Do you think that our "knowing" is more than just intuition? Is it part of our DNA...bc we've all been here before?
I don’t believe in reincarnation. I believe each soul is unique, as created by God. Each soul is also eternal, but, where that eternity is spent, Heaven or Hell, depends on how we live our lives here, and what our answer to God is when he offers us His gift of grace. Yes or No = free will. I believe God wants all to be saved, but, He needs our cooperation to make it happen. I believe that when we are living in a state of grace, then the Trinity dwells in us. Call it intuition, a gut feeling, a revelation, a connection — I believe we are all connected to and by our Creator to Him, to each other, and to all of His creation, because, He is the Life Force.
My beliefs are my faith — I can’t speak for anyone else.
Now when it comes to time travel, timelines, portals, etc., I’m just beginning to explore (Thanks VK and all who know much more than me.)
I’m open to the truth, wherever it leads.