God loving American seeking truth and freedom. Will never back down to demons!
I could sure use some positive vibes. Trying everything I can to stay positive. The hubby has been on a doom and gloom rampage for the past month. He's a good man, but something is pushing him to such negativity lately. His PTSD is getting the better of him and I have tried everything I can think of to help him. I've stayed positive with him, but I am breaking down. Please say a prayer for him.
I feel ya. I have a negative Ned, too. 😞
Good thing I also have Jesus is all I can say. ☺️
God loving American seeking truth and freedom. Will never back down to demons!
Sad thing he has never been like this. It's breaking my heart. He's attacking me for no reason what-so-ever. I am not engaging, but trying to calm him down. I jist pray for him. I pray to God every day for his comfort and protection.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Have you tried anointing your house?
You can put a tiny bit of oil in a little dish and pray over it asking God to bless it for anointing your house. Then dip the tip of your finger in it, and go from door post to door post, anointing each side of the door post in Jesus' name while speaking out loud (words = energy frequency vibration). This is what I say: "I anoint this house in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Anything that is not holy, I bind you up and command you to go and never return, in Jesus name.". You'll want to anoint your bed frame also.
I go kinda extreme on the anointing stuff in Jesus' name already. I shall now take it up a notch to include the bed frame. ☺