17Ways FromSunday
3 years ago

17Ways FromSunday

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Dr. Fauci.... Built a creature!

For those who think their lone voice doesn't matter in this fight...
Please, never ever forget the great Lech Walesa and his giant accomplishment... especially in defeating the Commies. 🙂

General Flynn Brings Hope interview 2/16/21

Project Camelot's Kerry Cassidy interviews Robert David Steele and discuss current political situation, as well as Robert's four expose documentaries currently in work. In my opinion, as informative as any interview with Juan O Savin, regarding the current political situation and what may come in the following weeks.

And a very Happy President's Day to President Donald J Trump!
Complete respect to you sir. o7

Just WTF is McInerney playing at? I'd like to hear Gen. Flynn's comments on this Telegram post from McInerney. McInerney is playing a very dangerous game, assuming patriots are not in control, when there's every indication PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL. and our last instruction was to HOLD THE FUCKING LINE!!!
Sauce: https://t.me/GeneralMcInerney/182

h/t OutlawJW from Gab
He speaks TRUTH.

Biden returns to White House aboard Marine One.
Dear Anons, as much as I hate to see this and to know it's true, I have to face the reality that Biden is in the REAL White House - for the moment. This all looks very much like the real thing to me. (Even if he may not be real.)
Here's the vid from Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9236903/Biden-arrives-work-Marine-One-House-pushes-COVID-package-3-600-child-tax-credit.html

Very disappointing to see they allowed#FakePresident onto Marin One and also saluted him. Both of which, he has not earned, nor deserves.

If this is a movie we are watching, it sure is one big horror show.

2021 - A Mask Odyssey
h/t original producer. YT - Turn Off Your Tv News

General McInerney brings the PAIN!

Hunter Biden's laptop.


SitRep Analysis From the boards. H/T to original author/s.


What is Giving Aid and Comfort To The Enemy?
Sauce: https://www.jstor.org/stable/787437?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

Treason and Aiding the Enemy.
Sauce: https://www.loc.gov/law/mlr/Military_Law_Review/275477~1.pdf pg. 43