Fighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badge of honor
is there another way to be tested? My husband has to go in for spine surgery and they said he needs to be tested
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
I had to get hernia op back in '20 and when they asked when they could get me in to be tested I politely and firmly said i would not be tested.
When nurse said 'but they require testing for all surgery' I again firmly said 'well I wont be tested'.
Nurse then said 'well let me go make a phone call and maybe they'll take you off the list' .. (list??)
She came back 5 min later said I was 'off the list' .. see you next week for surgery.'
You have to make your mind up and stick to it.
They get paid big$ to perform operations I figure .. are they going to let one get away over a test that they KNOW is bogus to begin with?
This technique has worked every time I've had to enter hospitals during the plannedFAKEdemic. My take away is that the entrance table brigade are basically there for show and once you're inside walking the halls nobody could care. Once again because they ALL know the MASKS are BOGUS and it's not their job anyway.
One doctor's unmasked ofc personnel even said they didn't wear them in their office but only put them on to go out into the hall. Again, all show. I just decided from the jump to nonchalantly refuse to play along and I've mostly been left alone. Menards being the only big box joint this whole time that refused me entry, which, after calling the manager down and telling him I would NEVER spend another dime in their stores, I've never been back and never will .. ;)