Noticing a lot of interesting and subtle changes at the grocery store. Some brands have disappeared, a higher shelf was added, product groupings are different, there are an increasing number of healthier options, organic produce is now mixed in with non and no longer in a separate area, packaging and store labeling is also clearer about the options. The biggest thing I see though, is there are a lot more organic and nonGMO options and because of Bidet's inflation the price of non-organic and GMO foods have risen to almost match the cost of the healthier organic/nonGMO options. For instance today, organic bell peppers were just about the same price as non-organic, just a few cents difference. This was true with many items today. Does this similar pricing stealthily change buying habits and help move the needle without people realizing what's happening? I have to believe this is a sector that is undergoing big changes behind the scenes.🤔
Fighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badge of honor
I agree with you, in fact, I suspect many of these food plants going up in smoke may be a white hat operation to destroy the poison that they have been feeding us for year - time will tell - God Bless
We chose to be here! We are watching the destruction of the old guard.
which grocery store chain?
God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊
I am seeing the same, I look closely at ingredients, I am seeing less ingredients as well. So wonderful!!
#ibelieve All can benefit by living your best balanced life! “Go boldly in the direction of your the life you imagined! ♥️🇺🇸
I’ve noticed this too! Worth putting up with temporary shortages and higher prices for clean food options! ♥️
Married to a 🚒,mom of 3 and a grandma x 2 ! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Moved to Tennessee 6 months ago from California and the produce in the stores isnt the best. I now find myself shopping from the local farms. Love supporting my local farmers.
I haven't noticed about the prices because I usually just head right to the organic produce and don't even look at everything else. I'll have to look at all the produce next time. What I have noticed though is that there seems to be more organic options available and was happy about that.
One thing I have suspected going back to when we seen the farmers destroying their crops was that it was not about creating food shortages, but, that they were really being paid by the white hats to destroy them, so they could plant more healthy crops. And the food shortages would be the highly pesticide food and GMO's disappearing from the grocery stores, but the food shortages would never really be as bad as they wanted us to believe, since they would slowly be replaced with better options.
In the Midwest, watching the corn and soy poison us all, really up-close-like now.
Great post! Helps to explain some food production facilities being taken out. No more human remains in our food OR fertilizer!
Food prices have skyrocketed in Australia, they are saying lettuce will hit AUS$12/US$8.63 soon.
Im glad I can grow a lot of my own food, have expanded to rabbits and soon quail.
I have noticed a few well knowns brands vanishing and a few foreign brands appearing on shelves but there is still a lot of stock missing or constantly low on.
I really hope our bad food is being replaced, trying to hold on to that hope as the alternative is pretty rough.
YESSSSSS❗️👍🏼I’ve been going to the Co-Op to get my organic food like my Watermelon and my Olives, I literally go to 3or4 places to fine my food not kidding 😁 my Organic stuff so that would be nice to see more Organic food in one place👍🏼
🇺🇸I ❤️God, Family and America🇺🇸 Been lurking and learning since 2016, first Q drop, and CBTS. 🙏 Psalm 23 🙏 #GodWins #LoveTrump
chudobnemu sa aj na kameni urodi,hovorieval jeden panko treba sa vrátiť k domácemu pestovaniu pretože sa kvalita výrobkov v reťazcoch zmenila tak, že jeden deň kúpiš ovocie zeleninu a na druhý deň môžeš jedine vyhodiť do koša 🙂to nie je len o potravinách,ale aj o inom tovare. debili pustili do úrodných zón automobilky a všetok odpad vrátane debilov sa dováža zo zahraničia 🤔
Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Our entire food operational system has to be changed
They have been poisoning us in almost everything,
Everything about our entire infrastructure must be changed.
Remember who you are. We Win!! Happily married, mother of 4, nana of 2
makes me look at a lot of the food places that are burning down. sometimes when people dont know, wont believe or dont want to stay away from stuff thats not good for them, it will be taken away from them. when if these are the bad people burning down food processing places to starve us, maybe the goodpeople are taking down the poisoned food
🇺🇸I ❤️God, Family and America🇺🇸 Been lurking and learning since 2016, first Q drop, and CBTS. 🙏 Psalm 23 🙏 #GodWins #LoveTrump
I have noticed change slowing happening since Covid at grocery store. Big name companies are no longer at eye level. I noticed our small local grocery chain continue to increase their name brand items and replace big name products with just about every item now. Packaging has started to change. Healthy items are easier to find.
#ChangeIsHappening ☺️
Ok, so today my husband had to purchase a new phone charger because I accidently took his out of his vehicle thinking it was mine. Anyway he asked the lady at the counter of the gas station if they have any and she points him in the direction and he says are they all $20 and the one lady said no and the manager said yeah they came in a few days ago and took the old stock and removed it and replaced it with those. Not one was made in China (my husband is big on making conscientious purchases) They were made in Vietnam 🤷♀️🤔
FAMILY IS EVERYTHING ✨ WWG1WGA-WORLDWIDE #GodWins 💫💖✨🕊️🙏 🕊️✨ 💖 💫 ⚔️Telegram
organic vegetables & fruit vs supermarket prices in New Zealand are now in par.
I stand in truth ..from Canada! I believed before believing was a thing 💜
The real noticable thing is people are eating less due to less fillers in foods.
I mostly order and pickup the same items so I have not noticed. Maybe I need to make a trip and check it out. What I don’t like about this is regular prices being raised to organic instead of the reverse. I was thinking yesterday that the problem with the raised prices in general is they will stay there and not go back down. But I am happy to see a trend for better food.
I told a friend maybe these food plants being destroyed isn’t a bad thing. We really need to assess what we call food. Been doing my best the last year to only eat whole foods and what I can make out of them. The only boxed food in my house right now is some pasta. Can is veggies or meat, Or recipe ingredients like tomato sauce or broth. I mostly eat fresh or frozen veggies and meats. And I’ve been vaccuum sealing and freezing the fresh to last longer.
last comment: do away with the snack aisles. Except for popcorn and nuts none of it is real food. If you see how potato chips are made you won’t eat them again.
Some things I've been buying organic for years, bananas and carrots, always, it was for the flavor.... I actually tell people who are buying bananas to buy the organic ones, they taste better. I really haven't noticed any food shortages in the last few months, guess it was things I don't normally buy, my trip to the grocery store is usually around the outer perimeter.... the real food that comes without labels and lists of ingredients.
Grateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam
Makes sense since all the poopy gmo food factories have been going ablaze of late. I love the subtle needle moves with people not knowing whats happening the best! Everyone wins and they don’t have to know!!! 😄💛👍🏻👍🏻✨
Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
yes seems someone nudging the people to better choices😘♥️
Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️ Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨
🎵WHQ let the real food out?
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
In the main store I shop they rearranged all the produce, so now to find organic tomatoes you have to go to the tomato area, same with potatoes, fruit, onions. I figured it was a way to get people to buy more since you have to wander thru the whole produce department now. The prices do seem closer than before between organic and non organic.
my mom works in the health food section at the grocery store and she said its true she sees it too
❤️🇺🇸🙏God, family, Trump,America First. Grateful for all the brave who serve. 😘 Mom to 3, Grandma, musician. 🙏🇺🇸❤️
Have noticed same subtle changes, mostly over the past 2 months. First noticed healthier/new milk options arrive about 4 months ago? Good to see more of this happening.
i have not noticed that at my grocery store. all i see i prices going up 😂
Discernment is critical.
Good thinking - a redirect to positive, higher quality foods.
same here UK noticing brands have changed & more organic, also seeing more food recycling going on, supermarket foods out of date being made into meals, sold to families in need for £1, I have been given free samples and enjoyed them
Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS
ok...once more.... on a planet, where the Military fly the planes THAT SPRAY POISONOUS CHEMICALS UPON ALL OUR HEADS. These chemicals float thru the air, land on the ground where the produce is grown & YOU breathe in, for YEARS & YEARS and THEY label produce 'non GMO' as in 'grown without pesticides/Chemicals...and THEY Expect People to Buy the "PROPAGANDA" pay more $$$$ for food that is 'grown in the ground (where the plane sprays). PLEASE THINK. THERE ISNT ANY PART of this Planet, that HASNT BEEN POISONED. FACTS MATTER. WE are ALL doing the BEST WE CAN TO SURVIVE. There is 'NO SUCH THING' as NON GMO....but its a great marketing scam
Shine Your Light On #WORLDWIDEFREEDOM #WWG1WGA #MAGA #MEGA #XRP Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.
That was true, but things have changed
Same here in Nevada
Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
I too noticed healthier options and more organic items. I know things are changing and so slowly no one is noticing.
FAMILY is all in your heart. GOD IS ALMIGHTY IN ALL. MY "TIME" HAS COME NOW. A Texan by state. Member since 2021
...and i thought it was just me....but, yes...changes for the better...I had heard THAT is what the "shortage " was actually about...
getting crap off the mkt and getting people to buy the real food...
Wow. Interesting and highly plausible.