clarify my comments and dismay in exactly what Juan O Savin was saying, where he spoke about him knowing about and having witnessed weather experiments where [they] "pulse" the clouds. As a boat owner himself, Juan should bloody well know a mackeral sky when he sees one. :-)

In response Truth Seeker 4444 to his Publication

Thanks for posting the link@truthseeker4444 . I usually like Juan O Savin's presentations, however in the first five minutes, this one sent my bullshit meter off scale. As a trained mariner, I took meteorology classes and we were taught about a "mackeral sky" and how that meant change was coming. Something to watch out for, when out to sea, especially in a sailing vessel. Nope, not for Juan, he describes the sky as something that is "weather controlled" and pulsed. I call bullshit on his description on this occasion. (even though I know there are some valid weather control methods out

In response OGAnon K3nob1 to his Publication

Here you go Champions. Same full 29 minute vid on the BitChute:

Most shocking if true. Indeed an excellent Q proof, if true.

I know what I think - that's why I shared as OGAnon did. Decide for yourself.

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

PS. It's great to see the support welling up for Mike Lindell.

In response Jimbo _66 to his Publication

I love Bannon and his team's work on the warroom.org . BUT.... I can't wait to rub his nose in it when the real POTUS45 and his Q Team prevails in the biggest win the planet has seen, for a couple of thousand years. We're all human. We can be wrong at times. Even Bannon and Kasaam.

In response james wafer to his Publication

There's no way I'm going to believe such a controversial post, without the proper sauce link to an established validated account for the great Mike Pompeo.

Extra info FWIW with H/T to original producer and author:
This vid's origin: YT user Bonfire Guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKdsVNESPoY
Premiered 13OCT2020 and is based on the long pinned thread of now deleted Twitter user 3days3nights

In response RHQ Butterfly to her Publication

Remember what POTUS45 has been saying all along...