Do you think that our "knowing" is more than just intuition? Is it part of our DNA...bc we've all been here before?

My first question has been what is intuition? Are we hamstrung by semetics, and what does “intuition” really mean? Is it information in our DNA, is it that we somehow are tapped into a universal soul family collective, or? I often feel that i watched all this becore, therefore I knew, but it was like watching a movie that i could fast forward and reverse through many lifetimes.
But it always goes back to the stars in Orion! 🤷♀️

What a great question. I do believe we have all been here before, & brought what we learned with us.. My sister is slightly intuitive, but nothing like me. Stories I could tell. I have had time stand still. I have had a voice speak in my ear 'look behind you right now". Instant decisions made against normal reaction have saved my life, & those with me, numerous times. I could never be put under hypnosis. I am too awake. I know when I have to act immediately, & when I have to just watch the trainwreck happen. I believe that when we are born, our death dates have already been set, & it doesn't matter where you are, or what you are doing, if it is your time, you will die. If it isn't, people will say it is a miracle you survived.(I asked a drunk drive how he got out of a totaled car. He didn't know. I don't know either, because there was no way I could get into the car). What would be interesting to know, is how many here have always been awake. I believe we are immune to mind control.

Intuition? Discernment? Energy? IDK!
Nonetheless, Am Feeling Blessed! 🙏💗

Mine is. Very seldom wrong. Some details off but basically correct.

Truth Seeker,Pro-Life,#Qanon,#GOD-WINS,#Trump,#TheGreatAwakening,#WWG1WGA
I think we’ve all been here before, at times it feels like déjà vu

Grateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam
Intuition has gotten me the answers I needed in life 77% of the time. Whether its God direct, God talking to me through my DNA, pineal, or whatever mechanism, I’m grateful for the inner guidance.

Grateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam
The other 23% is pain. No pain no gain!

A healer with many hats. Nature Mom is my fav Do from your heart and you will never be wrong Happily married to my soul mate
absolutely! i also believe the quicker you "come back" the more you remember from the past life

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.
Knowledge is not stored "in" our DNA as far as I'm aware.
Just as the radio signal is not stored in the antenna or the analog-to-digital converter.
We are a transciever and our dna is part of that physical mechaniam that sends and recieves to the infinite potential of infinite potential.
A gift and an astonishing responsibility.

It receives current or near future information not past.

Wordsmith, Lightworker, Anon, Human Design 1/3 Splenic Manifestor Holding the Light is my Soul Purpose
yes. 100%

I honestly don’t know. I do know that from a young age I’ve been more in tune than my friends or even my siblings. Maybe God just chooses certain people from different timelines to try to wake others up. I hope He chose me and I’ve been trying for many years.

I had an imaginary friend with me for years that I actually conversed with. My family humored me.

100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
I don’t know if I’ve ever been here before…I always thought that I had because there seemed no way I could know some of the things I know, from this lifetime of experiences alone.
So I tried to fine out…..Years ago I & several girlfriends went to a lady who was supposed to be very good at doing past life regressions. I was so positive going into it, thinking I was the perfect candidate. The lady had absolutely no problem putting each one of my friends under but when it got to me, as much as I wanted to go under, she couldn’t make it happen. She tried several times but I must have, subconsciously, not allowed her in. I remember being so bummed! I think now, it was protection. I wasn’t supposed to know & neither was anyone (continued 👇🏼)

100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞
I have sense come to the conclusion & am quite content with the thought, that I will know when it’s time to know, & not before. I do believe we are all here for a reason, preplanned, if you will. I know I was drawn to you all, I don’t believe it was a coincidence. I think I’ve been searching my whole life & I can tell you,
I don’t really have a clue but I know something, I can feel it…but for now, I will be content in knowing it will all play out as it should & I will know what I need to know when the time comes.
So recently this bizarre thought popped into my head….I have always had this little itchy spot in the hardest place to get to, in the middle of my back. There is nothing there but It drives me nuts!! The other day, when I was scratching my itch, a thought popped into my head….it’s the exact spot where wings would be, if I had them…hmmm, maybe I’ve just been missing mine.

If time was a moving river, and our minds were canoes, how many times could we choose to return to the EXACT same starting point on the river? Fresh new water; but, the river is the same....apparently. So, how many "times" have we chosen to live this exact life via our mother's womb? Why was the Movie "Ground Hogs Day" meaningful? A great teacher of mine once said: "What's the difference between Wisdom and a 'Mistake' ?"

I don’t believe in reincarnation. I believe each soul is unique, as created by God. Each soul is also eternal, but, where that eternity is spent, Heaven or Hell, depends on how we live our lives here, and what our answer to God is when he offers us His gift of grace. Yes or No = free will. I believe God wants all to be saved, but, He needs our cooperation to make it happen. I believe that when we are living in a state of grace, then the Trinity dwells in us. Call it intuition, a gut feeling, a revelation, a connection — I believe we are all connected to and by our Creator to Him, to each other, and to all of His creation, because, He is the Life Force.
My beliefs are my faith — I can’t speak for anyone else.
Now when it comes to time travel, timelines, portals, etc., I’m just beginning to explore (Thanks VK and all who know much more than me.)
I’m open to the truth, wherever it leads.


❤️I believe it's in your heart.


One Truth, One Song, One Energy - PRINCE. ☔️🕊🚲☮️🎶💜 EVeRyThinG IS FREQUENCY! The ONLY way 2 WIN the Game is 2 NOT play the Game! 🦅🇺🇸😎
Exactly! We were born in an all knowing state of mind. We are one with God source, God is source is one with us as there is no separation. We are here to remember. Its imperative to let go of all attachments to external things and stop existing through others light. In this world we have been trained and programmed to search outside of ourselves for everything when in fact we have it within ourselves to do creatively what we want. Light yourself up in the remebrance that we are light and ativate the power of which we were designed. We are a speck of divinity and need to start operating as such. Everything is now…No past or future but just now. Most of us have experienced many many many lives and some just a few… None of that really matters. The end goal is to realize everything is within and of love… Unity and one. No one is of greater value. The game is to detach from the programming, endoctrination and lies. Love is the highest vibration. That words has no conditions or sides. Hard p

One Truth, One Song, One Energy - PRINCE. ☔️🕊🚲☮️🎶💜 EVeRyThinG IS FREQUENCY! The ONLY way 2 WIN the Game is 2 NOT play the Game! 🦅🇺🇸😎
Hard pill for most to swallow. The sooner we Connect to our knowingness, the sooner we can get out of here as a collective. It has to happen vibrationally/frequency wise. This is when we will be free. Peace and Love.

🐇 Follow me on Twitter if your want, I'm more active over there. @losetoshi
I guess It's encoded within.

Perhaps it's not because we have been here before but because we are drawing from the Morphic field...contributions from past souls...or a combination of both?

I think so. I think our DNA acts like a data bank. Storing memories and experiences much like instinct that gets passed throughout generations of animals. I believe Reincarnation is possible because Earth became a prison. Souls hopping from one body to the next throughout time. That's why we hear (mostly from children) about past lives that they've lived with incredible accuracy. I think Earth has reset points, and we're supposed to leave at those points, but we haven't. We've been trapped in an endless loop and that's why we have accounts of deja vu. Because we've done all of this before. This time, we're breaking the loop.

Which then begs the question. If we've been in a loop and done all of this before and this time we're breaking the loop... why now?

God, family , truth, love, honor ,gratitude forgiveness. Keep inside the cart it's getting bumpy. God bless you all! #familyiseverything
Tesla said all his designs he saw working prior to trying to build. Is all information already here and only time changes and some access different times? Edgar Cayce, the great "sleeping prophet," was actually said to have attained his knowledge of ancient lost civilizations by directly accessing the Akashic Records while in a trance state

Yes. But luck plays a part. You can have the tools and never use them.

🇮🇹/🇬🇧/🇺🇸 ✝️ WWG1WGA 🌏Kindness is Free 💖✨Family is Everything✨💖
idk know Kim. Have always thought intuition comes from noticing things subconsciously and our soul and higher self process the knowing.
Also blv we pick up thoughts from the collective consciousness and process it/them in same way.
So logically we could very well be feeling some past experiences.
For them to be repeating cud mean we're in a time loop?

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
This is why so many of us have had such an increase in de ja vu.
It is because many of us have done all this before.
And since I also believe that soul families tend to find each other or gravitate to the same place, Nana has assumed that many of us here on AU have been together before now.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
I've had De ja vu many times over the years now that I think about. Strange feeling.

The record skips every 200-300 years or so. It's why it's all so familiar.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
This is true many many times before. Some here and some on other planets actually.
Nana has memories of several past lives already some dating back to Biblical times.
I remember a death in times that appear from my clothing and my frens suit of armor to be Biblical or Egyptian times.
This fren has been with me in all of the lives that I remember except this one.
In this life he is my Guide that I speak of for the last 3yrs helping me wake up to my soul powers and my direct connection to God.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
This is true many many times before. Some here and some on other planets actually.
Nana has memories of several past lives already some dating back to Biblical times.
I remember a death in times that appear from my clothing and my frens suit of armor to be Biblical or Egyptian times.
This fren has been with me in all of the lives that I remember except this one.
In this life he is my Guide that I speak of for the last 3yrs helping me wake up to my soul powers and my direct connection to God.

or, perhaps we agreed to the terms of our return...

Everything is energy. 💫 MAGA. WWG1WGA. Feng Shui consultant, Reiki healer, BQH practitioner.

does energy ever disappear or simply change form?
you never get something from nothing; and nothing never begets anything